588 registrants

Lawyer-Linguist virtual event

Dec 13, 2012

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See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directory

Results (591) (Members shown first)
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Inta Snepste Contact directly
Native in Latvian Native in Latvian
Bio: Lawyer-linguist, translator and proof-reader DE>LV (legal, finance, technical field)
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Colleen Van Cleave Contact directly
Experienced legal translator.
Native in English 
Universidad de Salamanca, BA-University of Salamanca, 25 years of experience
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RobynCincott (X) Contact directly
Bio: Ms. Cincotta has over twenty two years’ experience as a translator and interpreter. In addition, she has been a practicing attorney since 2005, and has been a member of the American Translators Association since 2008. She also holds a Master's degree in Business Man...
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Rustam Rasulov Contact directly
Все гениальное просто
Native in Russian Native in Russian, Uzbek Native in Uzbek
Educational Testing Service - TOEFL, OTHER-Institut Supérieur de Traducteurs et Interprètes, Brussels , 21 years of experience
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Linda Burns Contact directly
ATA Certified in Portuguese to English
United States
Native in English 
Bio: New York lawyer and translator working in foreign language document review and legal translation for private clients.
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Taras Krasnov Contact directly
Never give up!
Native in Russian Native in Russian, Ukrainian Native in Ukrainian
19 years of experience
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Bartosz Rogowski Contact directly
Native in Polish 
Bio: Lawyer & Linguist. Established collaborator of the European Court of Justice. Translator of Polish, English and French for more than 15 years now. Mentor for young translators who want to specialise in legal translation.
Message: Welcome, Lawyers-Linguists of the World!
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Margaret Marks Contact directly
United Kingdom
Native in English Native in English
Bio: Ph.D. in German 1976, qualified as solicitor 1980, taught German-English legal and other translation 1982-2002, freelance translator.
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Elzbieta Petlicka (X) Contact directly
Localization Professional
United States
Native in Polish Native in Polish
IELTS, Uniwersytet Gdański / Universität Danzig / University of Gdańsk, MA-University of Edinburgh & University of Gdańsk, 18 years of experience
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Marijana Gligoric Contact directly
Translations for Non-Profits
Native in Serbian Native in Serbian, Serbo-Croat Native in Serbo-Croat
University of Novi Sad, BA-University of Novi Sad, 21 years of experience
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Sara Negro Contact directly
Say it with... a Sunflower :o)
Native in Italian 
Istituto Tecnico per Periti Aziendali e Corrispond, Institut de Traducteurs, Interprètes et de Relations Internationales, MA-ITI-RI Université Marc Bloch Strasbourg II, 18 years of experience
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Larissa Ershova Contact directly
DE-RU, DE-UKR: Medizin, Technik
Native in Russian Native in Russian, Ukrainian Native in Ukrainian
MA - Uni Charkiv, MA-Kharkov State University, 28 years of experience
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Andrea Balogh Contact directly
Law and finance in proper Hungarian
Native in Hungarian 
Bio: BME Budapest University of Technology and Economics, MA-International Translators and Interpreters Institute, Budapest.

Freshly graduated interpreter-translator working from French-English-Spanish into Hungarian.
Message: BME Budapest University of Technology and Economics, MA-International Translators and Interpreters Institute, Budapest.

Freshly graduated interpreter-translator working from French-English-Spanish into Hungarian.
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Kalina Peeva Contact directly
Bulgarian Translations
Native in Bulgarian Native in Bulgarian
Freelancer and outsourcer
Bio: Bulgarian lawyer and legal translator with more than 8 years of experience.
Message: Hello from Bulgaria
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Olga Cazan Contact directly
Specialized in legal translations
Native in Romanian Native in Romanian, Moldavian Native in Moldavian
Ph.D in philology - UBB, Romanian Ministry of Justice, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Letters, Foreign Applied Languages, Moldova State University - Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, PHD-"Babes-Bolyai" University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 24 years of experience
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jacana54 (X) Contact directly
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
American Translators Association, Fac. de Derecho, Universidad de la República, Abo, ATA, 24 years of experience
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Veronica Durbaca Contact directly
*Not available for freelance work*
Native in Romanian Native in Romanian
University of Bucharest, Section of Translation, Interpretation and Terminology
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Jørgen A. Andersen Contact directly
Lawyer-Linguist - The Precise Legal Term
Native in Danish Native in Danish
Message: Hi all, I really look forward to this event. "See you"

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MARISOL MANDARINO Contact directly
ENGPT-BRSPA Official Cert Translator
Native in Portuguese (Variant: Brazilian) Native in Portuguese
Bio: Sworn Translator (English/Spanish/Brazilian Portuguese)
Message: Greetings from the mountains of Minas Gerais (Brazil)!
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Mandy Liang Contact directly
Native in Chinese 
BA-majoring in Science of Law, 18 years of experience
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Zbynek Taborsky Contact directly
Business, Legal, Marketing, EU, Politics
Czech Republic
Native in Czech 
BA degree - University of South Bohemia in CB, BA-University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic; English and French for EU Administration, ATA, JTP, SFT, IAPTI, 17 years of experience
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tanyicharles Contact directly
Native in English (Variant: British) Native in English, French (Variant: Standard-France) Native in French
Message: Dear Friends,

I am pleased to meet you in this forum. I guess it will be a rewarding experience.

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Cristina Silva Contact directly
ATA-Certified, M.A. in Translation
United States
Native in Portuguese Native in Portuguese
American Translators Association, Kent State University, MA-Kent State University, ATA, NFF, 34 years of experience
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Lucia Pachec (X) Contact directly
Business and medical translations
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
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María Natalia Rezzonico Contact directly
Legal Translator — Trans. & Law degrees
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
Bio: I am in EN-SP legal translator holding a degree from the University of Buenos Aires. I am currently studying law at the same university, and I expect to get my degree by next year.
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Valentina Giannasi Contact directly
Lawyer and legal translator
Native in Italian 
Bio: Lawyer and legal translator
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Maria Lucia Cumo Contact directly
creative, resourceful and reliable
Native in Portuguese Native in Portuguese
Brazilian Gov't, OTHER-Alumni, ATA, ABRATES, 39 years of experience
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Lesley Burgon Contact directly
Native in English Native in English
Bio: Freelance translator for the past 7 years, working mostly in the field of legal/business/marketing field. Over 20 years of hands-on business experience in both Germany and Italy.
Message: Hi everyone: I look forward to exchanging ideas and thoughts about improving the quality in legal translations.
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Barbara Duffus Contact directly
Legal, academic work, Canada & Spain
Native in English 
Freelancer and outsourcer
Bio: Not a Lawyer, but doing lots of legal translations; also a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant. Certified Translator (various combinations) and Certified Court Interpreter in Canada; Sworn Interpreter (English-Spanish-English) in Spain
Message: I look forward to what I am sure will be an informative session and to meeting colleagues interested in legal translation. I have met Suzanne Deliscar at a PROZ powow in Toronto some years ago and was most impressed.
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Olga Tarasova Contact directly
Your legal translator
Native in Russian 
Bio: 5 years in legal translation.
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victoriak Contact directly
reliable and experienced
Native in Spanish 
Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, BA-University of La Plata. 5 years, CTPCBA, 31 years of experience
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Frank Mayers Contact directly
Fast, efficient and professional.
Native in English 
Bio: South African trained lawyer. Practiced in Israel for 10 years before moving into legal translations.
Message: Shalom
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Arina Alba Contact directly
Efficiency and quality in translations.
Native in Portuguese Native in Portuguese, French Native in French
Bio: Translator working in several fields, including legal translations. Wishing to learn more about translations in this field.
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Iuliana Stefanut Contact directly
Lawyer-linguist, Ph.D. in Law
Native in Romanian Native in Romanian
Romanian Ministry of Culture - Central Commission for Granting Translator Certificates, Romanian Ministry of Justice, Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale, MA, 28 years of experience
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Luisa Tono Contact directly
Business translations
Native in Italian 
Masarykova Univerzita, Università degli Studi di Padova, GD-University of Padua, AITI, 25 years of experience
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Tamara Don Contact directly
United Arab Emirates
Native in English 
NAATI, MA-Translation and Interpreting Studies, 15 years of experience
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Ludmylla Kamenetska Contact directly
Legal, business, finance translations
Native in Russian Native in Russian, Ukrainian Native in Ukrainian
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, MA-Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 16 years of experience
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Inter-Tra Contact directly
Native in Italian Native in Italian
Bio: Conference Interpreter (III Level), Legal, Technical and Scientific Translator, Phil. M.A. - ITA><EN/DE, former Univ. Lector (Legal Terminology)
Message: I greet you all from Rome
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Conor Murphy Contact directly
Partner to top law firms, PLCs and SMEs
United Kingdom
Native in English Native in English
Bio: I have LL.B and LL.M degrees in law and started translating German>Eng legal texts about 12 years ago. My regular legal translation work relates to commercial work of all kinds, as well as civil litigation (including international and at State level) and criminal law (i...
Message: Looking forward to hearing from people with common interests but who maybe have a different slant on things we all take for granted.
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Evan Lewis Contact directly
Many a mickle macks a muckle
Czech Republic
Native in English Native in English
University of Leeds, 25 years of experience
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vielleuse Contact directly
Native in French 
19 years of experience
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anerys Contact directly
Message: Hello
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Jean Pascal Lagrave Contact directly
Legal and financial transalator DE>FR
Native in French (Variant: Standard-France) Native in French
Bio: French legal and financial translator (German into French) with experience as a CFO and a Management Consultant in Germany, Italy and France.
Message: Thank you for organising this virtual event!
I hope it will meet the expectations of every attendant ans that we will have the opportunity to learn a lot.
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Yevheniya Vavrenchuk Contact directly
Proud to be Ukrainian!
Native in Ukrainian Native in Ukrainian
Bio: Freelance Translator
Applied Linguist (English, German)
Master of International Law
Message: Hello friends,

I'd like to get insight about how to practically combine the knowledge foreign languages with the legal knowledge. I want to learn your success stories and mistakes.
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John Lord Contact directly
Native in English Native in English
49 years of experience
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Anna Maria Petruzzella Contact directly
Many years of professionalism
Native in Italian Native in Italian
Message: Hi everybody! I would be glad to do some networking with any of you. Thank you!

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Matoko_Tsuta Contact directly
With Best Quality
Native in Japanese 
Bio: Went Chuo Univerity Law Department for 5 years and left.
Worked at Kamei Interpreter and Translator's Office for 8 years as assistent, translation checker and translator and after that, in 2007, became independent freelance translator and translation checker.
Message: I'm glad toparticipate here!
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Sandrine DOSSOU-YOVO Contact directly
Traductrice Ang-Fra
Native in French Native in French
27 years of experience
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Uyanga (X) Contact directly
lawyer, mongol, english, german
Native in Mongolian 
Bio: Legal translator since 2007; language combinations: English-Mongolian and German-Mongolian; law degrees from Mongolia and Europe; doctorate research on Mongolian business law at a prestigious western European university; solid lawyer's experience in the area of the Mong...
Message: Hi, This is Uyanga, a Mongolian legal translator. I translate from English and German to Mongolian.
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Svjetlana Nevescanin Contact directly
Words weave worlds.
Native in Croatian 
Stratford University, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), City University London, University of Michigan, MA-University of Split, ATA, Croatian Chamber of Commerce Foreign Language Affiliation, Association of Court Interpreters and Translators- STIP, IAPTI, 23 years of experience