Translation glossary: Election Lexicon

Showing entries 51-100 of 480
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Candidate registrationDiiwaangelinta murashaxa 
English to Somali
Caretaker governmentXukuumad maamulka sii haysa 
English to Somali
Carousel votingCodbixin lagu noqnoqdo 
English to Somali
Cascade (or pyramid) trainingTababbar qori-isu dhiib ah 
English to Somali
Centralised countingCodad-tirin dhexe 
English to Somali
Challenged ballotCodbixin lagu muransan yahay 
English to Somali
English to Somali
English to Somali
Citizen focused media coverageTabinta warbaahinta muwaaddinka diirrada saareysa 
English to Somali
Civic educationWaxbarashada madaniga ah 
English to Somali
Civic journalismSaxaafadda madaniga 
English to Somali
Civil registryDiiwaanka madaniga ah 
English to Somali
Civil societyBulshada rayidka ah 
English to Somali
Civil Society Organisation (CSO)Urur bulshada rayidka ah (CSO) 
English to Somali
English to Somali
Closed listLiis xiran 
English to Somali
Coalition governmentXukuumad wadaag ah 
English to Somali
Code of conductXeerka habdhaqanka 
English to Somali
Compensatory seatsKuraas cawlcelin ah 
English to Somali
English to Somali
Complaint formFoomka cabashada 
English to Somali
Compulsory votingCodeynta khasabka ah 
English to Somali
Conflict of interestIs Khilaafka Danaha 
English to Somali
ConsensusGo’aan loo dhan yahay 
English to Somali
Consolidating democracyXoojinta dimuqraadiyadda 
English to Somali
Consolidation of resultsUrurinta natiijooyinka 
English to Somali
Constituency/district boundariesSoohdinta deegaandoorashada codeynta/degmada 
English to Somali
Constituency/district magnitudeBaaxadda deegaan- doorashada codbixinta/ degmada 
English to Somali
Constituent assemblyGolaha ansaxinta dastuurka 
English to Somali
English to Somali
ConstitutionalDastuuri/dastuuri ah 
English to Somali
Constitutional courtMaxkamadda dastuurka 
English to Somali
Constitutional referendumAftida dastuurka 
English to Somali
Contiguous district/constituencyDeegaan doorasho/Degmo xiriirsan 
English to Somali
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)Heshiiska baabbi’inta nooc kasta oo haween-takoor ah 
English to Somali
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)Heshiiska Xuquuqda Dadka Laxaadka la’ (CRPD) 
English to Somali
Core cost (elections)Kharashka asaasiga ah (doorashada) 
English to Somali
Core teamKooxda udub dhexaadka ah 
English to Somali
Count centreXarunta tirinta 
English to Somali
Count FormFoomka tirinta 
English to Somali
Count officialSarkaalka tirinta 
English to Somali
Court of appealMaxkamadda rafcaanka 
English to Somali
Court of auditorsMaxkamadda hantidhowrayaasha 
English to Somali
Court of first instanceMaxkamadda darajada koowaad 
English to Somali
English to Somali
Cumulative votingIsku darka Codadaka 
English to Somali
Dark horseGuuleyste lamafilaan ah 
English to Somali
Database exportsGudbinta xogta 
English to Somali
Deadline for appealMuddada kama dambeysta ah ee rafcaanka 
English to Somali
Deadline for voter registrationMaalinta kama bambeysta ee diiwaangelinta codbixiyaha 
English to Somali
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