This powwow has already been held!

[View Powwow Report] powwow: Christmas dinner

December 8, 2011, 8:30 am
United KingdomEdinburghIn personEnglish
Please note that registration for this PowWow has now closed (14 Nov 2011). Please do not sign up if you have not already registered and paid your deposit!

Many thanks

Event Organizer:

Julian Wagstaff

Login to add your name to the list of people interested.Click here to login now.

Click here to register. (It is free.) Users attending this Powwow

: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (28) / Confirmed: 24
Name NoteWill Attend
Rebecca Hendry  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" ...  y
Julian Wagstaff  \"Organizer\" All deposits paid now - can't wait for Dec 8!  y
Marion Lurf   ...  y
XJacqueline McKay (X)   ...  y
David Kerr   ...  y
Ramon Inglada   ...  n
Marion Greenway Allen   ...  y
Eleonore Wapler   Yip yeep! see some of you there and then hopefully  y
XMatthew Beeston (X)   ...  y
XLisa McCreadie (X)   Eek! I can't believe it's this time already. Looking forward to it though :)  y
XRebekka Groß (X)   ...  n
Emmanuelle Hingant   I won't be able to attend as I am more than likely to have another meeting that day. Enjoy though!  n
Graeme High   ...  y
Lee Williamson   ...  y
Judith McLean   Looking forward to it. Judith  y
Cesar Ayala   ...  y
CarolG   ...  y
Monica Camino   Won't miss it this time :)  y
Miranda Stewart   Looking forward to it (actually the crackers!)  y
Denise Muir   Great, I'll be in Edinburgh that week!  y
Nadege Weightman   The snow won't be able to stop me this year!  y
XElzbieta Petlicka (X)   ...  y
Xdoriando (X)   ...  y
Hannah Burrow   ...  y
Manuela Junghans   Unfortunately I won´t be able to make it this year. Have fun everyone!  n
David Alun Jones   ...  y
Thomas Roberts   ...  y
Krzysztof Milewski   ...  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: Edinburgh - United Kingdom
Rebecca Hendry
Rebecca Hendry  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 08:58
Member (2005)
Spanish to English
+ ...
Christmas dinner Oct 18, 2011

Details of the date and venue for the Edinburgh Translators' Christmas Dinner are now available here:

Looking forward to seeing you there!


Rebecca Hendry
Rebecca Hendry  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 08:58
Member (2005)
Spanish to English
+ ...
Deadline for signing up Oct 25, 2011

Please note that if you would like to attend the Edinburgh Translators' Christmas Dinner on Thursday 8th December, you need to sign up by Tuesday 1st November. Please sign up now if you plan to come!

Julian Wagstaff
Julian Wagstaff  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 08:58
German to English
Signup now closing... Deposit due... Nov 2, 2011

Hi Everyone

Just a quick note to say that today (Wednesday 2nd November) is the *absolute* final day for letting me know you're coming to this event - by signing up and changing your status to "Yes" if you haven't already done so. I'm very sorry, but I won't be able to accept any new signups after today.

Also - many thanks to everyone who's paid their deposit already. As you know, I need to pay the deposits to the restaurant on Friday (4 Nov), so if I don't have your deposi
... See more
Hi Everyone

Just a quick note to say that today (Wednesday 2nd November) is the *absolute* final day for letting me know you're coming to this event - by signing up and changing your status to "Yes" if you haven't already done so. I'm very sorry, but I won't be able to accept any new signups after today.

Also - many thanks to everyone who's paid their deposit already. As you know, I need to pay the deposits to the restaurant on Friday (4 Nov), so if I don't have your deposit by then I'm afraid I won't be able to include you (sorry!).

It's great to see so many people signed up to this event, and I'm very much looking forward to seeing you all on December 8, if not before!

Cheers for now, and best wishes


Julian Wagstaff
Julian Wagstaff  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 08:58
German to English
Details for Thursday Dec 4, 2011

Hi folks

Just to let you know I've sent a message to everyone who's paid up for this event with details of Thursday's dinner! Please check your in-boxes/spam folders and let me know if you have any questions!

I look forward very much to seeing you all on Thursday.

Cheers for now



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