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Dragon NaturallySpeaking compatibility with Transit 5 (2,897)
Non breaking spaces 3 (3,072)
"Error writing to file" 2 (2,248)
Problem with Transit NXT - Fuzzy matches windows 2 (2,623)
NXT Transit: segment numbering does not match 2 (1,930)
Spell check with Transit NXT SP 3 9 (13,242)
Transit, Win 8 and SQL 2 (2,367)
Does Transit really help us? 12 (5,782)
Shortcut for source group-> target group insert? 1 (1,821)
New version of Transit NXT? 6 (3,752)
Match rate info lost after translation in MemoQ 1 (1,912)
Export problem with Transit NXT 3 (4,379)
Errors when checking formatting codes - Transit Satellite PE 0 (1,538)
Makros in Transit NXT 5 (3,206)
Cannot find PDF file created after Printing to File 4 (2,396)
Saved by .save in NXT 4 (4,624)
PC dead, lost activation key 3 (2,572)
How to take the partial fuzzies from the TM in Transit Satellite 0 (1,690)
Transit NXT spellcheck with SP 7 2 (2,689)
colour of dictionary entries Transit NXT Pro 2 (3,406)
Which SQL? 0 (1,653)
alt+T isn't functioning 2 (2,715)
Freshly installed Transit NXT crashes on launch, Win 7 1 (2,108)
Transit NXT: pop-up windows never open full size - essential buttons invisible 5 (3,363)
External Proofreading 4 (3,369)
Transit NXT Error Message: Exception occured in ct_TransMem::Process 1 (2,260)
Transit NXT - basic dictionary handling 2 (3,627)
why can't I install transit? 2 (2,474)
Invisible or not running TransitNXT 1 (1,957)
Transtit NXT import, export, merge extract buttons deactivated 4 (3,268)
Third-party support for Transit packages 0 (1,659)
"Cannot create file" errors - Win7 64 bit, Transit NXT SP6 Freelance 0 (2,395)
Transit NXT and Windows 7 7 (4,327)
Termstar NXT message: Source term not found or cannot be displayed because of view options 3 (2,939)
installing Transit NXT on Windows 7 64 bit 1 (3,130)
Opening a PPF file 3 (3,291)
Urgent - NXT: Exchange>Pack icon grayed - impossible to pack? 8 (5,882)
Keyboard shortcut for confirming and moving to the follwoing segment 1 (2,056)
SDLXLIFF: Can Transit NXT handle it? 13 (8,669)
Transit XV: how to hack an annoying spellcheck message? 4 (3,119)
Transit XV and Xbench 4 (3,781)
Transit NXT: Change the project name 1 (2,124)
Changing wrong "customer" in created projects 4 (4,355)
How to filter on a negation? 5 (3,479)
InDesign Gate: Text in source language showing up in finished translation 4 (2,729)
Transit NXT: what are the extensions *.BAS and *.RSA and *.MTX? 6 (3,652)
Transit NXT: possible to switch off "hovering" mouse? 0 (1,763)
Transit NXT: cannot close pop-up windows with Esc-key 9 (4,193)
Transit NXT: Is it possible to remove segments? 4 (3,091)
Transit NXT: what does the extension *.MTS mean? 1 (2,117)
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