The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Indonesian to English General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters Translation Glossary

Indonesian term English translation
pilihan paling berat most difficult choice
pohon-pohon menahun perennial trees
pola baku model
posko-posko Al-Aqsha Al-Aqsa (emergency) operations centre
posyandu center(s) for pre- and postnatal health care and information for women and for children under five (balita)
preman thugs
pribadi yg mandiri dan mampu berkarya dapat diwujudkan independent and productive individuals may be realized
produk unggulan yang dijual sesuai pesanan superior products which are sold to order
program wakaf tunai cash waqf (religious endowment) program
Program: Ilmu-Ilmu Biologi Program: Biology Sciences
pusat pelayanan administrasi kegiatan administrative services centre [US: center]
putera daerah native son
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
putra-putri negeri the country's men and women
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
rambut brekele wacky hair
rela willingly/consent to
Entered by: Harry Hermawan
representasi dari negara-negara berdaulat di seluruh dunia representing the sovereign states/countries of the world
Entered by: Hikmat Gumilar
rumah dibalut dengan terpal plastik houses are covered with plastic tarpaulins
Entered by: Regi2006
rumah diikat dengan tali house tied with rope
Entered by: Regi2006
Sahabat _ sahabat ku yang pe cinta bahari. My fellow sea lovers
Entered by: Wiyanto Suroso
salam lihat penjelasan
salam komando bro handshake
Entered by: Regi2006
salamin shook his hand to congratulate him
sarana penangkapan ikan limited fishing equipments
Entered by: Regi2006
saya baru tahu hal itu.... I\'ve only just (now) learned/found out about that matter . . . .
sebagian pencatatan digabung dalam satu buku some of the records have been collated into one book
Entered by: Regi2006
sebelah timur to the east of
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
secara damai dan saling bersaudara peacefully and in the spirit of brotherhood
secara menyeluruh dan merata comprehensively and proportionately
sehingga consequently, therefore
seikat lidi utuh dan teratur a tightly bound and compact palm-frond broom
Entered by: Regi2006
sekedar mengingatkan just to remind
Sekolah Asal Previous School
sekolah latin Latin school
Selamanya aku ingin bersama dengan mu I want to be with you forever!
seluruh aparat pemerintah kota Banda Aceh all the officials of the Banda Aceh government
Entered by: Regi2006
semakin melilit became more and more pressing
sempadan sungai Riparian Area
sepanjang sejarah throughout history
sesuai dengan kemampuan dan keikhlasan masing-masing according to their willingness and ability to give
setengah melahirkan in mid-childbirth
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