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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Annual Pre-Xmas Meeting

December 7, 2007, 6:00 pm
Czech RepublicPragueIn personCzech

Blíží se vánoce a tím - jako každý rok - i tradiční před vánoční / adventní setkáni.
Weihnachten naht, und damit - wie jedes Jahr - auch unser traditionelles Adventtreffen.
Soon it´s Christmas again and so - like every year - this is the time for our traditional pre-Xmas Meeting

U toho setkání je také možné nechat si verifikovat identitu. K tomu je potřeba abyste v ProZ byly přihlášeni se svým skutečním jménem a musíte předložit občanský průkaz nebo jiný úřední průkaz (s fotkem!) či pas.

Im Rahmen des Treffens ist eine Identitätsverifizierung möglich. Dazu muss der/die Betreffende mit seinem/ihrem tatsächlichen Namen bei ProZ eingetragen sein und einen amtlichen Ausweis (mit Foto!) vorlegen.

We can verify your identity at this meeting. To do so we need you to be signed up with ProZ under your real name and you need to bring a photo ID.

Kde? Wo? Where? Kdy? Wann? When? Jak se tam dostat?
Veselý Bizon, Praha 5,
Štefánikova 44
18:00 - 23:00
Tram č. 6, 9, 12, 20
Autem: parkovaci místa jsou nedostakovým zboším!
Mit dem Auto: Parkplätze sind hier eher Mangelware!
By car: to find a parking lot is rather difficult in this area!

Jako každý rok se budu snažit o tak trochu útulnou vánoční atmosféru s vánočním cukrovím atd. Vstupné se neplatí, ale každý si sám hradí svou konuzumaci.

Wie jedes Jahr, werde ich mich auch diesmal um eine nette weihnachtlich Atmosphere mit Weihnachtsbäckerei und -dekoration bemühen. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos, jeder bezahlt nur die eigene Konsumation.

As every year I will try to prepare a nice chrismas atmosphere with cookies and Xmas decoration. No entrance fee, but everyone is expected to pay for what ever you order from the menue.

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (24) / Confirmed: 17
Name NoteWill Attend
Helga Humlova  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" ...  y
Igor Seykora   ...  
Sabina Králová   ...  y
Daniel Meier   ...  y
Pavel Janoušek   Dorazím stoprocentně.  y
Tomas Burda  \"Reporter\" potvrzuji účast, bohužel dorazím až v 19:00  y
Hana Pankova   už se těším  y
Jaroslav Suchánek  \"Photographer\" tak letos mi do toho bohuzel neco vlezlo!  n
Sarka Rubkova  \"Photographer\" \"Host\" In last few year I could not attend this Powwow because I was abroad - this time I am at home and looking forward  y
Jan Kolbaba  \"Host\" hope the roads will be ice- or snow-free...  y
Kateřina Suchánková  \"Photographer\" Hope nothing will happen and I will be able to be there  y
Enrique Cavalitto   Visitor from Argentina!  y
two2tango   Count me in!  y
Martin Janda   ...  y
Kostas Zgafas   looking forward to meet you  y
Igor Indruch   A je s vámi alespoň sranda? Mám to 350 km... a poslední dobou nemám rád Prahu...  n
Marek Buchtel   ...  y
Milada Šejnohová   ...  y
Jennifer Taylor   ...  n
Michaela Bordessoule   Ahoj, bohužel v prosinci nemohu. Z ostrovů se přesouvám na kontinet až v únoru. Nepořádáte někdo něco?  n
seraalice   I would like to go but I am too busy and Prague is far away, anyway, enjoy your time  n
Jiri Kortus   ...  y
Elizabeth Spacilova   Regrettably, I'll be with you just in spirit this time. Have fun and see you in the New Year!  n
Vitezslav Ruzicka   Budu se snazit prijit.  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: Prague - Czech Republic
Enrique Cavalitto
Enrique Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:22
Member (2006)
English to Spanish
I can't believe it! Nov 21, 2007

Visiting Prague will be the fulfillment of a long cherished dream, but we didn't expected the joy of finding a powwow there waiting for us!
Enrique & Haydée

Helga Humlova
Helga Humlova  Identity Verified
Member (2003)
English to German
+ ...
We´re going to be really international!!! Nov 21, 2007

Enrique & Haydée
this is great news!!! Let us know if any of us can assist while you are in Prague! If you need assistence in finding the Venue, please let me know. Looking forward to seeing you.

two2tango  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:22
English to Spanish
+ ...
How to get there..? Nov 25, 2007

Enrique and Iwill have been for less than a day in Prague before the powwow begins, great timing!! We'll be staying near the Charles Bridge, which is the best way to get to the designated venue, where do we get off the tram? Thanks!
I look forward to meeting all of you.

Jaroslav Suchánek
Jaroslav Suchánek  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 15:22
English to Czech
Re: How to get there..? Nov 25, 2007

Go accross the Charles Bridge to the Lesser Town, then get into tram Nr. 12 at Malostranske Square Station (direction Smichov) and get off the tram at Svandovo divadlo (3rd station), no more than 6 mi... See more
Go accross the Charles Bridge to the Lesser Town, then get into tram Nr. 12 at Malostranske Square Station (direction Smichov) and get off the tram at Svandovo divadlo (3rd station), no more than 6 minutes to travel. (ý%20Bizon,%20Praha@sss=1@ssp=132997120_135916704_133064960_135971072@srq=route(fast,toll):ulice%20Malostranské%20nám.,%20Praha>Štefánikova%20319/44,%20Smíchov,%20Praha)Collapse

two2tango  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:22
English to Spanish
+ ...
Thanks! Nov 26, 2007

We´ll finmd our way, hopefully!

Enrique Cavalitto
Enrique Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:22
Member (2006)
English to Spanish
It was a party! Dec 8, 2007

Prague is a jewel and the powwow was a very nice event!

Thanks to Helga and the many colleagues with whom we passed a great time in spite of our ignorance of the Czech language!

Enrique Cavalitto
Enrique Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:22
Member (2006)
English to Spanish
More pictures uploaded Dec 24, 2007

Hi friends,

I have uploaded some pictures from the powwow we shared. Thanks again for your great hospitality!

Merry Christmas and a happy 2008!



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