Translation glossary: Legal

Showing entries 51-100 of 1,259
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Administration BoardJunta de Administración 
English to Spanish
Administration CommitteeComité de Administración 
English to Spanish
administrative lawderecho administrativo 
English to Spanish
administrative regulationrégimen administrativo 
English to Spanish
adopted the following resolutionsadoptó los siguientes acuerdos 
English to Spanish
advancesanticipos, adelantos 
English to Spanish
advertised route [ embarque]ruta publicitada 
English to Spanish
affidavit of supportdeclaración de garantía 
English to Spanish
afloat [ embarque]a bordo (a flote) 
English to Spanish
after the expiration of at least 6 months from the date the court... [sentencia]después de transcurrido por lo menos 6 meses a partir de la fecha en que esta corte 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
agent [ embarque]agente 
English to Spanish
agent [poder]representante 
English to Spanish
aggressive (new) buying [bolsa]grandes compras 
English to Spanish
airway billconocimiento de transporte aéreo 
English to Spanish
all business and excuses being laid asidede manera indefectible 
English to Spanish
all dues shall be paid by X [ embarque]X deberá pagar todos los débitos 
English to Spanish
all powers shall be vested in a Congresslos poderes residirán en un Congreso 
English to Spanish
all the stocktodo el accionariado 
English to Spanish
already down from a peak of $1.41ya por debajo del preciomáximo de $1.41 
English to Spanish
already existing or to be createdcreado o por crearse 
English to Spanish
American money meneconomistas norteamericanos 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
amount due [ embarque]monto adeudado 
English to Spanish
amounts of money [poder]/monto/cantidad de/ dinero 
English to Spanish
amounts owedmontos adeudados 
English to Spanish
an annual household income [bolsa]un ingreso familiar anual 
English to Spanish
an association duly constituted [poder]una asociación debidamente constituida 
English to Spanish
an example of self-restraintun ejemplo de autolimitación 
English to Spanish
an increasingly dominant force [bolsa]una creciente fuerzaimportante 
English to Spanish
andasí como 
English to Spanish
and such other orders [sentencia]ordenes supletorias 
English to Spanish
and the parties are still married and will bey las partes aún están unidas y seguirán estando unidas en matrimonio 
English to Spanish
and within every subsequent term of 10 yearsy en lo sucesivo cada 10 años 
English to Spanish
Andean PactAcuerdo de Cartagena, Pacto Andino 
English to Spanish
any kind of claims [poder]demandas de todo tipo 
English to Spanish
any kind of [poder]/todo tipo/toda clase/ de 
English to Spanish
any sum accrued by way of X [seguro]X acumulado por 
English to Spanish
appearing hereon... en el mismo 
English to Spanish
appoint Dr.X Y [poder]nombrar al dr.X (como) Y 
English to Spanish
appropriate contractcontrato pertinente 
English to Spanish
approved as to form and substanceaprobado tanto en el fondo como en la forma 
English to Spanish
arbitration \"de jure\" [poder]arbitraje \"de jure\" 
English to Spanish
arbritragers [bolsa]\"arbitrantes\" 
English to Spanish
are subjected todeben someterse a 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
arrangement [ embarque]arreglar concertación 
English to Spanish
as ACL or its agents without prejudice may deem sufficient tosegún la ACL o sus agentes consideren sin prejuicios que /sea/es/ la cantidad suficiente para ... 
English to Spanish
as amendedy sus eventuales modificatorias y ampliatorias 
English to Spanish
as and for complete settlement [sentencia]como liquidacióntotal 
English to Spanish
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