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Search results: (323 matches)
Trados support URGENT: SDL Trados Live Support needed [resolved] Hello, I am faced with a technical problem that
won't let Trados Studio 2021 start on my computer.
I remember there used to be a live chat service
with SDL representatives. Does anyone
Eleni Makantani Oct 15, 2021
Trados support Upgrading from SDL Trados Studio 2009 to 2014: do I have to return the licence? Thank you Paul I cannot thank you enough, Paul. Have a nice day! Eleni Makantani May 26, 2014
Trados support Upgrading from SDL Trados Studio 2009 to 2014: do I have to return the licence? Hello, I have just upgraded from Studio 2009 to
2014. Now I'm faced with the IMPO HUGE problem of
activating the product and getting it
running. I need to ask the following questions
Eleni Makantani May 25, 2014
Business issues Advice on how to respond to private client Thank you all! Thank you all for your answers! What I
proposed to the client is to agree on a weekly
schedule of partial assignments on my part and
partial payments on their part. Beforehand, I had
Eleni Makantani Dec 5, 2013
Business issues Advice on how to respond to private client Hello everyone! I am desperate for some good
advice on a pressing matter. I have been
freelancing in collaboration with agencies for
several years now, but today I was contacted via<
Eleni Makantani Dec 4, 2013
Business issues Common courtesy: Translation agencies, wake up! Not really an agency issue, but rather a problem of the individual Project
Manager. Of course, an agency can cultivate its
PMs behavior style, but if a person is used to
being polite, I don't think that the agency ca
Eleni Makantani Dec 13, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: At what age do you plan on retiring? who knows... I am still young and I love what I do, so retiring
isn't in my plans. Of course, I wouldn't mind
knowing that I don't have to work and that I can
do whatever I want, like choosing when to
Eleni Makantani Dec 13, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever worked while you were very sick to meet a deadline? Oh yes... A nice Monday morning I woke up at 5 am to
gastroenteritis with a full range of symptoms by
11 am. My deadline for a project I was doing was 3
pm. I remember that the worst thing was that
Eleni Makantani Oct 18, 2012
Trados support TagEditor: font changes for units from TM Re: WYSINWYG Hello Heike, Thank you for your answer.
Actually, I panicked when I noticed that, because
it is a very long file and I won't have the time
to "fix" all the messed-up fonts. It's good to
Eleni Makantani May 28, 2012
Trados support TagEditor: font changes for units from TM Hello, I am working on a file with high
repetitivity and as units are inserted from TM, I
see that the font changes from the source (i.e.,
Times New Roman in source --> Arial in target
Eleni Makantani May 28, 2012
Office applications Help! Text boxes into text? Thanks to both of you Thank you for your answers, I will certainly try
our Warecat to see how it works. I also appreciate
very much Tony's offer to help. In the mean time,
I found my way around the problem:
Eleni Makantani Apr 23, 2012
Office applications Help! Text boxes into text? Hello everyone, I am working on an MS Word file
with high repetitivity if worked on Trados, which
is much wished. The only problem is that all
text in that file is in text boxes (app
Eleni Makantani Apr 23, 2012
Trados support Studio 2009: Any ideas on how to export particular TUs? Brilliant! [quote]Atso Puronen wrote: I assume you didn't
use Fields, so maybe the best way is to take the
sdlxliffs from your Studio 2009 project, create a
new TM and import those sdlxliffs with
Eleni Makantani Sep 30, 2011
Trados support Studio 2009: Any ideas on how to export particular TUs? Which option? [quote]Thomas Rühl wrote: You can either
generate a project-specific TM via the batch task
option in your projects overview, or you can
create a new TM and import the SDLXLIFF file of<
Eleni Makantani Sep 30, 2011
Trados support Studio 2009: Any ideas on how to export particular TUs? Hello, I want to export part of a TM from
Studio 2009, in order to use it with Trados 2007.
I would particularly like to know this: how could
I export only the TUs connected with the
Eleni Makantani Sep 30, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: What are your favorite munchies while you work? I don't eat, but... I have to drink something while I'm working. I
love coffee, caffe latte, filter coffee, instant
coffee, Greek coffee, cold coffee... Occasionally
I might have a cup of tea, but I'm not a
Eleni Makantani Mar 28, 2011
Trados support Key combination ctr alt + does not work in SDL Trados 2007 alternative shortcuts Ctr+Alt+N to go to the next segment Ctr+Alt+Z
to translate to fuzzy. I had the same problem
when I upgraded from MS Office 2003 to MS Office
2007. I now use Office 2007 + Trados 2007
Eleni Makantani Mar 2, 2011
Translation Theory and Practice Trados shortcut key does not work more combinations Ctr+Alt+N to go to the next segment Ctr+Alt+Z
to translate to fuzzy. I had the same problem
when I upgraded from MS Office 2003 to MS Office
2007. I now use Office 2007 + Trados 2007
Eleni Makantani Mar 2, 2011
Trados support "Previous request not yet finished" - Thank you very much! Eleni Makantani Jun 11, 2010
Trados support "Previous request not yet finished" Hello, I am working with a Word document and a
Trados 2007 TM. As I pass on to some segments,
instead of opening the next segment, I get the
symbol -{}- in the phrase. Trados WB indicat
Eleni Makantani Jun 11, 2010
Trados support Compatibility Windows 7 and Trados 7 Thank you for your answers Thank you very much for taking the time to share
your experience with me. I have a backup
laptop, with Windows Vista installed, but I
haven't been able to use it as I would like to,
Eleni Makantani Apr 18, 2010
Off topic What kind of music do you like? Many-many things, but mostly "World music" In my HDD you can find all sorts of music, from
classical music to Middle East traditionals.
Lately, I am stuck with a radio station,
Antenna 1 Travelling Radio from Rome, available
Eleni Makantani Apr 18, 2010
Trados support Compatibility Windows 7 and Trados 7 Hello, Could anyone tell me whether Windows 7
is compatible with Trados 7 (that is the second
oldest version of Trados - not Studio 2009, nor
Suite 2007, the version right before that)?
Eleni Makantani Apr 18, 2010
Trados support SDL Trados 2007: TagEditor keeps crashing Re: Screen size Hello Tamas, Thank you for your input.
Unfortunately, this solution doesn't work in my
case. Smaller or bigger window, it only crashes!
Eleni Makantani Apr 17, 2010
Trados support SDL Trados 2007: TagEditor keeps crashing Hello, I am working on two TagEditor files,
using Trados 2007 (8). The original format of the
files is .inx (Adobe InDesign). I only have the
.ttx files (no original .inx files). I use
Eleni Makantani Apr 17, 2010
Money matters what it's like working with agencies in Italy Remind me, who are you ??? [quote]Ken Fagan wrote: Most of you are saying
that MOST IT agencies pay 90 days end of the
month. I hope that you are not also saying that
most of them require a reminder even to re
Eleni Makantani Nov 6, 2009
Off topic Possible phishing? Don't bother It came to me too. As Laurent pointed out, it is a
recurring request. Don't even bother to think
about this mail. I've trained my fingers to click
on "delete" instantly :)
Eleni Makantani Nov 6, 2009
Translator resources TGB and Wordfast licencing period Hello, I'm not sure I am posting at the right
forum. If I am not, I apologise. I just
completed the purchase and activation of Wordfast
Pro and Classic through the TGB. I wa
Eleni Makantani Nov 4, 2009
Software applications How to convert a word file to pdf? doPDF It's freeware, you download and install it (google
dopdf and you'll certainly get the download site).
It installs like a virtual printer, so everytime
you want to transform a word document
Eleni Makantani Nov 4, 2009
Off topic WHERE would you like to wake up tomorrow? Trekking... ... somewhere in the mountains of Northern
Greece. Or wandering about the streets of some
Italian medieval town. No laptops, emails and
Eleni Makantani Oct 24, 2009 suggestions Disoriented by new ProZ web page layout A suggestion Personally, I prefer the old form. I would have
liked to be given the chance to choose which
layout suits me most. And I don't see the reason
why they had to change something that worked f
Eleni Makantani Oct 22, 2009
Lighter side of trans/interp You are working too hard on your computer when... When you go to bed... ... and the last moments before you go to sleep,
you see yourself typing your thoughts on an
imaginary keyboard...

[Edited at 2009-10-14
19:47 GMT]
Eleni Makantani Oct 14, 2009
Trados support Trados 2007 Activation problem: error 50018 Thank you, SDL! Well, I returned my license, I activated the
product after having turned off antivirus and
firewall, and now Trados works fine! I need to
thank SDL support department and the chat service<
Eleni Makantani Oct 1, 2009
Trados support Trados 2007 Activation problem: error 50018 Thank you, Giuliana I guess I'm in trouble then, because my license is
shown as in use... I just hope that the support
staff of SDL respond soon...
Eleni Makantani Oct 1, 2009
Trados support Trados 2007 Activation problem: error 50018 Hello, After a system restore yesterday, Trados
2007 gave me the message that "trial has expired.
Please, activate product". When I submit my
activation license code, I get the message
Eleni Makantani Oct 1, 2009
Office applications Help! Cannot see text of word file Could the text be framed? Sometimes, when the text is framed, it cannot be
viewed in normal view. Have you tried print view,
or web view, to check if you can see it?
That's all I can think of. Good luck there!
Eleni Makantani Sep 24, 2009
Off topic Trips to take before you die Silk road Hello, These topics "things to do and see
before you die" make me feel anxious that it's
going to happen pretty soon and that I don't have
much time left... Anyway, a trip I would li
Eleni Makantani Sep 5, 2009
Lighter side of trans/interp Famous Quotes in your language? Off-topic A quote which I just read. It isn't in my language
and it isn't famous, but I couldn't resist
sharing: "Light travels faster than sound. This
is why some people appear bright, until you
Eleni Makantani Sep 4, 2009
Trados support Looking for advice on formatting my hard disk and reinstalling SDL Trados and Studio Worked fine for me Hello Angel, I had to reformat my drivers last
week, too, due to a virus raid. I didn't do the
formatting myself, I assigned it to a technician,
who then told me that I would have to lo
Eleni Makantani Sep 4, 2009
Lighter side of trans/interp Famous Quotes in your language? Herakleitus My favourite: Ta panta rei - Τα πάντα
ρει Everything changes, everything is
altered, nothing ever stays the same...
Eleni Makantani Sep 4, 2009
Trados support Studio 2009: Is it worth upgrading? Re: Hello Angel and Andrea, Thank you for your
answers. It is a relief to hear some good
comments. I mean, I am not involved in the Trados
business or anything like that, but I thought it
Eleni Makantani Aug 31, 2009
Trados support Studio 2009: Is it worth upgrading? Hello, I like having up-to-date tools and I am
thinking that I might upgrade from Trados 2007 to
Trados 2009. However, the many comments and
calls for help that have been posted at
Eleni Makantani Aug 31, 2009
Off topic Which country/city/village would you like to move to? Mediterranean I don't think I could live away from the
Mediterranean. So, for a change, I would choose
anywhere in Italy or southern France. Even though
lately the region is getting hotter and hotter,
Eleni Makantani Aug 18, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Non-native speakers tell me my native language is... Actually, they say it's all Greek to them! :D Eleni Makantani Aug 17, 2009
Italian Nomi greci Anghelos per gli italiani... Ciao Cristina, Angelos e la trascrizione
fonetica e Aggelos e forse piu prossimo alla
scrittura greca (Άγγελος). Secondo me,
siccome traducci per i lettori italiani, sarebbe
Eleni Makantani Aug 15, 2009
Italian Nomi greci Ciao Cristina Non so se ho capito bene quel che cerchi di fare,
pero in quanto riguarda i nomi: 1) il nome
greco equivalente a Esteban sarebbe Stefanos
(Στέφανος) 2) Feodore = Theodoros -
Eleni Makantani Aug 14, 2009
Business issues What made you become a translator in the first place ? Coup de foudre... I remember myself at around 16 wondering and
worrying what I should choose to study and
practise later on as a career. I liked many
things, but not so much as to devote my life to
Eleni Makantani Aug 5, 2009
Lighter side of trans/interp World's Worst Song Title Smelly cat Phoebe's song from Friends, but I guess it was
supposed to be bad anyway...
Eleni Makantani Aug 2, 2009
Internet for translators My Firefox won't restart unless PC is restarted. Is this a bug Yes, it's a mystery! It didn't cross my mind that it was the
gmail/firefox combination. Anyway, I can do
without FF, but I can't do without gmail :) In
my case, FF3.5 was full of bugs on my desktop
Eleni Makantani Jul 29, 2009
Internet for translators My Firefox won't restart unless PC is restarted. Is this a bug I agree that you should check for viruses... ...however, you should bear in mind that Firefox
isn't bug-free. I had installed FF3.5 (the latest
version) and recently (among other bugs) it would
freeze (as you are describing) and I ha
Eleni Makantani Jul 29, 2009

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