| Name | | Note | Will Attend |
 | Pavel Janoušek |  | Looking forward to meeting you all soon! |  |
 | Daniela Zambrini |  | hotel and ticket all set...I'll be there :-) |  |
 | Paula Ribeiro | | Unfortunatelly a last minute event prevents me from attending this year powwow :( Wish you all a great meeting and lots of fun (as always)! |  |
 | Lydia Molea | | the 10th Prague powwow is my first ;-) |  |
 | Zbynek Taborsky | | Unfortunately I can't make it this year... :( |  |
 | Nigel Saych | | Flights and hotel booked, Annette and I will be there for a quiet and dignified weekend (I don't think!) |  |
 | Petra Winter | | ... |  |
 | Christian Schneider | | ... |  |
 | Alca Ryskova | | Must tell my friends in time NOT to bake Christmas candies this particular Saturday this year! :-) | |
 | Radica Schenck | | ... | |
 | Kalinka Hristova | | ... |  |
 | Helena Diaz del Real | | I will do my best to attend! :o))) | |
 | Zuzka Benesova | | So sorry, can't make it. Have a great time! |  |
 | Daniel Šebesta | | ... |  |
 | Roberto Lombino | | I will attend for the 7th only. See you there all !! |  |
 | Kristin Sobania (X) | | Leider klappt es bei mir jetzt doch nicht. Hoffentlich treffe ich viele von Euch nächstes Jahr in Berlin. |  |
 | Gary Smith Lawson | | ... | |
 | Klara Zejdlova | | My first powwow...in my Prague.... | |
 | Dasa Berackova | | Dasa Berackova |  |
 | Veronika Hansova | | Unfortunately I will be in Spain next week. Have fun a share some pics please:) |  |
 | Karel Tatransky |  | Nemůžu chybět. |  |
 | Kateřina Suchánková | | Of course, I can't miss it :-) |  |
 | Jørgen A. Andersen | | Sorry, I cannot make it this year. Have fun, all of you! |  |
 | Erik Hansson | | The Powwow in Prague is a must for me! | |
 | Helga Humlova | | Count on me! And I promiss to bring homemade xmas goodies :-) |  |
 | Herbert Fipke | | As always, with two boxes of Bamberg beer... |  |
 | Doreen Schäfer | | Flight is booked - is the couch still available?! |  |
 | lenkakrafkov (X) | | Sightseeing tour on Friday! More details in the comment below:) |  |
 | Miriam Ludwig | | ... |  |
 | Helena Gogelova | | ... |  |
 | Felicity Sadler |  | I would love to attend! | |
 | Magdalena Rezacova | | Perhaps next time |  |
 | Jaromír Rux | | Unfortunately I can't make it, sorry |  |
 | Ing. Jiri Klima | | Pokud mne nepřejede parní válec, tak přijdu. A to taky platí. |  |
 | Tell IT Translations Helene Salzmann | | Leider nicht dieses Jahr. |  |
 | Anette Hilgendag | | Booked my flight ... |  |
 | Rebekka Groß (X) | | Just booked our flights!!! Sandie'll be there, too. |  |
 | Kai Zimmermann | | ... |  |
 | Stephanie Wloch | | Výborný nápad. To mám ráda. |  |
 | Jan Kolbaba | | ... |  |
 | Iva Krombholzova | | ... |  |
 | BirgitBerlin |  | Ooops! Not registered officially yet! |  |
 | Barbara Cerar | | ... |  |
 | MariusV | | ... |  |
 | Maya M Fourioti | | It is a sure thing!Flights and hotel booked.I am arriving on the 6th in late afternoon.My daughter will be joining from Rotterdam.So Pavel include her for the Saturday menu, too |  |
 | Csaba Ban | | Omlouvám, bohuzel nemuzu byt s vami. I'm sorry I can't be there with you guys. |  |
 | Jiri Kortus | | ... |  |
 | Anna Martynova | | ... | |
 | Václav Pinkava | | Have a good trip over, without tripping over |  |
 | Kostas Zgafas | | ... |  |
 | Oleg Rudavin | | Alas, the circumstances are against me... |  |
 | Martin Janda | | ... |  |
 | Tomas Mosler, DipTrans IoLET MCIL MITI | | ... |  |
 | Joël Mortensen | | See you tonight ! |  |
 | Iveta Pecinkova | | ... |  |
 | Klaus Herrmann | | Aujaauja (2x), und zwei plätze im Auto ab DUS frei |  |
 | Tomas Burda | | ... |  |
 | Angelika Koerber |  | Of course, this is a must! |  |
 | Hynek Palatin | | Potvrzuji účast |  |
 | Sarka Rubkova | | ... |  |
 | Daniel Meier | | Unfortunately I cannot attend. |  |
 | Jan Kapoun | | Coming... My first one... being nervous a bit :D |  |
 | LindaJayneTurne | | ... |  |
 | Marek Buchtel | | ... |  |
 | Milan Condak | | Pozdravuji vás z tama ( https://www.google.cz/#q=z+tama (Slezsko, Lašsko a Valaško)). |  |