Translation glossary: Ana CBW

Showing entries 401-450 of 450
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Sterile RSterilized using irradiation (but may not need translation) 
Spanish to English
substanciarse en los trámitesthe present proceeding will be conducted 
Spanish to English
sucesiones ilíquidasunliquidated successions 
Spanish to English
sur-replytríplica (respuesta a dúplica) 
English to Spanish
surrogate´s court procedure actLey de procedimiento del Tribunal Testamentario 
English to Spanish
Suspensión de la patria potestadsuspension of parental rights 
Spanish to English
sustraída de la acción de la justiciaabsconded 
Spanish to English
tableau of horrorcuadro macabro 
English to Spanish
Spanish to English
testimonio en relaciónsummarised transcript and certified copy (ver pregunta) 
Spanish to English
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 24 Nov. 2004 by Mr Joneel documento que antecede fue reconocido ante mí, el 24 de Nov. de 2004, por el Sr.J 
English to Spanish
the real estate escheats to the countylos bienes inmuebles revierten al condado 
English to Spanish
the same being accomplished the other (s) if any to be voiduna vez cumplido el presente, los restantes (si los hubiere) quedan anulados. 
English to Spanish
the text ratherprevalecerá el texto 
English to Spanish
their successors, heirs and assignssus sucesores, herederos y cesionarios 
English to Spanish
then this proxy if given in respect of all shares registered in the name of theentonces este Poder es otorgado respecto a todas las acciones registradas 
English to Spanish
then to his issue by right of representationy luego a su descendencia(descendientes) por derecho de representación 
English to Spanish
thereon, thereover or thereunderel mismo, sobre el mismo o por debajo del mismo 
English to Spanish
three undivided one-third interests(por) terceras partes indivisas 
English to Spanish
tiempo hábiltime allowed to take action; period prior to expiration of a term or deadline 
Spanish to English
to be see on bird-views as (new) enclosuresegún se observa en vistas panorámicas que se adjuntan 
English to Spanish
to effect insurancecontratar un seguro 
English to Spanish
to go back into the second lien positionretroceder a la posición de segundo gravamen 
English to Spanish
to purchase, feu, hold, sell, charge, (...) lands of any tenure in the UKfeu: variante escocesa de 
English to Spanish
to pursuedemandar, iniciar juicio (o acción) contra... 
English to Spanish
tomar razonrecord/register/make an entry 
Spanish to English
toolingelementos de (para) montaje/conjunto de útiles 
English to Spanish
torre (in this context)tower 
Spanish to English
transcendencia realeffect in rem (or in rem effect) 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
True name fraud and account takeoverrobo de identidad y apropiación fraudulenta de cuenta 
English to Spanish
tutela judicial efectiva para reclamar el derecho aeffective protection of the court (or due process) in order to assert their rights 
Spanish to English
UDA-PUnidad de Delitos Aduaneros / Unidad Antinarcóticos de Pichincha 
Spanish to English
un cuadro costumbristascene of local colours 
Spanish to English
Use the Code and the lawyersConsulte el código y a los abogados 
English to Spanish
usufruct or pledge has been establishedsi se ha constituido un derecho de usufructo o prenda 
English to Spanish
v (versus)c/ (abreviatura de contra) 
English to Spanish
valor de cosa juzgadahaving the force of law or the authority of a final decision 
Spanish to English
valores objetosvalores, objetos: securities, objects 
Spanish to English
víajudicial procedure/recourse/procedural path 
Spanish to English
vía incidentalpreliminary issue/incidental proceeding 
Spanish to English
viatorpersona asegurada 
English to Spanish
Vistos en el acuerdo...The justices/magistrates having met to consider... 
Spanish to English
Warranty Bill of SaleContrato de Compraventa (con cláusula de garantía) 
English to Spanish
Which brings us to Rudy Giuliani.lo que nos remite a Rudy Giuliani 
English to Spanish
within instrumenten el presente documento 
English to Spanish
Without prejudicesin perjuicio de los derechos que asisten a la parte que ha escrito esta carta 
English to Spanish
witness (in this context)en fe de lo cual firmo/en testimonio de lo cual firmo 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
¿Qué te "patsa", Patsy?What's "upsy" Patsy? 
Spanish to English
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