Opening a PPF file
Thread poster: mopc
mopc  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:11
English to Portuguese
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Apr 9, 2013

The client has sent the project as a PPF file, and since it has been years since I last worked with Transit I cannot remember how to open it, or whether ny version of Transit can open it.

I tried to create a new project to open it but there is no PPF file option.

Should the PPF be opened as an existing project? How?

I have Transit XV Professional SP 6 Build 405

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Local time: 13:11
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PDF & PPF in Transit XV Apr 9, 2013

Dear colleague,

1- Simply ask your client to send you the source file, not a PDF, which is not editable.

Otherwise, PDF files need to be converted into word files, so that you can work on them in Transit or any other TM.

2- The PPF is a project file created from Transit NXT. So, in order to be able to work on it, either you would like to upgrade from XV to NXT.

Or, as you client to send you the compatibility package, that you would install to
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Dear colleague,

1- Simply ask your client to send you the source file, not a PDF, which is not editable.

Otherwise, PDF files need to be converted into word files, so that you can work on them in Transit or any other TM.

2- The PPF is a project file created from Transit NXT. So, in order to be able to work on it, either you would like to upgrade from XV to NXT.

Or, as you client to send you the compatibility package, that you would install to enable your Transit XV to handle Transit NXT's projects.

Best regards

AlSqur (X)
AlSqur (X)
too old Apr 10, 2013

"I have Transit XV Professional SP 6 Build 405"

You need to upgrade to the last SP, which is 26, and then apply a compatibility upgrade.
Both are unavailable now, but maybe someone still have them?

Jorge Payan
Jorge Payan  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 06:11
Member (2002)
German to Spanish
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I have the SP 26, just email me Apr 11, 2013

And I need the compatibility package NXT to XV, too. Does anyone have it?



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Opening a PPF file

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