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Please remove ChatGPT option from KudoZ (Staff: removed)
Thread poster: ibz
Local time: 16:05
Member (2015)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
"Other Terminology Resources" Oct 19, 2023

Henry Dotterer wrote:

Thanks, Zea! Anyone else interested? ibz? dkfmmuc? Michele? expressisverbis?

I don't have much more to add, and I totally agree with Michele's last post.
I still agree with my colleagues about the uselessness of this feature in Kudoz.
It doesn't make much sense to me to use this bot as Machine Translation, while offering terms that are an absurd most part of the time and acting like a human.
As I mentioned before, ChatGPT, Bard and co. are useful as research assistants for misspelled terms, acronyms, abbreviations, concept explanations, etc. but it can't deal with creativity, emotions, feelings or even technical terms with a high degree of difficulty.
For example, I've been translating since yesterday a text in English and its author didn't even bother to use a spell checker!
I've come across a number of acronyms, abbreviations and spelling mistakes, but I didn't use ChatGPT integrated in Kudoz for my queries, instead I used AI directly.
By this I mean that I don't see a "bright" future for ChatGPT on Kudoz. Most translators will visit AI Websites that are already available to everybody.
There are also many colleagues who work in marketing, and transcreation (like me, for example) and in these fields, AI is totally "lost in translation"!
A few months ago I had a very funny conversation with ChatGPT because of a text that required a high degree of creativity. If I posted its answers here, I'm sure Portuguese speakers would have a good laugh!
And that's just it: laughing is good but in different contexts, and I don't want that others "make fun of" me on a site that supposedly brings together a community of serious professionals.
I think we all want to be seen as professional translators, we don't want to be "a joke" especially to existing and potential clients, and even less do we want to be compared to or treated like machines like ChatGPT.
Please think about this. Is that what you want: to ruin your reputation/credibility and ours?
Why not use and/or integrate this resource into Proz, but with the purpose that is most appropriate for it, for example under "Other Terminology Resources" - "ChatGPT: Your Research Assistant"?

Michele Fauble
Philip Lees
Chris Says Bye
Maria Rosa Fontana
Jennifer Levey
ibz  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:05
English to German
+ ...
@Henry: Still no answer Oct 20, 2023

Henry Dotterer wrote:

ibz wrote:
My question remains: Why introducing this feature?

Right, so I feel like we have answered that a few times here already... but you don't feel like you've gotten an answer... so maybe let's hop on a virtual event or a call of some sort and get this sorted out?

That's my invitation -- what do you say?

Thank you for your offer but I don't see any sense in this if you keep avoiding clear answers. All you said is (quoting) "In a nutshell, our goal at ProZ is to help our members to use AI to their advantage."

And we keep telling you that this feature is not to our advantage. This thread has had more than 10,500 views until now - must almost be a new record. So I think that everyone who is following this thread deserves clear and concise answers to some quite simple questions:

Did you read the comments to ChatGPT's answers? And if yes, what do you say to that? (BTW, "topdog" is still one of my favourite gems.)
In what precise way is this feature supposed to help me as a professional translator?
Why do you refuse to take the opinion of those who are working as translators into account?

You are about to lose your most long-standing (paying) members. Is that really what you want?

Philip Lees
Chris Says Bye
Alison MacG
Maria Rosa Fontana
@Henry Oct 20, 2023

There seems little point in spending time on a big debate when I have not seen a single person say they like the feature. Not one.

I think our position is clear.

Barbara Carrara
Jennifer Levey
Christel Zipfel
Philip Lees
Local time: 16:05
Member (2015)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
I feel extremely disappointed Oct 21, 2023

ibz wrote:

This thread has had more than 10,500 views until now - must almost be a new record. So I think that everyone who is following this thread deserves clear and concise answers to some quite simple questions:

And almost 60 agrees!

You are about to lose your most long-standing (paying) members. Is that really what you want?

I'll probably be one of them... but one member (like me) makes no difference.
Many serious things have been happening lately: a series of bugs that take a long time to deal with, topics that are inclusive or removed because we express our opinion in a contrary way even though we are polite, sense of humour has been lost, other issues seen in the translation contest, more recent work by companies that offer ridiculous rates, etc.
I already see some colleagues who aren't so regular here, and one of them who participated in this thread has deleted his account (I can see an X under his name).
I liked Proz, now I don't know anymore. I feel like we're not being heard.
The only positive and good thing I can still see here are some colleagues whom I admire and whose technical and non-technical opinions contribute to my continuous learning. They are the reason I'm still here...
I feel extremely disappointed.

Jennifer Levey
Barbara Carrara
Philip Lees
Maria Rosa Fontana
Jennifer Levey
Jennifer Levey  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:05
Spanish to English
+ ...
@Henry – “Event” suggestions Oct 21, 2023

Henry Dotterer wrote:

I would be happy to have the team set up a virtual event of some sort.

If there is any interest, please feel free to suggest a title for the event. Thanks!

The single most most constructive “event” that you can organise in relation to the topic of this thread will take the form an instruction to your staff that ChatGPT must be removed from Kudoz forthwith.

Once the bot has been expelled from the Kudoz field of play, it would be appropriate for you, as a business entrepreneur, to conduct a ‘post mortem’ covering all relevant aspects of the ChatGPT-in-Kudoz débacle, and publish the findings here on the Proz platform.

An open-minded review of all contributions to this present thread will provide you with numerous ideas for chapter headings for the “coroner’s report”. For starters:
- Proz managers’ understanding of the member’s feelings towards AI in general, and AI in Kudoz in particular.
- Proz managers’ PR and logistic failings during the launch of the ‘feature’.
- The ‘performance’ of ChatGPT as a Kudoz-player (requires a comprehensive analysis of data available here: ).
- The technical challenges of converting typical Kudoz questions into ChatGPT prompts, and ensuring that the bot adheres to the Kudoz rules.

If you’re lucky, you might find that some of us who have contributed to this thread would be willing to contribute to a sincere attempt on your part to salvage what’s worth salvaging from this ignominious episode in Proz's otherwise respectable existence.

But for that to happen, at least as far as I'm concerned, you’ll first need to trigger the “event” mentioned in my first paragraph.

Barbara Carrara
Philip Lees
Maria Rosa Fontana
Alison MacG
Alison MacG  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 16:05
German to English
+ ...
Quote from one of ChatGPT's latest answers Oct 23, 2023

Note: The provided translation is based on the available context, but it's important to consult a professional translator or verify with a Polish-speaking expert for accurate translations.
... See more
Note: The provided translation is based on the available context, but it's important to consult a professional translator or verify with a Polish-speaking expert for accurate translations.широкополосная-импульсная-физиотерапия.html?phpv_redirected=1

ibz  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:05
English to German
+ ...
@Henry: Your answer? Oct 23, 2023

I notice that ProZ has fallen silent again. Several people have again clearly expressed their stance on ChatGPT on KudoZ since you, Henry, suggested an event. I can only second their opinion and couldn't agree more with Jennifer's conclusion [quote]:

"The single most most constructive “event” that you can organise in relation to the topic of this thread will take the form an instruction to your staff that ChatGPT must be removed from Kudoz forthwith."

So we are still waiting for a clear answer. This story is getting quite embarrassing.

Maria Rosa Fontana
Jennifer Levey
Philip Lees
Alison MacG
Barbara Carrara
texjax DDS PhD
texjax DDS PhD  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:05
Member (2006)
English to Italian
+ ...
In a nutshell Oct 23, 2023

expressisverbis wrote:

I feel like we're not being heard.


This is the common sentiment here, Henry, which you seem to ignore. By doing that, you are alienating your supporters.

Maria Rosa Fontana
Jennifer Levey
Philip Lees
Barbara Carrara
United Kingdom
Local time: 16:05
Serbian to English
+ ...
Wasn't Oct 24, 2023

the (in)famous Coca-Cola's 'New Coke' 1985 Flop supposed to be in corporate-land a "lesson learned"?

To be used for "learning on other people's mistakes" instead of on your own?

I really can't see how anyone could put together / treat as equals experienced real translators and a piece of software that was *prematurely* hyped as being "intelligent" and expect that nothing goes wrong?

If this thing called AI has any IQ, it's somewhere in the polar reg
... See more
the (in)famous Coca-Cola's 'New Coke' 1985 Flop supposed to be in corporate-land a "lesson learned"?

To be used for "learning on other people's mistakes" instead of on your own?

I really can't see how anyone could put together / treat as equals experienced real translators and a piece of software that was *prematurely* hyped as being "intelligent" and expect that nothing goes wrong?

If this thing called AI has any IQ, it's somewhere in the polar regions.

Won't start the long version of it - would be too long.

[Edited at 2023-10-24 15:18 GMT]

ibz  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:05
English to German
+ ...
Things I DID love about ProZ Oct 26, 2023

So ... still no answer and we're definitely not heard and ProZ obviously couldn't care less.

@Henry: You wrote in another thread that I don't want to hijack by this topic [quote]:

"Speaking for myself and maybe from the perspective of the team, I love that for our job, we get to serve freelance linguists -- a group of people who, generally speaking, are humble, curious and multi-cultural, who love words and who don't need and don't tend to get impressed by a lot of spin or polish."

How can this statement, this point of view that you claim, be reconciled with ProZ's approach to ChatGPT in KudoZ?

I for one have cancelled my automatic membership renewal.

Tom in London
Philip Lees
Maria Rosa Fontana
Jennifer Levey
Barbara Carrara
Except... Oct 26, 2023

ibz wrote:
So ... still no answer and we're definitely not heard and ProZ obviously couldn't care less.

Henry has actually answered the question though. He's just decided to keep the feature despite our objections.

I'm not going to get too upset about it. It's not like it's being promoted on the front page of the site.

Philip Lees
Philip Lees  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:05
Greek to English
Me too Oct 27, 2023

ibz wrote:

So ... still no answer and we're definitely not heard and ProZ obviously couldn't care less.

@Henry: You wrote in another thread that I don't want to hijack by this topic:

"Speaking for myself and maybe from the perspective of the team, I love that for our job, we get to serve freelance linguists -- a group of people who, generally speaking, are humble, curious and multi-cultural, who love words and who don't need and don't tend to get impressed by a lot of spin or polish."

How can this statement, this point of view that you claim, be reconciled with ProZ's approach to ChatGPT in KudoZ?

I for one have cancelled my automatic membership renewal.

Me too.

(Yes, I know, but any more would get my post blocked.)

Maria Rosa Fontana
Local time: 16:05
Member (2015)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Henry Oct 27, 2023

Please take a look at the thread below.

So now instead of one ChatGPT we're going to have several... I think this is a good and very valid reason for Proz to get rid of it for good:

I believe you've opened a Pandora's box!

Philip Lees
Maria Rosa Fontana
Zea_Mays  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:05
Member (2009)
English to German
+ ...
In a nutshell Oct 27, 2023

Michele Fauble wrote:

I have no issue with translators using ChatGPT as a resource for researching terms, but like dictionaries, glossaries, internet research, etc., this should be done before posting a KudoZ question.


ChatGPT, as useful as it may be, is not a fellow translator. It is a resource like the above mentioned, and should be treated as such.

Let's add that the bot, unlike dictionaries, glossaries etc., is producing nearly 100% crap here.
This means it is of no help at all. It just shows that machines are not intelligent.

We should start to post comments of fellow translators on its answers here
to convey an idea on what translators actually think about this gimmick.

Philip Lees
Maria Rosa Fontana
MollyRose  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 10:05
English to Spanish
+ ...
Native in English Oct 27, 2023

Its profile shows that it is native in English, but that is impossible, since it can't think in a human language. It should say "Native in [whatever programming language it uses].

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Please remove ChatGPT option from KudoZ (Staff: removed)

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