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Please remove ChatGPT option from KudoZ (Staff: removed)
Thread poster: ibz
ibz  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:01
English to German
+ ...
Sep 13, 2023

Dear site staff,
Please remove ChatGPT from KudoZ. It's useless, it's annoying and it doesn't make sense at all.
ProZ is supposed to be for professional translators. All answers from ChatGPT that I've seen so far are utter nonsense. Anyone who want to know ChatGPT's answer to his/her question can do so outside of KudoZ.
I'm still waiting for an explanation as to why this feature was introduced at all. To proof that any term can be translated automatically, without taking the co
... See more
Dear site staff,
Please remove ChatGPT from KudoZ. It's useless, it's annoying and it doesn't make sense at all.
ProZ is supposed to be for professional translators. All answers from ChatGPT that I've seen so far are utter nonsense. Anyone who want to know ChatGPT's answer to his/her question can do so outside of KudoZ.
I'm still waiting for an explanation as to why this feature was introduced at all. To proof that any term can be translated automatically, without taking the context into account?
This is a disgrace ...

[Subject edited by staff or moderator 2023-10-27 16:32 GMT]

Myriam Moreno Hijazo
Barbara Carrara
Iris Schmerda
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Daniela Tosi
Gianni Pastore
Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:01
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
+ ...
Examples? Sep 13, 2023

As far as I can tell, not a single one of the questions on page 1 of the all-languages list of questions used ChatGPT, so it's not like people regularly choose that option. But you seem to have seen many examples where ChatGPT was used -- can you give us some examples, please?

ibz  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:01
English to German
+ ...
Examples Sep 13, 2023

Just two examples (English-German)
... See more
Just two examples (English-German)"de-characterized-dam".html

There will be questions where ChatGPT even produced the right answer (simple, straight forward terminology that most professional translators wouldn't even worry about).
My actual question is why including ChatGPT into KudoZ at all? There must be reason but somehow ProZ staff doesn't provide it and keeps telling us that this new feature is a big improvement.

Heike Holthaus
Elizabeth Joy Pitt de Morales
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Philip Lees
Diana Obermeyer
Alison MacG
Zea_Mays  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:01
Member (2009)
English to German
+ ...
No added value = no business Sep 13, 2023

Samuel Murray wrote:

As far as I can tell, not a single one of the questions on page 1 of the all-languages list of questions used ChatGPT, so it's not like people regularly choose that option. But you seem to have seen many examples where ChatGPT was used -- can you give us some examples, please?

I think a major point is that the _bad quality_ of GPT answers is not adding value.
And added value is key for any business.
But there are also the user experience, the social and the professional aspect...
What are Proz's reasons for introducing this gimmick, as others and also I have already asked?

If you check GPT's answers to Kudoz questions you'll find they are mostly useless.
Is Proz staff reading the comments like here?:

Seeing those stupid answers with highest CL and the automatically generated (invented) explanations
posted in zero seconds damages both the Kudoz experience and Proz's reputation.

The only positive aspect is that it shows how limited AI is when it is not given the full context.
Oddly enough, the bot gives better answers when you ask it the very same questions directly.

More and more Proz members are commenting negatively on those answers,
and that's just the visible tip of the iceberg (statistically, only 1-10% of people on the web actually say out loud what they think).

As a manufacturer or a service provider, I would be seriously concerned
about this level of negative customer feedback on a feature.

Barbara Carrara
Heike Holthaus
Joakim Braun
P.L.F. Persio
Becca Resnik
Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:01
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
+ ...
In fact Sep 13, 2023

In fact, here they all are:

I'm surprised that there have been so few answers by ChatGPT yet (44). From the response on the forum you'd think that there must have been many, many more.

Many of the disagrees for the ChatGPT answer does not really relate
... See more
In fact, here they all are:

I'm surprised that there have been so few answers by ChatGPT yet (44). From the response on the forum you'd think that there must have been many, many more.

Many of the disagrees for the ChatGPT answer does not really relate to the answer but to the fact that ChatGPT was allowed to answer. This is like disagreeing with an answer purely because the answer was given by a member of a certain ethnicity or nationality.

However, some of the disagrees do relate to the answer, and I believe those responses are actually quite useful to particularly new translators, to show them *why* an obvious answer is not the correct answer.

[Edited at 2023-09-13 09:21 GMT]

[Edited at 2023-09-13 09:21 GMT]

Robert Carter
ibz  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:01
English to German
+ ...
Sorry, but no Sep 13, 2023

Samuel, you wrote:

«However, some of the disagrees do relate to the answer, and I believe those responses are actually quite useful to particularly new translators, to show them *why* an obvious answer is not the correct answer.»

Do you really think that this is the reason behind this feature?

And then I also strongly disagree with your comment:

«This is like disagreeing with an answer purely because the answer was given by a member of a cer
... See more
Samuel, you wrote:

«However, some of the disagrees do relate to the answer, and I believe those responses are actually quite useful to particularly new translators, to show them *why* an obvious answer is not the correct answer.»

Do you really think that this is the reason behind this feature?

And then I also strongly disagree with your comment:

«This is like disagreeing with an answer purely because the answer was given by a member of a certain ethnicity or nationality.»

I can't follow your reasoning here. ChatGPT is no human being, has not ethnicity or nationality so there's no discrimination here.

[Edited at 2023-09-13 09:33 GMT]

Barbara Carrara
Heike Holthaus
texjax DDS PhD
P.L.F. Persio
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Jennifer Levey
Local time: 16:01
Member (2015)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Credibility and reputation of translators and Sep 13, 2023

The last questions asked in Kudoz from EN to PT didn't receive answers from the robot...
I'm in favour of removing ChatGPT for one simple reason, in addition to what has been already said.
As well as offering very literal and poor answers, and mislead askers, the bot doesn't seem to be able to distinguish between certain languages.
For example, it mixes up both Portuguese and S
... See more
The last questions asked in Kudoz from EN to PT didn't receive answers from the robot...
I'm in favour of removing ChatGPT for one simple reason, in addition to what has been already said.
As well as offering very literal and poor answers, and mislead askers, the bot doesn't seem to be able to distinguish between certain languages.
For example, it mixes up both Portuguese and Spanish:

This, in my opinion, does not give the site much credibility and reputation and can leave translators in a very unfortunate position, i.e. we start to be seen as "robots" as well!
I've already said on another thread that ChatGPT doesn't make a lot of difference here, because there are several ways to use it other than

Silvia Dono
Barbara Carrara
Heike Holthaus
Elizabeth Joy Pitt de Morales
P.L.F. Persio
Barbara Carrara
Barbara Carrara  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:01
Member (2008)
English to Italian
+ ...
Samuel Sep 13, 2023

Samuel Murray wrote:

In fact, here they all are:

I'm surprised that there have been so few answers by ChatGPT yet (44). From the response on the forum you'd think that there must have been many, many more.

One of the reasons there are not as many AI answers as one would expect is because it is up to the asker whether or not include ChatGPT among the answerers. Or at least, this is what we've been told by ProZ in this thread,

Looking at the ChatGPT Answered KudoZ timeline, can anybody explain why its very first reference 'contribution' was posted 357 days after the original test posting from ProZ staff on 18 Feb. 2010?

Does that mean that ProZ have been testing AI without our knowledge since early 2011?

Edited to include link to AI thread

[Edited at 2023-09-13 10:30 GMT]

P.L.F. Persio
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Mariusz Kuklinski
Philippe Etienne
Philippe Etienne  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:01
English to French
Next-gen Sep 13, 2023

Live and let live.
There may be language combinations where ChatGPT could be helpful. Besides, Version 2.0 will have learned from KudoZ answers and will get more accurate. Please be patient. We're currently looking for ice sheets suitable to accommodate our new data centers.

User numbers in this thread are interesting. I'm number 32125 and 20 years a user. We're not the future, and we're not shaping it either. When all ossified grumpy old members have retired or died,
... See more
Live and let live.
There may be language combinations where ChatGPT could be helpful. Besides, Version 2.0 will have learned from KudoZ answers and will get more accurate. Please be patient. We're currently looking for ice sheets suitable to accommodate our new data centers.

User numbers in this thread are interesting. I'm number 32125 and 20 years a user. We're not the future, and we're not shaping it either. When all ossified grumpy old members have retired or died, might be able to really enter the 21st century and at last leverage animations, dancing images and robots, far more exciting and softer on consumers' brains than any series of words arranged in a (n even meaningful) sentence.

I hardly browse the KudoZ section nowadays, so ChatGPT, clueless askers and virtual sociopaths don't really bother me. I subscribe to ProZ for other reasons. To avoid early strokes and high blood pressure, I encourage every fossilized translator to stay away from the KudoZ section, as we certainly have enough points to remain in the first Directory pages for a while, before the young take over.

As regards ChatGPT value, my opinion is that free Internet is not about value, because content is mostly free. I think it's rather about SEO, volume and traffic, whatever form it takes. ChatGPT may be good for in that respect. And what's good for is ultimately good for us members, is it not?


Jorge Payan
Chris Says Bye
Liviu-Lee Roth
Daisuke Yamashita
Christel Zipfel
Zea_Mays  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:01
Member (2009)
English to German
+ ...
@ Philippe Sep 13, 2023

There will be no "young people" to take over.

As for "old and grumpy", that's a framing you can have for yourself,
but it's not a good basis for an open and objective discussion.

Btw, even free content on the web disappears if it is of no value for enough people.

[Bearbeitet am 2023-09-13 11:34 GMT]

P.L.F. Persio
Becca Resnik
texjax DDS PhD
Philippe Etienne
Jennifer Levey
Laurent Di Raimondo
Joakim Braun
Joakim Braun  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:01
German to Swedish
+ ...
Agree for now Sep 13, 2023

AI doesn't (yet) do well with short, unusual phrases without much context.
It's quite good, though, at arguing why it's right when it's wrong.

In my language pairs AI has generally proposed literal word-by-word translations, not much better than Google Translate. The AI-invented example phrases are worthless.

P.L.F. Persio
Becca Resnik
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Mariusz Kuklinski
Philip Lees
Vera Schoen
ibz  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:01
English to German
+ ...
Still waiting for an answer by Proz staff Sep 13, 2023

As long as Proz staff keep silent, we won't know about the real reasons behind the implementation of this feature. I can't imagine that this increases volume and traffic, as Philippe writes. And what's good for ProZ is not necessarily good for me - and I'm a paying member (not too old and not too grumpy, I dare say).

So could we get an "official" answer, please?

Laurent Di Raimondo
Stepan Konev
Mariusz Kuklinski
Philip Lees
Michael Newton
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Michele Fauble
Michele Fauble  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 09:01
Norwegian to English
+ ...
Two reasons in support of removing ChatGPT Sep 13, 2023

ProZ is contributing to the hype about ChatGPT.
It’s starting to be embarrassing to be associated with what ProZ is becoming.

Laurent Di Raimondo
Barbara Carrara
Jennifer Levey
Anton Konashenok
Chris Says Bye
Lieven Malaise
Lieven Malaise
Local time: 17:01
Member (2020)
French to Dutch
+ ...
@Philippe Sep 13, 2023

It seems your sarcasm went lost in translation or machine translation post-editing.

Chris Says Bye
Philip Lees
Philippe Etienne
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Liviu-Lee Roth
Elizabeth Joy Pitt de Morales
Laurent Di Raimondo
Laurent Di Raimondo  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:01
English to French
+ ...
One ultimate reason not to renew my ProZ membership Sep 13, 2023

Michele Fauble wrote:

ProZ is contributing to the hype about ChatGPT.
It’s starting to be embarrassing to be associated with what ProZ is becoming.

Indeed. I no longer stand the ProZ's U-turn weird new AI policy as well as ProZ prostituting themselves with ChatGPT and selling their soul at such an extent...

End of story with my money! Quite frankly, I don't need ProZ to land new jobs, let alone this f****g ChatGPT.

[Modifié le 2023-09-14 07:03 GMT]

Chris Says Bye
Joshua Parker
Mariusz Kuklinski
Philip Lees
Michael Newton
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Please remove ChatGPT option from KudoZ (Staff: removed)

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