The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Swedish to English General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters Translation Glossary

Swedish term English translation
skynda med förstånd pace yourself
Entered by: Paul Lambert
Släng discard
slipa scratch, have an abrasive effect, leave marks
slogs upp (the gates were) thrown wide open
slussade visa routed through, or routed via
smst ritning assembly drawing/general drawing
Entered by: Helen Johnson
spännare (for securing loads/cargo) tensioners
spela som en kärring play like an old woman
Entered by: Rosica Dimitrova
sprunget ur emerged from
stadsäga city property
Entered by: David Young
Stryk på avigsidan Iron inside out
ta ut det i övertid claim it as overtime
talande speaks voliumes: significant
taxvalpar dachshund puppies
till Er alla ninnan ni vet to you all until you know
Till och med det år up to and including the year in which you turn 29
till syvende och sist ultimately
Entered by: Diarmuid Kennan
tillfylles tilfyllest(görande) - satisfactory
Entered by: Paul Lambert
tillkommer inom stadens gränser. will be added within the city limits OR will be established within the city limits
Entered by: Tania McConaghy
tillmötesgående helpful, friendly, obliging, cooperative
Entered by: Christine Andersen
tji "no such luck", or "that didn't work".
tror gärna sina medmänniskor om gott thinks well of his/her fellow human beings
typ like, you know
UNDERSÖKNIN PAGAR Examination in progress
underskjuter permeates
utfyllnadsområde fill area
Entered by: Rosica Dimitrova
Utrikesförvaltningen Swedish Foreign Service
uttagen made / produced
vad som nu faller dig i smaken takes your fancy
vadderad kant (of a shoe) padded collar
vapendragare (political) collaborator
Var så god Enjoy! Welcome! Help yourself!
vara klart be ready
varefter krampfrekvensen minskat after which the frequency of febrile seizures/convulsions decreased
vän i nöden "a friend when you need one" or the old saying "a friend in need is a friend indeed" can also be used depending on the text.
vända och vrida på examine... from a multitude of viewpoints
vända pĺ byttan turn it the other way round
vepa, textvepa banner
Entered by: Cristian Iscrulescu
Vi äger rum även på dessa datum They also take place on these dates in the following Nordic cities:
Entered by: Susanne Roelands
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