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Transit XV: Pre-translation possible with pxf-file? 6 (4,557)
Transit XV: Which files to copy to laptop 1 (2,768)
Mouse pointer gets in the way! 0 (2,245)
Transit XV - How to review the pretranslation 4 (3,854)
What training should I take to become a competent Transit user? 3 (3,695)
.ts files in Transit XV 4 (4,826)
Only default files found, where are the files I created? *.mdb , *.mtf, *.img, *.prj *.prx? 0 (2,466)
Does Transit XV run in Windows 7, 64 bit? 5 (5,905)
Exporting Transit NXT alignment project as TMX 4 (4,510)
Problem with linking mdb in Transit NXT - Linking database fails 0 (2,453)
how to join accidentally spilt lines/segments 3 (3,295)
Is it possible to delete a segment filter in Transit XV 1 (2,431)
Is it possible to automatically confirm 99% matches using Transit XV? 8 (4,538)
Internal repetitions in Transit NXT 1 (2,774)
Analysis with Transit XV (SP 26) 2 (3,301)
How to tanslate 'notes' in Powerpoint sheets 3 (3,580)
Translated segment after search and replace 1 (2,617)
Exporting files for proofreading 2 (2,794)
Is it possible to edit/split/join/delete source segments in Transit's alignment mode? 4 (4,982)
Where can I find TERMSTAR NXT "Importing/Exporting Manual" 4 (5,020)
Share one project/language pair with another translator 2 (2,919)
Exporting a Transit TM into TMX 8 (6,729)
Open Source spellcheck in Tranit NXT- problem 1 (3,326)
Problems importing HTML files for Alignment Projects 2 (2,967)
Word count in Transit NXT 1 (3,361)
STAR Transit Download 5 (27,519)
Transit Satellite segment alignment error 0 (2,462)
Importing DVX terminology into Termstar 3 (3,287)
How to identify tags in Transit XV? 8 (6,108)
Transit XV Smart SP 26 and Office 2007/2010 1 (2,922)
Transit 3 (4,088)
Transit XV + Windows 7 2 (3,999)
Exporting part of a project 2 (3,652)
TXF/PXF how can I proceed? 5 (5,714)
Do not segment untranslateable texts in XLS 1 (3,098)
Changing default folder 1 (3,157)
Wordcount on Transit 3 (4,005)
Segmentation - How can I add abbreviations to Transit's internal list? 4 (4,011)
Excel: have \n replaced by <Newline/> during import 2 (3,408)
Sharing Transit macros 3 (3,859)
New file format in NXT for language pairs? 0 (2,868)
Keyboard shortcut for concordance search? 9 (6,125)
TXF does not show 0 (3,064)
Where's Star Group? 1 (3,455)
Import of Across projects (CWU) into Transit XV 7 (5,294)
Where are Termstar dictionary files? 6 (5,004)
Satellite PE Installation on Windows 7 3 (5,783)
Fuzzy Index shows nonsensical results 6 (4,162)
Collapse tags in TTX projects 6 (4,725)
Default source and target languages? 5 (4,242)
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