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Spanish to English: Roger Hodgson in Argentina General field: Other Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - Spanish Quince meses después de su primera presentación en la calle Corrientes, Roger Hodgson volvió al Gran Rex y ofreció, sin dudas, su mejor concierto en Argentina.
Con ésta, ya suma tres visitas a nuestro país. Aún hoy se recuerdan la serie de recitales (cinco) ofrecidos en el teatro Coliseo en 1998; y el magnífico concierto de febrero del año pasado, cuando tuvimos que aguardar casi once años para ver cumplida su promesa de retorno.
Las funciones del Coliseo quedaron grabadas a fuego en la memoria colectiva del público local, pues fueron conciertos de descubrimiento mutuo. Hodgson regresaba a los escenarios luego de décadas de ausencia y presentaba “Rites of Passage”, el álbum que lo devolvió a los tours y que posibilitó su debut en nuestro país. El público argentino asistía por primera vez a ver a un artista al que había esperado, en ese entonces, por más de veinte años.
Las sensaciones de aquella época, sorpresa por parte de Hodgson ante una audiencia que quizá no imaginaba; emoción, fervor y lágrimas en nuestro público, quedaron registradas por “Puerta V”, el programa de televisión que circula como un documento de culto entre los fans.
Por todas esas razones, alcanzar la cima de intensidad y perfección musical de esas dos visitas no era tarea sencilla. Sin embargo, el concierto del 11 de mayo en el Gran Rex logró superar todas las expectativas.
Esta vez, la productora local mejoró la apuesta respecto del año pasado. Publicidad gráfica en la vía pública, avisos televisivos y varias entrevistas radiales (algunas de las cuales pueden escucharse aquí) lograron mayor difusión del evento. Muchas de las personas que asistieron al Gran Rex provenían de países limítrofes (Chile, Uruguay), o provincias tan lejanas como Catamarca, Río Negro ó Misiones, entre otras.
Desde Internet se había generado una gran expectativa. Redes sociales, blogs, cadenas de mails y páginas web de muchísimos países, seguían con especial interés esta actuación; con información actualizada minuto a minuto.
El martes 11, temprano por la tarde, una multitud de fans se agrupó frente a las puertas del teatro.
No sólo eran fans de Hodgson, entre los presentes se contaban seguidores de Genesis, Yes y Pink Floyd, ansiosos por ver al autor de muchas piezas claves del rock sinfónico.
La ansiedad era generalizada. Las puertas del Gran Rex, uno de los teatros más importantes de Buenos Aires, se abrieron dos horas antes del show. El recinto se colmó en poco más de una hora y luego de escuchar a la banda de apertura (de la que lamento no tener datos), la expectativa y ansiedad subieron de nivel. Las palmas comenzaron a batir, y el nombre de Roger comenzó a ser coreado por una audiencia impaciente.
Una nueva banda fue formada especialmente para los conciertos de Sudamérica. Para quienes no estaban al tanto, es preciso mencionar que los instrumentistas indicados en el programa ofrecido por la producción no eran los que estaban sobre el escenario. Respecto a la formación del año pasado, solo permaneció Aaron Mc Donald, el multiinstrumentista que acompaña a Roger Hodgson en sus conciertos acústicos.
Translation - English Fifteen months after his first presentation in Corrientes Street, Roger Hodgson returned to the Gran Rex and offered us what was undoubtedly his best concert in Argentina.
Counting this one, this was Roger’s third visit to our country. Even today, we remember the five recitals he offered in 1998 in the Coliseo Theatre, and the wonderful concert that took place in February of last year, after a wait of nearly eleven years to see him fulfil his promise to return.
The performances in the Coliseo have been branded on the collective memory of the local audience, due to the fact they were concerts of mutual discovery. Hodgson was returning to the stage after decades of absence and he was presenting "Rites of Passage”, the album that gave him back his tours and which enabled him to debut in our country. For the first time, the Argentinean audience was going to be able to watch an artiste for whom they had been waiting for over twenty years.
The sensations of that period, a surprise for Hodgson who had been greeted by an audience which he had possibly not expected, and which had displayed emotion, fervour, and tears that were captured by "Puerta V”, the television programme that circulates amongst our fans like a document of cult.
For all these reasons, it would not be an easy task to reach the summit of musical intensity and perfection of these two visits. Needless to say, the concert that took place in the Gran Rex on 11 May surpassed our expectations.
This time, with respect to last year, the local producer improved their bet. There was graphic advertising on the streets, advertisements on television and several radio interviews (some of which can be listened to here) that ensured greater publicity. Many of the people who came to the Gran Rex had made the journey from bounder countries (Chile, Uruguay) or from provinces as far away as Catamarca, Río Negro or Misiones, among others.
Thanks to the internet, great expectations had been generated. Social networks, blogs, mail threads and websites from very many countries were following this performance with special interest and were providing updated information by the minute.
In the early afternoon of Tuesday 11, a crowd of fans was waiting outside the doors of the theatre.
Among them, there were not only Hodgson fans, but also fans of Genesis, Yes and Pink Floyd, who were keen on seeing the author of key pieces of symphonic rock.
The nervousness could be felt everywhere. The doors of the Gran Rex, which is one of the most important theatres in Buenos Aires, opened two hours before the performance. The auditorium filled in just over an hour and after listening to the support band (about which, I am very sorry to say, I have no information) the level of expectation and nervousness increased. Hands began to clap and Roger’s name began to be chanted by an impatient audience.
A new band had been specially created for the South American concerts. For those who did not realise it, it is necessary to mention that the musicians who appeared in the programme were not the same people who were on the stage. With regards to last year’s formation, only the multi-musician who accompanies Roger on his acoustic tours, Aaron McDonald, was present.
Catalan to English: The mythological origin of Lloret General field: Social Sciences
Source text - Catalan Segons la mitologia grega, Apol•lo, déu de la llum, va alliberar les terres properes al Parnàs de l’amenaça de la serp Pitó. Molt orgullós pel seu triomf, Apol•lo va riure’s d’Eros, déu de l’amor, perquè s’exercitava en l’ús de l’arc, l’arma preferida d’Apol•lo. Després d’una discussió entre els dos deus, Eros va voler castigar l’ofensa que havia rebut i va disparar dues fletxes: la primera, destinada a fer néixer la passió i l’amor, va tocar directament al cor d’Apol•lo i, la segona, destinada a rebutjar l’amor, va tocar el cor de la bella nimfa Dafne.
A partir de llavors, el déu Apol•lo va quedar bojament enamorat de la bellesa de Dafne i la començà a perseguir per tal de fer-la seva; però, cada cop que s’hi acostava, la bella nimfa arrencava a córrer desesperadament i s’amagava per tal d’esquivar Apol•lo.
Translation - English According to Greek mythology, Apollo, the god of light, freed the land near Mount Parnassus from the threat of the serpent, Python. Feeling extremely proud of his victory Apollo made fun of Eros, the god of love, when he caught him playing with the bow and arrows of Apollo’s favourite weapon. They argued and Eros decided to take revenge by shooting two arrows: the first, destined to incite love and passion, went through Apollo’s heart and the second touched the heart of the beautiful nymph, Daphne, causing her to feel an intense aversion to love.
From that moment, Apollo fell madly in love with Daphne’s beauty and he began to pursue her in an attempt to win her heart but every time he approached her, the pretty nymph desperately started running away, to hide herself and keep away from Apollo.
Spanish to English: Ecuador inmediato General field: Other Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - Spanish Preguntado cuál es el argumento del Ecuador ante el CIADI, el Procurador García, dijo que hubo argumentos en relación con la competencia, “precisamente lo que acabo de decir, el tribunal no es competente, porque el propio contrato de participación excluye la caducidad de la materia arbitrable, pero también hubo excepciones de fondo, básicamente la excepción de fondo, la posición del Ecuador es que cuando el Ministro de Energía y Minas tomó la decisión de declarar la caducidad, lo que hizo fue aplicar la ley y el contrato a una violación de esta ley y del contrato por parte de Occidental al haber cedido derechos sin autorización del propio ministro de Energía y Minas”.
Consultado en qué consiste aquello de que prevalece la ley ecuatoriana sobre acuerdos frente a tratados o convenios, Diego García indicó que lo que hace el convenio internacional es generar una serie de obligaciones para las partes y derechos como contrapartida, como el trato justo y equitativo, como la obligación de proteger la inversión de no expropiar, y por supuesto, que esas obligaciones existen y no es que nuestra ley está por sobre esas obligaciones”.
Translation - English When asked which argument Ecuador had put forward to the ICSID, Attorney General García replied that there had been arguments related to competition, “It is exactly what I have just said. The Court has no authority because the joint venture agreement excludes the cancellation of matters subject to arbitration. However, there were also basic exceptions. The fundamental exception is basically Ecuador’s position when the Minister of Energy and Mines made the decision to declare the cancellation and what he did was to apply the law and the contract to a violation of this law, and Occidental’s contract when rights were transferred without the authorization of the Minister of Energy and Mines himself”.
When asked about what was meant by Ecuadorian law prevailing over agreements against treaties or agreements, Diego García replied that what makes an agreement international is when it generates a series of obligations for the parties and counterbalancing rights, such as fair and equal treatment, the obligation to protect the investment by not expropriating and, of course, these obligations exist and it is not because our law is above these obligations”.
Spanish to English: Quality Assurance Policy General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Management
Source text - Spanish [Nombre de la empresa] tiene como metas fundamentales.
Ser considerada por nuestros clientes como empresa que se diferencia por:
o Una clara vocación de calidad y servicio.
o El cumplimiento de todos los requisitos técnicos y de prestación acordados, incluyendo los legales y reglamentarios aplicables.
Aumentar nuestro nivel tecnológico a través del desarrollo del I+D+i, que debe mejorar nuestros procesos de prestación de los servicios.
Implantar y desarrollar un Sistema Integrado de Gestión, basado en el análisis y la prevención de la integridad física y la salud, la calidad, el desarrollo tecnológico y la prevención de la contaminación y que alcance a todas las actividades de la empresa. [Name of company] apoya y lidera estos principios.
Adquirir el compromiso de cumplir con todos los requisitos de las normas de referencia (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 y UNE 166002), así como los requisitos legales y reglamentarios vigentes, mantenimiento una conducta de vigilancia sobre los posibles cambios que se produzcan como base para la mejora de nuestro desempeño en cuanto al desempeño de nuestros procesos, la prevención de la integridad física y la salud y la mejora ambiental.
Translation - English [Name of company] has the following fundamental goals.
To be considered by our clients as a firm that marks the difference by its:
o Clear vocation to produce quality and service.
o Compliance with all the agreed technical requirements and provisions, including the applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
Increase our technological level by the development of R&D+i, which has to improve our service offering processes.
Implement and develop an Integrated Management System, based on the analysis and strategy for physical integrity and health, quality, technological development and the prevention of pollution, which extends to all the firm’s activities. [Name of company] supports and leads these principles.
Acquire the commitment to comply with all the standards of reference (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and UNE 166002), as well as the legal requirements and regulations in force, keeping a careful eye on any possible changes that make up the basis for improving our performance as regards carrying out our processes, the strategy for physical integrity and health and improving the environment.
Translation education
Other - Licentiate degree (5 years) in English Philology UNED
Years of experience: 44. Registered at Jul 2011. Became a member: Nov 2011.
Spanish to English (UNED, verified) English (Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
Highly experienced Catalan/Spanish > English translator
I am British - my maiden name was Helena Susan Gough - and I lived in England until I was 18. I am a classically trained dancer and qualified ballet teacher. I also have a licentiate degree in English Philology. In 1977 I came to Spain on a six-month contract, but I immediately fell in love with the country and decided to make it my home. By 1979 I had started translating in my free time for friends and acquaintances, though I didn't feel I was ready to translate professionally until 2008. It turns out that it was one of the wisest decisions I have ever taken!
I taught in my own school for 28 years, which means I have first-hand marketing experience. I am a very conscientious, communicative and sensitive person, as well as being extremely practical, which means I am well aware that nobody is interested in wasting their time or money. I take pride in providing my clients with top-quality translations and I'm quite happy to refuse other assignments so I can dedicate more time to the projects I have underway.
Three years ago I started teaching English in a transport company. I now teach there for 10 hours a week:
I have lived and worked in Catalonia, Spain, since 1977.
Teaching Certificate (Royal Academy of Dance, London, 1993)
Teaching Diploma (Royal Academy of Dance, London, 1993)
Licentiate Degree in English Philology (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, 2008)
Professional Experience:
Professional dancer
Ballet teacher in my own dance studio
Teacher of English in my own school
In-company teacher of English
Freelance Catalan/Spanish > English translator
Translating Experience:
Travel and tour guides
Real estate
Music reviews
Wines and cava
Transport and logistics
User manuals
Waste Management
Medical reports
Comments made by some of my previous clients on a localisation website:
- Very good and accurate translator. I strongly recommend her.
- Excelente calidad en la traducción y en los tiempos de entrega. Sabe mantener el espíritu del texto original, y el trato es muy agradable.
- Una traducción excelente y súper rápida!. 100% recomendable
- Excelentes traducciones. Adapta la traducción al contexto. 100% Recomendable
- Muy buen trabajo y muy rápido y eficiente
- Very accurate in time and quality, recommended!
- Gran traductora, impresionante velocidad en sus trabajos
- Fast and professional work, good communication
- She was a very fast and professional with our very long legal document translation. Her work was perfect and it was just what we needed.
- Quick and good work, good communication
- Una profesional seria, competente y cumplidora
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Keywords: Professional translator, Spanish to English professional translator, legal texts, traductor profesional, traductor español inglés, textos legales, marketing, turismo, tourism, localización. See more.Professional translator, Spanish to English professional translator, legal texts, traductor profesional, traductor español inglés, textos legales, marketing, turismo, tourism, localización, localization, textos comerciales, traducciones rápidas, traductor profesional catalan inglés, Catalan English professional translator. See less.
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