Transit NXT and Windows 7
Thread poster: trhanslator (X)
trhanslator (X)
trhanslator (X)
Jan 31, 2013

I've always used Transit XP and NXT with Windows XP. With the new SP, perhaps it is time to check whether Windows 7 has better support for the MS SQL connection. Hence my question: What should I consider when installing NXT on Win7? Can I place my projects in my Dropbox folder (c:\dropbox), for instance? Which version of MS SQL does Transit use on Win7?

AlSqur (X)
AlSqur (X)
aus dem Handbuch Feb 3, 2013

Following databases will be used as default:
- Microsoft Access 200 Jet 4.0, Service Pack 5 or higher
- Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express till 2008 R2 Express

Optional are:
- Microsoft SQL Server 2000 till 2008 R2
- Oracle 8i or higher
- IBM DB/2 7 or higher

[Edited at 2013-02-03 14:33 GMT]

trhanslator (X)
trhanslator (X)
Which one of them is stable? Feb 4, 2013

Optional are:
- Microsoft SQL Server 2000 till 2008 R2
- Oracle 8i or higher
- IBM DB/2 7 or higher

[Edited at 2013-02-03 14:33 GMT]

Which one can I use on Win7?

Which one is stable?

Do I have to pay extra money?


Egidijus Slepetys
Egidijus Slepetys  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:18
German to Lithuanian
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Feb 4, 2013

I'm still using Microsoft SQL Server 2000 for my Termbases - it is totally stable on Win 7.
I'm actually mostly using the the previous version of Transit - Transit XV. There are no problems.

AlSqur (X)
AlSqur (X)
@trhanslator Apr 10, 2013

"Which one can I use on Win7?"
Check the requirements of this database systems.
"Which one is stable?"
All of them?
"Do I have to pay extra money?"
I don't know whether you have to pay for the database systems themselves.
To unlock the compatibility with Transit you have to pay once, so that your Transit can communicate with the optional database system.

trhanslator (X)
trhanslator (X)
Transit's connection with MS SQL Express is instable Apr 24, 2013

Squires wrote:

"Which one can I use on Win7?"
Check the requirements of this database systems.
"Which one is stable?"
All of them?

When they are all as stable as MS SQL Express, I'll just save myself from exploring them ...

Transit is a great CAT tool but the design decision to use MS SQL for termbases is a bad one. From a freelancer's point of view that is. I don't argue the benefits of storing multilingual termbases in centralised large SQL databases (e.g. in automotive companies).

But for individual translators storing new terms in the SQL database, performing on the fly maintenance etc. is just too slow. Changing a term record in the database can cause Transit to become unstable. When that happens, only rebooting Windows will help.

That's not the way I want to spend my working days anymore.

Nowadays I translate my Transit projects in a CAT tool that has no overhead for glossaries and that is very stable:

Benjamin Phister (X)
Benjamin Phister (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:18
French to English
SQL Server speeds up term management Apr 24, 2013

[quote]trhanslator wrote:

[quote]Squires wrote:
Transit is a great CAT tool but the design decision to use MS SQL for termbases is a bad one. From a freelancer's point of view that is. I don't argue the benefits of storing multilingual termbases in centralised large SQL databases (e.g. in automotive companies).

But for individual translators storing new terms in the SQL database, performing on the fly maintenance etc. is just too slow. Changing a term record in the database can cause Transit to become unstable. When that happens, only rebooting Windows will help.

That's not the way I want to spend my working days anymore.


I beg to disagree. When I replaces the Jet (MS Access) database engine with SQL Server, Transit sped up considerably. Term searches are much faster, as are adding/modifying terms in the database.

I run SQLEXPRESS (a free download from Microsoft) with Win7 and haven't encountered any of the problems mentioned in the message by trahanslator.


trhanslator (X)
trhanslator (X)
Problems start at 600,000 records Apr 24, 2013

Benjamin Phister wrote:

I run SQLEXPRESS (a free download from Microsoft) with Win7 and haven't encountered any of the problems mentioned in the message by trahanslator.


Hi Ben!

How many entries does your main dictionary have at the moment?




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