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July 7, 2007, 12:00 pm
North MacedoniaSkopjeIn personEnglish
Powwow in Skopje
Location: Holiday Inn Hotel
Time: 7 July 2007, 12:00 h
Lunch and coffee will be provided by the sponsor
Congress Service Center Skopje
Dear participants,
Welcome to the Skopje Powwow page. Here you will find the information related to the semi-formal gathering of Prozians in Skopje.
The Congress Service Center will support the organization of the powwow, and is going to be the sponsor for the venue and the cocktail for the participants, at the Holiday Inn Hotel in Skopje.
I think this would be a great chance for all Macedonian Proz translators/interpreters to join together and discuss translation during a several-hour programme.
Powwow Agenda:
11:30 - 12:00 Регистрација на учесниците
12:00 – 12:30 Отворање на средбата и воведно излагање
Христина Дојчинова - организатор, извршен директор на
Конгресен сервисен центар
12:30 – 13:15 Презентација на интернет страницата PROZ.COM
М-р Чаба Бан, преведувач од Унгарија и
долгогодишен член на
13:15 - 14:00 Преведување на правните акти на Европската Унија
М-р Наташа Ценевска-Георгиева, Раководител на Секторот за подготовка на националната верзија на acquis communautaire - Секретаријат за европски прашања - Влада на РМ
14:00 – 14:15 Кафе пауза
14:15 – 14:45 Најчести лекторски грешки на преведувачите
Весна Ѓоршоска-Петровска, лектор и професор по македонски јазик
14:45 – 15:15 Алатки за преведување-CAT tools, со посебен осврт на TRADOS
Николче Мицкоски, толкувач/преведувач по англиски
и германски јазик
15:15 – 15:30 Дискусија, заклучоци, размена на контакти
Dear organizers, thank you for the invitation! I visited last year Skopje and will be happy to see your beautiful country some day again. Wish you all the best!
Definitivno kje prisustvuvam. Duri i da imate angazhmani toj den, otkazhuvajte gi. Vakvite sredbi zlato vredat. Gledam deka organizatorot isto taka vodel smetka da bide vikend, koga site sme kolku-tolku, rastereteni. Za pozdravuvanje!
Danke für die Einladung! Ich würde alles tun, um rechtzeitig zur Eröffnung zu erscheinen. Ein Erfahrungsaustausch ist für mich das Wichtigste - Menschen sowie Ideen!
Reagirav vednas za imeto, a od ProZ bea mnogu brzi vo odgovorot - mislam deka vekje vi se stignati pokani za powwow vo Makedonija Vi blagodaram na site sto se registriravte, ubavo bi bilo nakaj 20 juni onie koi se sigurni deka kje dojdat d... See more
Reagirav vednas za imeto, a od ProZ bea mnogu brzi vo odgovorot - mislam deka vekje vi se stignati pokani za powwow vo Makedonija Vi blagodaram na site sto se registriravte, ubavo bi bilo nakaj 20 juni onie koi se sigurni deka kje dojdat da go azuriraat statusot na nivnoto prisustvo vo YES. Mnogu pozdrav,
Potvrduvam deka Zoran Jovanoski ke ucestvuva na sredbata na preveduvaci na 30-ti juli vo Skopje
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Csaba Ban Hungary Local time: 00:59 Member (2002) English to Hungarian + ... membership at discounted rates
Jun 26, 2007
Dear colleagues,
I'm a moderator at and I also organized's most recent international conference in Budapest. This time I received authorization from Henry to offer membership to participants of this mega-powwow / mini-conference at discounted rates.
Regular membership will be available for MKD 3700 or USD 80, while student membership will be sold for MKD 1100 or USD 25.
Once I enter your payment in's online payment system... See more
Dear colleagues,
I'm a moderator at and I also organized's most recent international conference in Budapest. This time I received authorization from Henry to offer membership to participants of this mega-powwow / mini-conference at discounted rates.
Regular membership will be available for MKD 3700 or USD 80, while student membership will be sold for MKD 1100 or USD 25.
Once I enter your payment in's online payment system, you'll receive an automated invoice on your purchase.
Here are two links that describe the benefits of various levels of membership:
Membership will run for 12 months after purchase date. The offer is valid for both new memberships and extensions. In the case of extensions, the new 12-month period will start once your current membership expires.
Izgleda odbravme datum koj e mnogu popularen - imeno mnogu zainteresirani ne mozea da dojdat bidejkji se na svadba
Na samo den pred odrzuvanjeto na sredbata bi sakala da gi zamolam site onie koi se sigurni deka kje prisustvuvaat da go potvrdat nivnoto ucestvo.
Isto taka, kako sto Csaba Ban vekje Ve informirase, za vreme na sredbata kje se prodava clenstvo na ProZ po namaleni ceni, za redovni clenovi – po cena od 60 evra (3.700 denari) a za studenti 20 evra (1.200 denari)
Ve molam dojdete navreme, registracijata na ucesnicite zapocnuva vo 11:30 casot! Golem pozdrav i se gledame utre,
Zdravo! Konecno, podnesen e izvestajot za sredbata na preveduvavci koja se odrza minatiot mesec vo Skopje. Isto taka, prikaciv i nekolku sliki, a povekje moze da vidite na sledniov link:
Zdravo! Konecno, podnesen e izvestajot za sredbata na preveduvavci koja se odrza minatiot mesec vo Skopje. Isto taka, prikaciv i nekolku sliki, a povekje moze da vidite na sledniov link: