Networking Marathon Oct 4, 2013 Search registrants See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directoryResults (7,927) (Members shown first) |
 | Juan Salanova  You can rely on my Spanish Spain Native in Spanish (Variant: Standard-Spain)  Freelancer | Bio: Ex-teacher and translator Message: Now I run a rural home business. We offer Spanish immersion courses full of activities for a week. Interested? |
|  | | Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia (Association of Indonesian Translators), HPI, 18 years of experience |
|  | Sacha Huynen  Medical and market research specialist Netherlands Native in Flemish  Freelancer | MA-Lessius Hogeschool Antwerpen, 12 years of experience |
|  | | EPIP, BA-EPIP, 25 years of experience |
|  | | OTHER-Linnaeus University, 12 years of experience |
|  | John Lonergan  MBA, technical specialist United States Native in English (Variant: US)  Freelancer | American Translators Association, Translations, Barcelona, MA-Harvard, 22 years of experience |
|  | | Bio: Conference Interpreter and Translator
Message: Hello everybody! |
|  | Lidia Neto  17+ years experience as a Translator Portugal Native in Portuguese  Freelancer | Faculdade de Letras, Universidade do Porto, MA-FLUP,, APTRAD, 19 years of experience |
|  | Sonoko Enami  38 years in medical/life science Japan Native in Japanese  Freelancer | MA-Ochanomizu University, JTF, 39 years of experience |
|  | Mee Sook Kendall  Promoting international understanding Native in Korean  Freelancer | Arizona Translators and Interpreters, Arizona Court Interpreters Association, 29 years of experience |
|  | Jyotsna Bhatia  italian/spanish/portuguese/french-hindi India Native in Hindi  , English  Freelancer and outsourcer | Istituto Italiano Di Cultura, Italian Embassy , De, BA-Delhi University in English,Istituto Italiano Di Cultura,Italian Embassy, French Alliance Francaise de Delhi, Spanish Cervantes, Spanish Embassy. |
|  | | Bio: Hi |
|  | | MA-ESIT (Paris), University of Dublin, Universidad de Sevilla, 30 years of experience |
|  | Roy Kamp  Translations German, English, Portuguese Germany Native in Portuguese (Variant: Brazilian)  , German (Variant: Germany)  Freelancer | Bio: bilingual education in Brazil and Germany, graduated in electrical engineering (MSc), translating since 1999, 100% freelancer since 2012 Message: Hello, my name is Roy from kamp translations (DE, EN, PT/Br) |
|  | Simona de Logu  Interpreter, translator and journalist United Kingdom Native in English  , German  Freelancer | Bio: After a long career in journalism, I decided to take up the new challenge of working as a freelance conference interpreter and translator. I specialize in German – English, but I also work with French, Spanish and Portuguese. I provide interpreting, translation and ed...iting services.
My areas of expertise are economics, finance, business, politics and current affairs due to my professional background as a financial reporter and editor for leading, global, real-time news agencies Reuters and Dow Jones Newswires.
I obtained a BA in Politics from Queen Mary College, University of London, followed by two Diplomas in Translation from the UK Chartered Institute of Linguists and finally a European Masters in Conference Interpreting from the University of Westminster in London.
I am a pre-candidate of AIIC, the International Association of Conference Interpreters, an associate member (ACIL) of the UK Chartered Institute of Linguists and a member of the International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters.More Less Message: Hello everyone and nice to meet you. I wish you all a successful conference and happy networking! |
|  | | ITI, 19 years of experience |
|  | Anna Kosse  15+ years in legal translation Latvia Native in Russian (Variants: Standard-Russia, Standard-Latvia)  Freelancer | MA-The State University of Saint-Petersburg, 20 years of experience |
|  | Magnus Ågård  Thorough and efficient Spain Native in Swedish (Variant: Rikssvenska)  Freelancer | SFÖ, 21 years of experience |
|  | TradRus  Really professional translations Spain Native in Russian (Variant: Standard-Russia)  Freelancer | Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de España (convalidación), MA-Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, APTIC, 32 years of experience |
|  | mariant  Italy Native in Italian  Freelancer | University of Sassari, Italy, , 17 years of experience |
|  | Rebecca Leon  Precise, Professional and Always on Time United States Native in English (Variants: UK, British, US South, US, Canadian)  Freelancer | Bio: A seasoned linguist with over 17 years of professional experience specializing in Spanish-English medical, business and finance translation. Message: I look forwarding to meeting you! |
|  | Frederik Hostens  19 years translation experience Belgium Native in Flemish (Variant: Dutch)  Freelancer | MA-Hogeschool Gent, Departement Vertaalkunde, Belgium, 21 years of experience |
|  | Maria Schneider  When Words are the Best Weapon Poland Native in Polish  Freelancer and outsourcer | STP, TEPIS, 52 years of experience |
|  | | Università Cattolica Milano, MA-Degree in Foreign languages and Literatures Università Cattolica Milano, 36 years of experience |
|  | Carmen Bolaños  LEGAL, FINANCIAL TRANSLATIONS EN>ES Spain Native in Spanish (Variants: Canarian, Standard-Spain)  Freelancer | Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, BA-Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 19 years of experience |
|  | Ilde Grimaldi  ATA accredited, technical and IT Native in Italian  Freelancer | Bio: EN>IT, DE>IT technical translator; busy with proofreading assignments. Uses almost every CAT tool on the market, DVX preferred; 20 years of full time experience. ATA accredited EN>IT since 1999. |
|  | Alrx  IT | Telecom | Audio France Native in French (Variant: Standard-France)  Freelancer | Université de Saint-Boniface, 16 years of experience |
|  | | University of Leipzig, MA-University of Leipzig, Germany, 19 years of experience |
|  | Johanna Liljenzin  Legal and financial excellence Sweden Native in Swedish  Freelancer and outsourcer | Kammarkollegiet ( Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency), FAT, SFÖ, 27 years of experience |
|  | Giacomo Falconi  the right place for IT translations Italy Native in Italian  Freelancer | Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti, Asetrad, Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori di Pescara, BA-SSLMIT Forlì (University of Bologna), AITI, ASETRAD, APTRAD, 19 years of experience |
|  | | Linguistics Degree, GD-Odessa National University, 27 years of experience |
|  | Yana Anufriyeva  Translator English, Ukrainian, Russian Native in Ukrainian  , Russian  Freelancer | Kamyanets-Podilskyi National University, MA-Kamyanets-Podilskyi State University, 23 years of experience |
|  | Andries Conradie  25 years of academic excellence Native in English (Variants: US, South African, UK)  Freelancer | PHD-Stellenbosch University, 41 years of experience |
|  | Starflower  Korean South Korea Native in Korean  Freelancer | 27 years of experience |
|  | Gabriella Csuhai  Medical - IT - Technical Expertise Hungary Native in Hungarian  Freelancer | Szeged University, 24 years of experience |
|  | Kalyani Gadre  Perfectionist in evry sense w 14 yrs exp India Native in English  , Marathi  Freelancer and outsourcer | Bio: I am a professional German to English translator, with certification from the Goethe Institute, strongly believing in quality translations, on-time deliveries and I highly respect the confidentiality of the subject matter. I have a 4 yr. documented experience in the tra...nslation industry. More Less Message: Greetings from this part of the world! |
|  | Micol Barbierato  Italian localization specialist Italy Native in Italian  Freelancer | Bio: I am a technical translator specialized in software localization, website localization and video game localization. Since August 2011 I work as in-house technical translator at Apple Inc. in Cork, Ireland. Message: Hello! |
|  | Laura Navetta  Highly qualified experienced translator Italy Native in Italian  Freelancer | Université Charles de Gaulle - Lille 3, Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, MA-Advanced School for Interpreters and Translators (SSLMIT Forlì - University of Bologna), AITI, 15 years of experience |
|  | Jacqueline Comte  Your needs are my specialty. Canada Native in English (Variants: British, UK, US, Canadian, French)  Freelancer and outsourcer | BA-Dalhousie University - Advanced Double Major - German, Psychology, 18 years of experience |
|  | Sonia López Grande  FR>ES sworn translator. IT>ES, PT>ES Spain Native in Spanish  , Galician  Freelancer | University of Vigo (Spain), Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, MA-Universidad de Vigo, ASETRAD, 21 years of experience |
|  | Carolina Grupe  AVT, Tourism, Education, Insurance Native in Spanish (Variant: Latin American)  Freelancer | Universidad Nacional de Cordoba Argentina, BA-UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE CORDOBA ( National University of Cordoba), CTP (Cordoba - Argentina), 16 years of experience |
|  | Mahmoud Akbari  Magic is in the detail! Canada Native in Persian (Farsi)  Freelancer | Allameh tabatabai University; Tehran, Iran, PHD-Translation Studies; University of Science Malaysia, ATA, 25 years of experience |
|  | Jaime Oriard  20+ years in tech, software, mktg... Mexico Native in Spanish (Variants: Mexican, US)  Freelancer and outsourcer | Bio: 20 years in the language industry. Message: Hi, I'd be happy to chat with you. |
|  | Gislene K Arantes  Words Uniting Worlds. Brazil Native in Portuguese (Variant: Brazilian)  Freelancer | Universidade Estácio de Sá, Daniel Brilhante de Brito, OTHER-Postgraduate Translation Studies by Universidade Estácio de Sá, ATA, 12 years of experience |
|  | Dr. Dorothea Zahner  Microbiology/Infectious Diseases Germany Native in German (Variants: Germany, Swiss)  Freelancer | ATA, 12 years of experience |
|  | | University of Heidelberg, MA-University of Heidelberg, Germany, 29 years of experience |
|  | Bayasalmaa Galtsog  Professional and accurate translations Mongolia Native in Mongolian  , Russian  Freelancer | Medical University of Plovdiv, MA-University, Association of Mongolian Certified Translators, 19 years of experience |
|  | Vitaliy Plinto  We bring your message to life! United States Native in Russian  Freelancer and outsourcer | Bio: Vitaliy is an English<>Russian freelance language specialist with nearly ten years of experience in translating healthcare, business/commercial and immigration legal documents. In addition to working as a translator, he also runs Vital Language Solutions, LLC, an LSP of...fering translation, interpreting, editing, proofreading, transcription and website localization services in nearly 50 languages. Vitaliy proudly maintains an active involvement in the language services industry by serving on the Executive Committee of the Northeast Ohio Translators Association as a Programs & Events Chair. Vitaliy's hobbies include multicultural event planning, tourism and discovering new places, running and fitness. More Less Message: Hello,
My name is Vitaliy. I am a Russian<>English freelance translator with ten years of experience in working in the field. I look forward to connect with many of you to celebrate the International Translation Day and to build potential successful relationships! |
|  | Mohammed Fahim  The language bridge Sri Lanka Native in Tamil (Variants: Singapore, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, India)  , Sinhala (Sinhalese)  Freelancer and outsourcer | Translation and Interpretation University of Kelaniya, OTHER-University of Kelaniya, 28 years of experience |
|  | Seryun Kim  An English-Korean-Elglish Translator South Korea Native in Korean (Variant: South Korea)  Freelancer | 13 years of experience |
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