Member since Nov '08

Working languages:
English to Italian
French to Italian
Italian (monolingual)

Barbara Carrara

Local time: 09:11 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Italian Native in Italian
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Feedback from
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4 positive reviews
2 ratings (5.00 avg. rating)
User message
Well Versed and Versatile
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified member
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Website localization, Transcription, Transcreation, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
Art, Arts & Crafts, PaintingHistory
ArchitectureMining & Minerals / Gems
Advertising / Public RelationsMarketing
Furniture / Household AppliancesCinema, Film, TV, Drama
Poetry & LiteratureEnvironment & Ecology

All accepted currencies Euro (eur)
KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 2148, Questions answered: 1259, Questions asked: 21
Project History 27 projects entered

Payment methods accepted Wire transfer
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 12
Experience Years of experience: 31. Registered at Sep 2008. Became a member: Nov 2008. Certified PRO certificate(s)
Credentials Italian to English (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations))
English to Italian (Non-fiction translation+proofreading, Lindau)
French to Italian (Non-fiction translation+proofreading, Lindau)
Italian (Lindau Ed.: traduzione saggistica, corr. bozze)
Memberships Strade (union of Italian translators in publishing)
Software Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Sound Forge, Spot, Powerpoint
Forum posts 463 forum posts
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Events and training
Professional practices

A thorough, meticulous, resourceful professional, I can successfully handle your language-related projects. I have a solid hands-on experience in a variety of fields, combined with a flair for capturing the style and register of the source language and for rendering it into Italian.

More about me

Prior to starting my freelancing career, I was employed for a total of fifteen years at a design firm; an international sports event organisation, and an eco-gastronomic movement. Translation was key in each of these posts and was among my responsibilities.

As a freelancer, and among other assignments, I worked for five years as a proofreader for a Turin-based publisher specialising in folklore, collections, photography and travel books (2002-2007).

Between 2004 and 2010, I worked for a bilingual university, translating materials for the management, faculty, staff and students (newsletters; syllabi; lecture notes; press articles; conference papers; correspondence; book excerpts; faculty profiles...). I also worked as an EN/FR>IT translator and proofreader for the biannual bilingual academic journal published by the same university (2006-2008).

Among my other freelancing activities, I worked as a press officer and catalogue editor/proofreader for an international short-film festival, an international food festival, and was involved in a number of food and wine-related activities (national events; literature; promotion of food and wine tourism; facts and figure researcher for a UK-based TV production company...).

Published translations and copy-editing projects

Titanic dietro le quinte, Paula Parisi (Edizioni Lindau, 1999, part translation)

Academic articles for the journal published between 2006 and 2008 by the University of Gastronomic Sciences.
Contributors include Miguel Altieri, Fritjof Capra, Gilles Fumey, Stuart Franklin, Satish Kumar, Françoise Sabban, Ann Noble, Paul Roberts, Alice Waters, John Wilkinson.

Bottega Veneta, Thomas Maier, with contributions from Matt Tyrnauer, Colombe Pringle, Daniel Jeffreys, Jay Fielden, Sarah Mower, Nick Vinson, Kate Betts, Seiichi Kamei, Joan Juliet Buck, Ingrid Sischy, Tim Blanks, Barbara Casavecchia (Rizzoli International, 2012)

Luca Signorelli, exhibition catalogue (Silvana Editoriale, 2012, part translation)

Renoir: la vie en peinture, exhibition catalogue (Silvana Editoriale, 2012)

La conquista del tempo, Dominique Fléchon (Flammarion/Marsilio, 2015, part translation)

Freespace, Biennale Architettura 2018, Vv.Aa. (Yvonne Farrell, Shelley McNamara eds.), two-volume catalogue (La Biennale di Venezia, 2018, part translation)

OBR-Open Building Research, Vv.Aa. (Paolo Brescia and Tommaso Principi, eds.) copy editing of the Italian version of a monograph of Milan-based architectural firm OBR (Birkhäuser, 2023)

More language-related services

Transcreation and localisation (printed and digital content)

Magazines: interior and product design, luxury goods, collectors' items. Online content: heritage, art history, product design, fine and fashion jewellery, wine-making, entertainment (scripts, games, apps), education, tourism...

Transcription and adaptation

Italian-to-Italian transcription services (verbatim; standard; with or without time-coding) as well as adaptation services for audio and/or video content intended for dubbing or VO purposes. Assignments I have completed over the years include conference papers (55,000+ words transcribed, edited and translated where required), corporate materials (a number of short-to-medium length videos); product presentations (from mini excavators to toy bikes); marketing videos (e.g. on brand performance); interviews (heritage sites)...

Copy editing, proofreading and editing

Copy editing, proofreading (Italian, monolingual) and editing (English/French-Italian, source-target comparison) exclusively for my areas of specialisation/work, and only on translations completed by professional translators.

I work both on .docx files during the early stages of a book project (copy editing), and once the book layout has been completed, I proof the .pdf files directly, as emailed by the publishers.

I normally prefer to carry out a couple of proof runs, to make sure that the final copy is consistent and cohesive.

Please note job offers requesting MTPE services will be ignored.


My fees for translation, transcreation, transcription, localisation, adaptation, copy editing, proofreading and editing assignments are reflective of my experience, and are in line with local market rates. They will be agreed with each potential, new or repeat client (either direct or agency) after assessing the original text(s), content, audio and/or video material.

Depending on the service(s) required, rates are calculated per source word for translation, per audio minute for transcription (standard/verbatim, with/without timecodes), and per hour for adaptation, proofreading and/or editing.

Depending on the level of 'rewriting' or 'copywriting' required, transcreation/creative translation/transwriting services are calculated on a per-word, per-unit or per-hour basis, to be agreed with the client after assessing the existing copy.

Minimum charges apply.

Do get in touch through the system or for availability and rates, and to discuss your next language-related project and start a mutually satisfying working relationship. I’ll be happy to help in any way that I can.

Thank you for visiting my profile and website.




Any inquiries coming through zoominfo, translationdirectory or similar portals will be ignored. I never subscribed to those specific directory listings, or any other. Any personal information potential clients may find there as my own has in fact been harvested and/or edited without my consent, and is therefore unauthorised.

My ProZ profile and my personal website are the only authorised links through which potential clients may know about me and get in touch. Thank you.

This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 2325
PRO-level pts: 2148

Top languages (PRO)
English to Italian1160
Italian to English644
French to Italian186
Italian to French100
French to English42
Pts in 3 more pairs >
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 4 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting123
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion119
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters90
Cooking / Culinary88
Pts in 62 more flds >

See all points earned >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects27
With client feedback0
0 positive (0 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
English to Italian15
French to Italian9
Specialty fields
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting7
Tourism & Travel2
Advertising / Public Relations2
Materials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.)1
Wine / Oenology / Viticulture1
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion1
Mining & Minerals / Gems1
Other fields
Keywords: English-to-Italian translations, French-to-Italian translations, English-Italian freelance translator, French-Italian freelance translator, translate into Italian, Italian wordshop, Italian native, confidentiality, non-fiction, creative translation. See more.English-to-Italian translations, French-to-Italian translations, English-Italian freelance translator, French-Italian freelance translator, translate into Italian, Italian wordshop, Italian native, confidentiality, non-fiction, creative translation, proofreading, proofing, proofs, research, proofreader, Italian proofreader, reviewing, editing, Italian copy editing, Italian copy editor, transcreation, transwriting, transcription, adaptor, adaptation, summarization, script and screenplay translation, press releases, house organs, newsletters, advertising translation, ads, slogans, mottos, headlines, taglines, slang, website content, art, art books, art catalogues, art catalogs, artists, paintings, painters, visual arts, art history, social history, ancient history, architectural heritage, art heritage, cultural heritage, audio guides, antiques, antique collecting, collections, interior design, product design, packaging design, graphic design, visual communication, cartoon adaptations, cartoons, kids tv, kids' programmes, kids' programs, kids online content, catalogues, product catalogues, product catalogs, PR material, jewellery catalogues, fine jewellery, fine jewelry, fashion jewellery, fashion jewelry, jewelry catalogs, jewellery catalogues, perfumes, fragrances, perfumery, perfumer, noses, luxury items, quality, quality-oriented, detail-oriented, research, adattamento, adattamento dialoghi, traduzione copioni, traduzione sceneggiature, traduzione EN>IT, traduzione inglese-italiano, traduzione francese-italiano, FR>IT, traduzioni dall'inglese all'italiano, traduttrice freelance EN>IT, correzione bozze, bozze, correttrice bozze, cartaceo, online, revisione, revisione testi, editing, editing testi, laboratorio di parole, theitalianwordshop, the italian wordshop, traduzione creativa, trascrizioni, comunicati stampa, notiziari, traduzione pubblicitaria, house organ, cataloghi, pubblicità, slogan, motti, gergo, arte, artisti, pittura, dipinti, affreschi, scultura, arti visive, audioguide, cataloghi d'arte, cataloghi mostre d'arte, storia dell'arte, storia antica, storia egizia, medioevo, rinascimento, barocco, storia sociale, ottocento inglese, antiquariato, collezionismo, collezioni, gioielli, alta gioielleria, bigiotteria, profumi, fragranze, profumieri, nasi, design, arredo interni, racconti in rima, rime per bambini, adattamento cartoni, cartoni animati, contenuti siti web, traduzioni marketing & PR, cataloghi prodotti, qualità, riservatezza, ricerca, traductions du français à l'italien, traductions FR>IT, à traduire vers l'italien, atelier, mots, confidentialité, adaptations, traductions créatives, écriture créative, transcréation, transécriture, adaptation, correction d'épreuves, relecture, révision de maquettes, recherche, qualité, traduction matériaux promotionnels, traductions d'art, arts visuels, histoire ancienne, patrimoine, antiquités, traduction sites muséels, musées, audioguides, collections, haute joaillerie, bijoux, bijouterie, parfums, fragranges, parfumeurs, nez, catalogues. See less.

Profile last updated
Sep 10, 2024