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Transit NXT project with thousands of tags 8 (3,605)
Problem with spell check in Transit NXT Freelance 0 (976)
Is DeepL MT integration working for you? 0 (1,088)
Problem with Transit NXT Freelance and CLM 1 (1,183)
Is it still not possible to create XLIFF files? 10 (4,627)
Termstar terms added today aren't being detected 10 (2,308)
Deletion of older dictionaries not possible / Importing of new dictionaries not possiple 8 (2,380)
How to find text in italics in Transit NXT 1 (1,077)
Avoid populating target with source and shortcuts 1 (1,090)
Transit NXT freezes when clicking on statistics 3 (2,646)
Default.cps 2 (1,276)
4.0 SP 16 0 (921)
Convert Transit's MARTIF to Excel, tab-del or CSV? 4 (1,865)
Cursor jumps into fuzzy match window... 0 (824)
Disaster: Entire target text replaced by source text after unknown key combination. What to do? 2 (1,396)
How unrealistic are Transit's fuzzy matches? 10 (4,958)
View Transit xml outside of Transit? 2 (1,894)
Transit NXT translation memories w/ different number of source/target segments 6 (2,785)
Import of Trados .tmx files into Transit NXT 1 (3,175)
How to run QA for Same Target but Different Source? 1 (1,696)
Merge Transit Projects? 2 (2,234)
Convert Transit Nxt memories for use with Trados 14 (4,517)
Transit freezes after generating Project statistics 7 (3,052)
Service Pack 14 Update 9 (April 2022) 0 (1,450)
Can Transit import only the highlighted cells in an Excel worksheet? 0 (1,399)
Why doesn't Transit calculate the total amount in Euro? 0 (1,378)
Could not save file: USER_DATA.INI / Could not save file: DEFAULT.RPF / Could not save file NXT01_01 2 (2,313)
AutoText-Function in TransitNXT 2 (1,797)
Transit plugin for Trados 9 (4,949)
Reference material Cleanup 2 (2,141)
Internal repetitions in "Check pretranslation" 1 (2,557)
Can Transit mark tracked changes in Studio packages? 0 (1,512)
How to copy source to target including markups 4 (6,001)
Floating window Layout 0 (1,778)
Slow Fuzzy Index 0 (1,672)
Contrôle orthographique dans Transit NXT 2 (2,365)
What is the shortcut to select all that is in the target? 4 (2,936)
How to check markup order? 0 (1,948)
Confirmation of aligned reference material 0 (1,699)
transit nxt, annoying sound 12 (11,150)
How to sort 100 Matches (i.e, existing translation that do not need editing) 3 (2,648)
Import of TBX to Termstar 0 (1,834)
TRANSIT NXT: "Include subfolders" as default for original file folder selection? 2 (2,353)
Transit NXT 12 SP: Ctrl+Markup ID not working 3 (3,325)
From Transit to XLIFF and back 3 (3,361)
Is there a way to Confirm and automatically go to the next Translated Segment? 2 (2,845)
Transit NXT Editor: Shortcut key ALT + insert not working 3 (4,643)
Export button in Transit greyed out 7 (4,416)
Moving Transit NXT license to another computer 1 (2,717)
Weak points of Transit NXT? ( 1 ... 2 ) 15 (13,891)
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