9,427 registrants

CAT Tool & Software day

Sep 29, 2016

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Results (9,430) (Members shown first)
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Maria Popova Contact directly
Seasoned Technical Translator, MA
Native in Bulgarian (Variant: Standard-Bulgaria) Native in Bulgarian
ESOL University of Cambridge, Sofia University (St. Kliment Ohridski), MA-Sofia St. Kliment Ochridsky University, 22 years of experience
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Debora Santos Contact directly
Postgraduate in Translation EN>PT-BR
Native in Portuguese Native in Portuguese
Universidade Gama Filho, OTHER-Postgraduate Certificate in Translation English to Portuguese(BR) , ATA, ABRATES, 13 years of experience
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Alicia Pallas Contact directly
Native in Spanish (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Spanish, Galician Native in Galician
Spain: UCO, MA-University of Cordoba (2014-2015), 17 years of experience
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Nadiia and Vatslav Yehurnovy Contact directly
Rendering your ideas in Ukrainian
Native in Russian Native in Russian, Ukrainian Native in Ukrainian
Freelancer and outsourcer
American Translators Association, 20 years of experience
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Mohamed Zidan Contact directly
Bridge of interpretation for customers
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic
Department of English Faculty of Arts, Cairo University , BA-Faculty of arts-Cairo university-English Dep., ATN / APTS, WATA, 15 years of experience
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Anne Savaris Contact directly
Law/Clinical Trials/Religion/Subtitling
Native in Italian Native in Italian, Portuguese Native in Portuguese
Bio: I have always dealt with languages: being raised by a Brazilian mother and an Italian father means growing up and studying between two continents, what caused me to be both Italian and Portuguese native speaker, a fluent English and Spanish speaker and researcher and al...
Message: Looking forward to meet, even if virtually, some of those colleagues I've already had the chance to learn from using the platform.
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Gouda Moustafa Contact directly
High-quality translations
Native in Arabic (Variants: Egyptian, Kuwaiti, Saudi , Standard-Arabian (MSA), UAE) Native in Arabic, English (Variants: Wales / Welsh, British, UK, Irish, South African, Singaporean, US, Australian, Indian, US South, Canadian, New Zealand, Scottish) Native in English
The American University in Cairo, Al-Azhar University, GD-The American University in Cairo, ATN / APTS, EGYTA, ETLA, 14 years of experience
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Tatiana Öri-Kovács Contact directly
+20 years of experience
Native in Portuguese (Variant: Brazilian) Native in Portuguese
Centro Universitário Ibero-Americano, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), BA-Unibero, 28 years of experience
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Kettie Nossis Contact directly
29 years of pro translation experience
Native in Greek Native in Greek
The University of Michigan, OTHER-Kodolefas Translators School, 29 years of experience
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Lenah Susianty Contact directly
my passion is high quality translation
United Kingdom
Native in Indonesian Native in Indonesian
Christian University of Indonesia, GD-Faculty of Letter University of Indonesia, HPI, 25 years of experience
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Yavor Dimitrov Contact directly
A creative flair for words
Native in Bulgarian (Variant: Standard-Bulgaria) Native in Bulgarian
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, MA-St. Cyril & St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, 23 years of experience
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Gabriela Zielinska Contact directly
Reliable translator at your service.
Native in Polish (Variants: Standard-Poland, Old Polish) Native in Polish
Jagiellonian University, Lund University, Jagiellonian University, 22 years of experience
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Andrei Vrabtchev Contact directly
Reliable Translations. Competitive Rates
Native in Bulgarian Native in Bulgarian, English Native in English
Freelancer and outsourcer
Gettysburg College, Union of Bulgarian Translators, ATA, 27 years of experience
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Jesus Murillo Contact directly
HT, MTPE, QM, Cultural Adaptor
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
Universitat Jaume I Castellon, Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, Universitat Jaume I, Facultat de Ciències Humanes i Socials, Departament de Traducció i Comunicació, BA-UNIVERSITAT JAUME I SPAIN, ASETRAD, 25 years of experience
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Sinan Pat Contact directly
A translator is a witness on the stand.
Native in Turkish (Variant: Standard-İstanbul ) Native in Turkish
17 years of experience
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Kristaps Sorins Contact directly
For your marketing needs
Native in Latvian Native in Latvian
University of Latvia, BA-University of Latvia, 16 years of experience
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Heike Holthaus Contact directly
German English Patent|Legal|Tech
United States
Native in German Native in German, English Native in English
Bio: I am a German <> English translator specializing in technical texts and patents. I earned a vocational degree as forwarding agent in October of 1982 in Germany and worked in this field before leaving professional life to raise our children. In 1995 I moved with my famil...
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Michel de Ruyter Contact directly
Strong focus on details & style
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
Bio: Marketing/legal translator EN-NL
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Vera Peshkova, MITI Contact directly
Professional technical translations
Native in Russian Native in Russian
Institute of Translation and Interpreting, ITI, 20 years of experience
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ozver yilmaz Contact directly
Accuracy and Perfection
Native in Turkish Native in Turkish
ÖSYM, BA-Ankara University Electronics Engineering, 13 years of experience
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Robin Joensuu Contact directly
Language Lead & Copywriting Lead
Native in Swedish Native in Swedish
Halmstad University, SFÖ, 13 years of experience
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Maria Popescu Contact directly
IT, Localization, Technical, Marketing
Native in Romanian Native in Romanian
University of Pitesti, BA-Faculty of Letters and History, 23 years of experience
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Rachel Campos Contact directly
Creative translation and transcription.
United Kingdom
Native in English (Variant: British) Native in English
Institute of Translation and Interpreting, MCIL, MITI, Brazilian Gov't, Chartered Institute of Linguists, MA-University of Bristol, 11 years of experience
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Elma de Jong Contact directly
B.Tr., more than 30 years experience
Native in Dutch (Variant: Netherlands) Native in Dutch
BA-Dutch State School for Translators and Interpreters (Translation Academy), Maastricht, Netherlands, 36 years of experience
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Undine Krauze Contact directly
Technical translator since 2004, Trados
Native in Latvian Native in Latvian
Freelancer and outsourcer
Bio: Translator since 2004
Message: Hello!
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Omer Dasbilek Contact directly
Dentistry/Healthcare Expert&Ex Dental T.
Native in Turkish Native in Turkish
Sakarya University, BA-University of Sakarya/Turkey, Multilingual Magazin, Translatorscafe.com (professional member), Das Dental Labor Magazine, 16 years of experience
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Christine Matschke Contact directly
Deg. in Chemistry, reliable high-quality
Native in German Native in German
GD-University of Stuttgart, 36 years of experience
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Ronald van Riet Contact directly
technical translator to English & Dutch
Native in Dutch (Variant: Netherlands) Native in Dutch, English (Variants: British, UK, US) Native in English
19 years of experience
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Dr. Dorothea Zahner Contact directly
Microbiology/Infectious Diseases
Native in German (Variants: Germany, Swiss) Native in German
ATA, 12 years of experience
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Laís ZAMPOL Contact directly
Qualité et Expérience en Traductions
Native in Portuguese Native in Portuguese
Bio: Traductrice FR-PTBR-FR depuis 10 ans e co-propriétaire de MOEMA TRADUÇÕES, travaille à plein temps dans les domaines suivants: médecine et pharmacie, tourisme, technologies, mécanique, littérature et arts en général.
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Muhammad Said Contact directly
Arabic Translation & L10n Professional
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic
Bio: Certified Translator and Translation Trainer
Message: Welcome!
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Marion Hallouet Contact directly
BA in translation
Native in German Native in German
BA-Rennes University, 21 years of experience
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Georgi Kovachev Contact directly
16 years of experience; >4.5 m words
Native in Bulgarian (Variant: Standard-Bulgaria) Native in Bulgarian
Bio: Full-time freelance translator (English into Bulgarian, and vice versa)
More than 2.3 m words translated
Message: Hi and enjoy the conference!
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matt robinson Contact directly
29 years working in target language
Native in English Native in English
ProZ Certified Pro, 29 years of experience
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Tradeuro Language Services Contact directly
Language Solutions in Central Europe
Native in Romanian Native in Romanian, Hungarian Native in Hungarian
the Romanian Ministries of Culture and Justice, ATA, ATR, IAPTI, 20 years of experience
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Sameh Elnokaly Contact directly
Immediate availability & 100% accuracy
Native in Arabic (Variants: Egyptian, Jordanian, Iraqi, UAE, Lebanese, Syrian, Kuwaiti, Standard-Arabian (MSA), Palestinian, Saudi ) Native in Arabic, English Native in English
Egyptian Translators Association, BA-Ain Shams University of Egypt, EGYTA, 18 years of experience
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John Rush Contact directly
United Kingdom
Native in English Native in English
Institute of Translation and Interpreting, 27 years of experience
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Pierluigi Bernardini Contact directly
Bringing your culture to another
Native in Italian Native in Italian
Ist. di Mediaz. Ling. per Interpreti e Traduttori, BA-Scienze della mediazione linguistica - Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici Perugia, 22 years of experience
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Hassane EL YAMANI Contact directly
Motivation, endurance et rigueur.
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic, French Native in French
Message: Hello everyone
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Elvana Moore Contact directly
Experienced and accurate
United Kingdom
Native in Albanian Native in Albanian, English Native in English
University of Tirana, Chartered Institute of Linguists, OTHER-Chartered Institute of Linguists (Education Trust), ITI, CIOL, NRPSI, 30 years of experience
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Leena vom Hofe Contact directly
Text on Target
Native in German Native in German
University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany, OTHER-University of applied sciences Cologne, BDÜ, 20 years of experience
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Erik van Vliet Contact directly
M. Sc. Molecular Biology
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
Bio: Freelance translator English into Dutch. ATA and Proz certified. 20+ years experience. Medicine, psychology, IT
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Delia Miret Contact directly
Legal, technical & marketing translator
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish, Catalan Native in Catalan
Department of European Projects of the Valencian Local Police, Universitat de València (Facultat de Filologia), BA-University of Valencia, 9 years of experience
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Oleksiy Lolenko Contact directly
Technical & Marketing Translation Expert
Native in Ukrainian (Variant: Standard-Ukraine) Native in Ukrainian, Russian (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in Russian
Mykolaiv Petro Mohyla State University, MA-Mykolaiv Petro Mohyla State University, 27 years of experience
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Mardochée Tamafo Contact directly
The best I offer is yours
Native in French (Variants: Canadian, Swiss, Belgian, Cameroon, Standard-France, African) Native in French
Bio: Born on the 28th of August 1985, I'm a Freelance Translator and Interpreter, quicklearner and willing to improve my skills for a better efficiency.
Message: Hi, we'll learn a lot for sure. Let's hope everything's going to be fine
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Milagros Chapital Contact directly
Senior Uruguayan Translator 1979 - 2023
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
American Translators Association, Diploma en Derecho Anglosajón, Universidad de Mon, Cambridge University (Lang. Degrees), Universidad de la República (Facultad de Derecho), GD-Universidad de Montevideo, ATA, CTPU, 57 years of experience
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Dmytro Nehrii Contact directly
I'll make your marketing message work!
Native in Russian Native in Russian, Ukrainian Native in Ukrainian
Priazovskyi State Technical University, MA-Priazovsky State Technical University, Ukraine, Ukrainian Association of Translators and Interpreters - UATI, MET, 15 years of experience
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Dehia Messaoudi Contact directly
Translator and interpreter (EN, FR, AR)
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic, Berber (Other) Native in Berber (Other), French Native in French
Université d'Alger, MA-University of Algiers II, 12 years of experience
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Andrea Musumeci, PhD, MA Translation, MCIL, CL Contact directly
Semper cogitatio ultra
Native in Sicilian Native in Sicilian, Italian Native in Italian
University of Middlesex, PHD-City University of Hong Kong, ITI, SUBTLE, 12 years of experience
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Noura Tawil Contact directly
Pharmacist &Writer.Naturally Translated!
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic
BPharm, Latakia, Syria, BA-Tishreen Pharmacy Faculty in Latakia, Syria (2002). Diploma from The American Board Of Neuro Linguistic Programming (2010)., 12 years of experience