Freelance translators » English to Polish » Other » Poetry & Literature » Page 1

Below is a list of English to Polish freelance translators specializing in translations in the Other: Poetry & Literature field. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

97 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Hubert Maciejewicz
Hubert Maciejewicz
Native in Polish (Variant: Standard-Poland) Native in Polish
english, polish, computers, it, technology, religion, christianity
Ewa Nalepa
Ewa Nalepa
Native in Polish (Variant: Standard-Poland) Native in Polish
Polish, English, Italian, Spanish, law, business, marketing
Tomasz Sienicki
Tomasz Sienicki
Native in Polish (Variant: Standard-Poland) Native in Polish
polsk, polski, polsko, Polska, Polish, Polen, dansk, duński, duńsko, Danish, ...
Elina Niero
Elina Niero
Native in English Native in English, Polish Native in Polish
English, Spanish, Polish, technology, telecommunications, marketing
Mirka Lenarcik
Mirka Lenarcik
Native in Polish (Variant: Standard-Poland) Native in Polish
Polish, archaeology, anthropology, history, geology, food, tourism
cultural evaluation, linguistic research, Hungarian, Magyar, Tigrinya, Marshallese, Dzongkha, Somali, Tibetan, Shan, ...
Native in English Native in English, Polish Native in Polish
My primary interest are literary and legal translations. I also translate personal, historical, medical, Latin and Greek, French and Italian as well as Spanish and Portuguese.
Marta Konieczna
Marta Konieczna
Native in Polish (Variants: Standard-Poland, Old Polish) Native in Polish
subtitling, editing, AV, napisy, tłumaczenia
Monica RW
Monica RW
Native in Polish (Variant: Standard-Poland) Native in Polish, Spanish (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Spanish
ArrayCosmetics, Beauty, Poetry & Literature, Media / Multimedia, Textiles / Clothing / Fashion, ...
Native in Polish Native in Polish
ArrayPoetry & Literature, Cosmetics, Beauty
Karolina Łachmacka
Karolina Łachmacka
Native in Polish (Variant: Standard-Poland) Native in Polish
english to polish, polish, marketing, creative, marketing copy, copy translation, copy editing, transcreation, english to polish marketing translator, english to polish marketing translation, ...
Stephen Mason
Stephen Mason
Native in English Native in English
ArrayNames (personal, company), Poetry & Literature
Elzbieta Kulon
Elzbieta Kulon
Native in English (Variants: UK, US) Native in English, Polish (Variant: Standard-Poland) Native in Polish
Polish-English technology, health care, education, social sciences
Jakub Szacki
Jakub Szacki
Native in Polish Native in Polish
Biology, ecology, environment, botany, travel, tourism, technical manuals, market research, medicine, pharmaceuticals, ...
Michał Mleczko
Michał Mleczko
Native in English Native in English, Polish Native in Polish
Polish to English, English to Polish, Spanish to English, Spanish to Polish, Portuguese to English, marketing translation, contract translation, document translation, book translation, technical translation, ...
Kinga Rydzewska
Kinga Rydzewska
Native in Polish Native in Polish
Polish, NHS, certificate, diploma, books, music, art, cosmetics, animals, tourism, ...
Aleksandra Mazur-Bryla
Aleksandra Mazur-Bryla
Native in Polish Native in Polish
tłumacz przysięgły w UK, tłumaczy przysięgły london, tłumacz przysięgły w londynie, tłumacz języka angielskiego, tłumaczenie dokumentów, tłumaczenia z polskiego na angielski, tłumacz przysięgły UK, tłumacz przysięgły, tłumacz polsko-angielski, website localization, ...
Joanna Wons
Joanna Wons
Native in Polish Native in Polish
freelance Polish translator, freelance English-Polish translator, freelancer, experienced translator, agreements, contracts, business, marketing, business correspondence, commercial correspondence, ...
Mikolaj Rasmussen
Mikolaj Rasmussen
Native in Polish Native in Polish
Polish-English translation, Polish-Danish translation, Spanish-Polish translation, medical translations, marketing, public relations, tłumaczenia przysięgłe, automotive translations, technical translations, literary translations, ...
Katarzyna Klamra
Katarzyna Klamra
Native in Polish Native in Polish
IT, software, localization, computers, networks, documentation, software localization, hardware, manuals, help guides, ...

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Translators, like interpreters, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. Translators work with written text, as opposed to spoken word.

Translating involves much more than simple word-for-word conversion from one language to another. Translators must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any text they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

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