Transit NXT - basic dictionary handling
Thread poster: Magnus Eriksson
Magnus Eriksson
Magnus Eriksson  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:26
Portuguese to Swedish
+ ...
Jul 11, 2013

I just received an assignment requiring Transit NXT, so I bought a 3-month license for the Freelance version. However, setting up the translation project is not as easy as I thought it would be - my only previous experience whith Transit is from 3.0 Satellite PF many years ago, and it went much smoother.

These are the files I have received:

2 packed projects, each in a separate zip file, where each zip file contains a PPF and a JJT file

2 dictionaries, each
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I just received an assignment requiring Transit NXT, so I bought a 3-month license for the Freelance version. However, setting up the translation project is not as easy as I thought it would be - my only previous experience whith Transit is from 3.0 Satellite PF many years ago, and it went much smoother.

These are the files I have received:

2 packed projects, each in a separate zip file, where each zip file contains a PPF and a JJT file

2 dictionaries, each in a separate zip file, where each zip file contains 2 XML files (one named PackageDescription.xml in each zip file)
Both dictionaries should be used together in both projects.

I can open the PPF's in Transit, but I don't know how to handle the dictionaries. In the Transit Quick Start Guide, it says "If any TermStar dictionaries are included in the project package, Transit displays the Target database for unpacked dictionary window for each dictionary".
However, no such window is displayed so I guess the dictionaries are not "linked" to the translation project.

The translation agency don't have any previous experience with Transit, so they cannot help me out here. These are the instructions they received from the end customer:

1. Install package 1 into TermStar

2. Install package 2 into TermStar

3. Load the project file in Transit NXT

"package 1" and "package 2" are dictionary 1 and 2 here I guess.

I have tried commands like Create/Manage/Link/Import in TermStar and Transit, but I cannot manage to open these dictionaries in either application, much less link them to the current project, so I would be really grateful for tips on how to handle them.

I have Unpacked the project (PPF) in TermStar, created a new, empty dictionary in the database "TermStar NXT Received" and linked it to the project. Still, I cannot import any data from the XML dictionary, i.e. nothing happens when I select any of the "Import terminology" options. Perhaps this is a limitation with the Freelance version?

[Edited at 2013-07-11 14:39 GMT]

AlSqur (X)
AlSqur (X)
termstar Jul 11, 2013


I don't know, what JJT file is.

PPF - is the whole package -> it contains the language pairs and the dictionary -> dictionary is already in the package and will be unpacked together with the project. Such dictionaries are then stored in the database "received" and will be automatically assigned to the project.

Maybe you received dictionaries in external form. Try to open these xml- files with Excel. If you can see there any meaningful form of diction
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I don't know, what JJT file is.

PPF - is the whole package -> it contains the language pairs and the dictionary -> dictionary is already in the package and will be unpacked together with the project. Such dictionaries are then stored in the database "received" and will be automatically assigned to the project.

Maybe you received dictionaries in external form. Try to open these xml- files with Excel. If you can see there any meaningful form of dictionary, you can save the columns as unicode text and import the dictionaries in Transit. To do so - create a new database and new dictionary and then import the files as text.

This is actually not so easy for a beginner. Maybe it would be easier to create a unicode text file with columns-languages, then import this text file into Olifant and create a TMX of it and then import this tmx into Transit into a dictionary. Importing tmx is much easier, then importing custom format files in Transit.

Magnus Eriksson
Magnus Eriksson  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:26
Portuguese to Swedish
+ ...
Solved Jul 12, 2013

Thank you for your reply Squires. I think I have finally managed to solve the problem by unpacking each project in TermStar, selecting the command Dictionaries > WebTerm interface > Indirect WebTerm download - Import and browsing to the relevant ZIP file (containing the dictionary/XML file). Not very logical, not something that can easily be deduced from the documentation and something I wish the client had mentioned in the instructions...


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Transit NXT - basic dictionary handling

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