This powwow has already been held!

[View Powwow Report] powwow:

May 5, 2020, 2:30 pm
Event Organizer:

Lucia Leszinsky

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Click here to register. (It is free.) Users attending this Powwow

: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (72) / Confirmed: 32 / Tentative: 5
Name NoteWill Attend
Nona Stanciu Dell'Acqua  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Ci vediamo martedì per parlare del Prima e dopo Covid19: confronto, idee e suggerimenti  y
Lucia Leszinsky  \"Organizer\" ...  
Maria Pia Giuseppina Nuzzolese   ...  y
Oriana W.   ...  n
Ian Bolton   ...  
Fiona Grace Peterson   ...  y
Simonetta Incerpi   ...  y
Giulia Marconi   ...  y
Claudia Vinci   [email protected]  y
Ivana Baldioli   ...  y
kriddl   Sorry, I won't make it after all - have a good afternoon!  n
Carlotta Capobianco  \"Host\" ...  
Igor Simonić   Igor Simonic  y
gazzillo   ...  y
sara lorefice   Sara Lorefice  n
Andrea Croccolo   busy in a confcall with a cient of mine at the same time, sorry  n
XChristine Guthry (X)   ...  
Philippe Danjoux   Philippe Danjoux  
Giorgia Castenetto   Giorgia Castenetto  y
Giulia Zappaterra   ...  y
stedem   Stefania De Marchi  
sara adinolfi   sara84x  n
michela marino   ...  y
Maria Cristina Chiarini   Non posso, mi dispiace. Il 5 ho un impegno già programmato da tempo  n
Natalia Starostina   ...  n
Angela Bulone    I'll be working for that time.   n
Anisa Memushi   Confermo la partecipazione. Cordiali Saluti Anisa Memushi  y
Giulia Gasperoni   ...  n
Emanuele Tranchetti   ...  
Vincenzo Macchiarola   vincenzo macchiarola  y
Jenny Wemlert Tacchino   ...  
Petra Segaric   Petra Segaric  y
Omer Dasbilek   ...  
Silvia Prendin  \"Reporter\" ...  y
Maria Teresa Pozzi   ...  n
James (Jim) Davis   ...  
carlotta biraghi   ...  y
enrico candelieri   ...  m
Raffaella Panigada   ...  y
VStorke   Victoria Storke - I am looking forward to my first powwow. Thank you for including me.  y
Lucia Saccone   Looking forward to my first powwow  y
Marisa Gissi   ...  m
Neva Giussani   ...  n
Fausto Mescolini   I would love to join but 12.30 (UK time) is really difficult for me, having my daughter at home. I hoper next time.  n
Martina Losardo   ...  y
Albakiara   ...  n
Luca Vaccari   ...  y
Mariana Avram   ...  n
Ivana Mazzuccato   ivana   
Elena and David Dickens   Grazie per l'invito!  n
Leonora Madalena   Leonora Madalena  n
Michaela Pschierer-Barnfather   ...  y
veronica drugas  \"Reporter\" Il mio primo powwow da remoto!  y
Roberta Papaleo   Thanks for this Powwow, I'm looking forward to it  m
Isabella Iuliano   ...  
Claudio Minatti   ...  y
Serena Tutino   Glad it's back! Once I used to organize Powwows in Milan :)  
Elena Mordenti   My first powwow  n
Lisa Elli   My first powwow!=D  y
Victoria Porter-Burns   ...  y
Milena Chkripeska   ...  
Silvia Gambino   Silvia Gambino - Is the first Powwow for me :)  y
tradu-grace   Grazie per l'invito Nona  m
Antonio Contreras   ...  y
Carla Catolino   ...  
Josephine Cassar   Josephine Cassar  y
Dorothy Selibas   ...  y
alessandra panunzio   ...  y
Ezequiel Flores   ...  
Corinne Christoph   ...  
Silvia Bianchi   ...  m
Marina Montalbano   I'm sorry I can't participate in this Powwow anymore! It would have been my first. Looking forward to the next.  n

Postings about this event

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Powwow: Italy - Italy
Nona Stanciu Dell'Acqua
Nona Stanciu Dell'Acqua  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:45
Member (2006)
Italian to Romanian
+ ...
Virtual PowWow for freelancers, before and after Covid19 Apr 30, 2020

Join the upcoming virtual PowWow on on May 5 for and reserved to the freelancers translators!
We will talk and share experiences related to the topic: Before and after Covid19.
It's an informal get-togethers of groups of users.
Thanks to those who have signed up already.
Don't miss the chance to meet your colleagues, exchange professional inform
... See more

Join the upcoming virtual PowWow on on May 5 for and reserved to the freelancers translators!
We will talk and share experiences related to the topic: Before and after Covid19.
It's an informal get-togethers of groups of users.
Thanks to those who have signed up already.
Don't miss the chance to meet your colleagues, exchange professional information, and network.
Sign up here
See you there!

[Edited at 2020-04-30 00:50 GMT]

Silvia Prendin
Lucia Saccone
Anisa Memushi
Claudio Minatti
Claudio Minatti  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:45
English to Italian
+ ...
PowWow starting time May 4, 2020

What is the exact Italian time tomorrow's PowWow is set to start? The time indicated at the top of is 2:30 p.m. (based on such information, I decided to join the PowWow), whereas the reminder that has just been e-mailed to me shows 12:30. Please advise. MTIA!

Nona Stanciu Dell'Acqua
Nona Stanciu Dell'Acqua  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:45
Member (2006)
Italian to Romanian
+ ...
Reconfirm the PowWow starting time: 14:30 (2:30 PM Italian time) May 4, 2020

Hi Claudio,

I'm sorry if you received a different information.
Glad to know you'll be attending! Please enter "yes" on "Will attend" to confirm your participation.
Hope to see you tomorrow!


[Edited at 2020-05-05 09:29 GMT]

Vincenzo Macchiarola
Vincenzo Macchiarola  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:45
English to Italian
+ ...
Start time of the powow May 5, 2020

So is it on now or will it be at 2:30 Italian time ?

Nona Stanciu Dell'Acqua
Nona Stanciu Dell'Acqua  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:45
Member (2006)
Italian to Romanian
+ ...
The PowWow starting time is 14:30 (2:30 PM) ITALIAN TIME May 5, 2020

The PowWow starting time is 14:30 (2:30 PM) ITALIAN TIME

Martina Losardo
Martina Losardo  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:45
English to Italian
+ ...
Powwow starting time May 5, 2020

Hello everybody!
I hadn't seen this post and I had set 12.30 on my calendar as the starting time. Only when nobody showed up I realized that something was wrong.
Unfortunately, I have a lesson at 3 pm, so I cannot attend this Powwow. I am really sorry to miss this opportunity and hope we will have another chance to meet virtually in the future!

Enjoy the meeting,

Nona Stanciu Dell'Acqua
Nona Stanciu Dell'Acqua  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:45
Member (2006)
Italian to Romanian
+ ...
Powwow starting time May 5, 2020

Hello Martina,

that's really weird! The starting time has been set on 2:30 PM since the very beginning, Italian time ("Italia - May 5, 2020, 2:30 pm").
I do not understand from where "12.30 as the starting time" comes from? I'd really like to know how you had this misleading information and how this misunderstanding has been generated.

I'm sorry you can't attend, let's hope better for a next time!


Lisa Elli
Lisa Elli  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 02:45
English to Italian
+ ...
Is it starting? May 5, 2020

Hello! Is it me or nothing is going on yet?

Josephine Cassar
Victoria Porter-Burns
Victoria Porter-Burns  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 02:45
Member (2007)
French to English
+ ...
Anybody here? May 5, 2020

Hi Nona,
Is this still happening? I can't see a link or anything to join you...


Josephine Cassar
veronica drugas
veronica drugas  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:45
Italian to Romanian
+ ...
Scusate, non riesco connettermi May 5, 2020

Mi servirebbe aiuto! Non vedo come accedere al powwow.

Josephine Cassar
Josephine Cassar
Josephine Cassar  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:45
Member (2012)
English to Maltese
+ ...
Same here May 5, 2020

Victoria Porter-Burns wrote:

Hi Nona,
Is this still happening? I can't see a link or anything to join you...


And I think I signed up to be reminded but did not receive any email. If I hadn't checked the Forum posts, I would not have remembered. Is it still taking place?

Josephine Cassar
Josephine Cassar  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:45
Member (2012)
English to Maltese
+ ...
Here's the link for those who want to join May 5, 2020

hello everybody, here's the link for the Powwow:

veronica drugas
veronica drugas  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:45
Italian to Romanian
+ ...
no accesso May 5, 2020


State partecipando all'incontro?! Io non vedo nessun modo di connettermi e sono le 15.00...! Non capisco se è un problema generale o soltanto mio! Se qualcuno potesse rispondere, le organizzatrici o moderatori...


Josephine Cassar
Josephine Cassar  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:45
Member (2012)
English to Maltese
+ ...
Ciao Veronica May 5, 2020

veronica drugas wrote:


State partecipando all'incontro?! Io non vedo nessun modo di connettermi e sono le 15.00...! Non capisco se è un problema generale o soltanto mio! Se qualcuno potesse rispondere, le organizzatrici o moderatori...


Si, ha appena comminciato. Qui sopra, c'é il link per connettere.

veronica drugas
veronica drugas  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:45
Italian to Romanian
+ ...
ancora niente May 5, 2020

Il link ce l'ho giusto ma non funziona. Faccio "click to join room" ma non succede nulla...! Mi viene un dubbio: devi essere membro pagante?!
Comunque, vi auguro buon proseguimento.
Io mi ritiro...

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