Glossary entry

Swedish term or phrase:


English translation:

Swedish Foreign Service

Added to glossary by Anna Herbst
Jun 13, 2013 20:34
11 yrs ago
Swedish term


Swedish to English Art/Literary General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Referring to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Sweden:

"Utrikesförvaltningen producerade hundratals rapporter varje dag."
Change log

Jun 20, 2013 09:12: Anna Herbst Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

6 hrs

Swedish Foreign Service

This is what I would use as a general term.
"Förvaltning" is to do with administration, or, as in this case, Government Services.

Example sentence:

This is the eleventh time the Swedish Foreign Service has compiled and published reports on human rights in individual countries.

Peer comment(s):

agree Charlesp
2 days 13 hrs
Thanks, Charles!
agree Deane Goltermann : This is what the SweGov website uses, as I said above.
3 days 18 hrs
Thanks, Deane!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Spot on. And it flows very nicely in the context."
1 hr

The State Department and the Foreign Service

The Sweden Abroad website says Utrikesforvaltningen is a term that includes both the State Department and the Foreign Service. There is no singular term for this in English as far as I know.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Deane Goltermann : But the Swegov site for the Ministries uses just 'Foreign Service' -- so this is a sort of agree ;-)
32 mins
neutral Anna Herbst : I really should say "disagree" as using US terminology to explain the Swedish government structure is not to be recommended.
4 hrs
disagree Charlesp : I agree with Anna here. "State Department" is a uniquely American term, used only to refer to the US State Department (and the term "Secretary of State" should not be used for the foreign service in Europe, as that term has a quite different meaning in UK
2 days 17 hrs
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2 days 23 hrs

Foreign Affairs administration

Another possibility.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Anna Herbst : A possibility I suppose, but since the Swedish government tends to use "the Swedish Foreign Service" in their in-house translations, I would follow their example.
12 hrs
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