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Search results: (105 matches)
Powwows Powwow: Imola - Italy Non ci sono Mi dispiace Susanna, la gara di Carol è
confermata il 16 pomeriggio...
Claudia Cherici Feb 28, 2019
Italian Tariffe traduzione editoriale romanzi incredibile Non ho parole... Claudia Cherici Dec 29, 2018
Powwows Powwow: Bologna - Italy mi dispiace Mi dispiace, non riesco a organizzarmi Claudia Cherici Oct 23, 2018
Italian GDPR: cosa comporta per noi traduttori? seguo... ecco ti seguo! Claudia Cherici May 15, 2018
Money matters Tariffa per riga agenzia svizzera Dipende dipende da quanti caratteri consideri in una riga.
Comunque per 55 caratteri e quindi 7-8 parole
direi non meno di 0,8 euro
Claudia Cherici Apr 5, 2018
Trados support SDL Studio: I hate it, I hate it, I hate it! Hear hear [quote]Jo Macdonald wrote: Micheal your
"NEVER AGIN" pic made me laugh but I reckon you
just need to learn how to use it mate. My
experience is quite the opposite. I started usin
Claudia Cherici Mar 15, 2018
Italian Possibile truffa Editato Come mai hai dovuto editare questo post? Per le
regole di proz?
Claudia Cherici Feb 10, 2018
Translation Theory and Practice Is my workflow flawed? Working on brochures/manuals for print Added value I'd say that most translators just translate,
review from inside the CAT tool, edit if the
target file is Word or little else, but do not do
DTP. If you have the Indesign software and can<
Claudia Cherici Dec 20, 2017
Trados support Red exclamation point appears on the search button Empty folder? Hi, I don't know if this applies to your problem,
but normally, the red exclamation mark appears
when I try to open a package to a folder that is
not empty. A special folder (emtpy) must b
Claudia Cherici Nov 16, 2017
Powwows Powwow: Imola - Italy cucinot sera se a qualcuno interessa: "Sabato diciamo
arrivederci all'estate con la CENA VEGAN
SICILIANA.. IL MENU: - macco di fave - timballino
di pasta alla norma - polpette di ricotta (di
Claudia Cherici Sep 25, 2017 Translation Contests Plan to close out as many pairs from the last contest as possible, pave the way for new contests streamline voting procedure Hi Jared Thanks for your information. My advice
for the next contests is please streamline the
voting process. This is my old forum comment in
which I explained what happened in my langua
Claudia Cherici Sep 23, 2017
Powwows Powwow: Imola - Italy Cucinot Il Cucinot la sera è chiuso Susanna. Fa delle
serate speciali, tra cui appunto una il 30
settembre (ho mandato l'invito a Fiona). Però se
vogliamo andare bisogna prenotare prestissimo
Claudia Cherici Sep 13, 2017
Powwows Powwow: Imola - Italy Cucinot a me piace molto Fiona, io verrei, se non ho
imprevisti, bisogna vedere gli orari perché mi
pare che d'estate non siano aperti la sera
Claudia Cherici Aug 22, 2017
Trados support Trados 2014 won't open a Word file in 97-2003 or rtf as it "contains changes not accepted"!!?? tricks Have you tried renaming the file, trying another
Word version, or copying the text and pasting it
into a whole new document?
Claudia Cherici Jul 27, 2017
Trados support How may I apply a carriage return to the segment I am translating in Trados? Shift + Enter If I understand your question correctly, try
pressing the Shift and Enter keys simultaneously
Claudia Cherici Jun 7, 2017
Italian Richiesta consigli su Trados e altri CAT tool Milano intanto puoi iscriverti al Roadshow di Milano,
017/milan-roadshow.html. Questi eventi sono
solitamente gratuiti e un'ottima occasione per
Claudia Cherici Mar 24, 2017
Powwows Powwow: Modena - Italy caso clinico Io forse sono a Roma con Carolina l'8 ma non
consideratemi...sono un caso disperato! se mi
libero molto volentieri!
Claudia Cherici Mar 7, 2017
Powwows Powwow: Modena - Italy 1 aprile ciao, che bella idea! purtroppo il 1 aprile non ci
sarei... peccato!
Claudia Cherici Mar 7, 2017
Italian Informazioni sulla S.S.I.T. - SCUOLA SUPERIORE PER INTERPRETI E TRADUTTORI Buongiorno Laura! Scusate l'off-topic ma saluto anch'io con piacere
la professoressa Fenati.
Claudia Cherici Feb 20, 2017
Italian Informazioni sulla S.S.I.T. - SCUOLA SUPERIORE PER INTERPRETI E TRADUTTORI SSIT Io ho frequentato questa scuola post-diploma a
Bologna, tanti anni fa ed era un'ottima scuola,
con insegnanti molto qualificati e con grande
esperienza specifica che mi hanno incoraggiato
Claudia Cherici Feb 16, 2017
Trados support Studio 2014, can't import tmx files into some TMs Thank you Thank you Fedes the tmx file is not corrupt
because I can import it into an empty TM and
create a brand new TM I actually never thought of
the US EN hypothesis...not very likely but I gu
Claudia Cherici Oct 21, 2016
Trados support Studio 2014, can't import tmx files into some TMs Hi everybody, I am currently using Studio 2014
SP2, sometimes when clients send exported TMs as
.tmx files and I need to import them into my own
TMs, I follow the correct importing procedu
Claudia Cherici Oct 21, 2016
Powwows Powwow: Bologna - Italy comunque comunque Fiona l'avremmo raggiunto, se non sbaglio
(visto che alcuni sono in 2) arriviamo a 11!
Claudia Cherici Oct 13, 2016 technical support What happened to term search? Hate the new system The new search tool is rubbish, IMHO. I always
choose to go back to the old one, and yes, it's a
waste of (precious little) time
Claudia Cherici May 8, 2016
Powwows Powwow: Bologna - Italy purtroppo credo di avere un impegno... non credo di riuscirci stavolta Fiona, ho un
impegno proprio il 20 pomeriggio, salvo imprevisti
... :-(
Claudia Cherici Feb 5, 2016
Trados support Account access needed for machine translation with Studio? They do In my experience, you need to enter your SDL
account details to be able to access the SDL cloud
and use Studio-integrated MT....
Claudia Cherici Oct 9, 2015
Powwows Powwow: Bologna - Italy anche CAT l'altra volta non abbiamo parlato tanto del nostro
rapporto con i CAT tools, mi piacerebbe
approfondire. ciao a tutti
Claudia Cherici Oct 5, 2015 technical support Unable to vote in Quick Polls (Staff: fixed) Same here it must be a bug Claudia Cherici Oct 2, 2015
Powwows Powwow: Bologna - Italy spero proprio di sì conto di esserci, figlia permettendo...grazie
Claudia Cherici Sep 18, 2015
Trados support Error in Studio 2014 when typing a comment it does indeed It does work! thanks very, very much Claudia Cherici Aug 19, 2015
Trados support Error in Studio 2014 when typing a comment I don't want to remove AVG! I have paid for a license and I've always used it,
I certainly don't want to have to remove it! SDL
are you there? Please come up with a viable fix
Claudia Cherici Aug 13, 2015
Trados support Error in Studio 2014 when typing a comment same problem I've had the same problem since this morning. When
I try typing a comment in Studio 2014, I get the
message "Attempted to read or write protected
memory. This is often an indication that o
Claudia Cherici Aug 8, 2015
Trados support Help needed to figure out the reason for SDL Trados Studio 2014 Error Message same problem Hi Paul I've had the same problem since this
morning. When I try typing a comment in Studio
2014, I get the message "Attempted to read or
write protected memory. This is often an
Claudia Cherici Aug 8, 2015
Linguistics Please stop saying "I for one". indeed hear hear Claudia Cherici Jul 6, 2015
KudoZ Do you say "thank you" if you get a KudoZ-agree? Why not, indeed It's a polite way of acknowledging the effort made
by agreers. Why not??
Claudia Cherici May 3, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: What is your business's New Year's resolution related to? meaning? [quote]Jon Hedemann wrote: A majority of
translators are women. Never give women the option
"A combination of the above" in a survey. A
majority will choose that option. ;)
Claudia Cherici Jan 2, 2015
Italian Se sei una partita iva, domani scioperi? sciopero bianco Io, vista la nostra particolare condizione di cui
sopra, in altre occasioni facevo una specie di
sciopero bianco: se avevo scadenze improrogabili
lavoravo, ma destinavo una cifra grossomod
Claudia Cherici Dec 12, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have a dedicated bank account for your business? mandatory yes, it is a legal requirement in Italy Claudia Cherici Dec 9, 2014 Translation Contests Translation contest: "Celebrations", congratulations to the first round of winners! My point entirely, Frisco [quote]Frisco wrote: Claudia, I think the
reason you didn't win is because of lower total
voting points. Overall rating is higher, but point
count - lower. My thinking is that overall r
Claudia Cherici Nov 16, 2014 Translation Contests Translation contest: "Celebrations", congratulations to the first round of winners! Ratings Congratulations to the winner in my language pair,
English to Italian, a wonderfully competent
translator. It is, however, a bit baffling to see
that my translation was 4th, despite having
Claudia Cherici Nov 13, 2014 Translation Contests Finals round voting now open in the annual translation contest ? Hi Jared the deadline was days ago....still no
news? when will we know something? thank you!
Claudia Cherici Nov 4, 2014
Being independent Women invoicing less than men Samuel! Samuel! sorry for calling you Simon....! my
bad... aside from that, and unlike what you
say, your statements: "The reason I find it is
likely true is because men are generally less g
Claudia Cherici Oct 17, 2014
Being independent Women invoicing less than men Simon ??? Childcare commitments 11:58 Claudia
Cherici wrote: Mary Worby wrote: I would
assume that, on average, women work fewer hours
because of greater childcare commitments.
Claudia Cherici Oct 17, 2014
Being independent Women invoicing less than men not right... [quote]Mary Worby wrote: But is it based on the
same number of working hours? I would assume that,
on average, women work fewer hours because of
greater childcare commitments. [/quote]
Claudia Cherici Oct 16, 2014 Translation Contests Entries in the qualification round can be "ruled out", a few more adjustments are on the way seeing the stars Jared you must be aware of this, but the rating
window is not visible if you use, for example, a
slightly out of date version of Explorer. This is
what happened to me on one of my PCs an
Claudia Cherici Oct 8, 2014
Trados support 'Unexpected error when detecting file type' new project with different source file name/format Hi did you try creating a new project, slightly
tweaking the name/format of the source file (e.g.
if it was a word file, try saving the original
version to an earlier word version like .d
Claudia Cherici Oct 6, 2014 Translation Contests Entries in the qualification round can be "ruled out", a few more adjustments are on the way Who's the out-ruler? Hi Jared I am not sure I understand: who's doing
the 'ruling out' of the translations unlikely to
win? And how do you determine who to rule out
(i.e. who is unlikely to win) at this stage
Claudia Cherici Sep 12, 2014
Italian bentornato Vincenzo :-) grazie anche da parte mia grazie Daniela, sempre attenta e presente, sei
stata un aiuto prezioso
Claudia Cherici Aug 7, 2014
Health and lifestyle for language professionals Having a baby as a translator - seeking advice you'll make it! Dear EUyounglady first, you're not single! get
the husband to help in any possible way, since
you're in this together. secondly, I had a baby
as a freelance translator and although te
Claudia Cherici May 27, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: How did you get into translating? Always wanted to translate I've always wanted to be a translator, and this
dictated all my choices of an educational nature
ever since high school, too I remember going to
see a book fair with my dad, I must have b
Claudia Cherici May 27, 2014

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