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Search results: (41 matches)
Trados support Trados Tag Editor Error: "error writing breaks" in addition I own a SDL Trados Suite 2007. Albana Dhimitri Mar 3, 2010
Trados support Trados Tag Editor Error: "error writing breaks" for clarification.... My computer system is Windows 7, the document I
translated is doc.(word 97). The steps I
followed to translate it: * I replaced all ^b
with ^p^& in my original file. * Saved the f
Albana Dhimitri Mar 3, 2010
Trados support Trados Tag Editor Error: "error writing breaks" TagEditor "saved as target" - file (of word 97) - images with text problem Hi all, Thanks to suggestions received from two
helpful colleagues, - check
Albana Dhimitri Mar 3, 2010
Trados support TagEditor problem! Error while writing breaks TagEditor "save target as" - of word 97 file - problem partly solved! Hi all, Many thanks to both Giovanni and Erik
for your precious help! The problem was partly
solved. For more, please check
Albana Dhimitri Mar 3, 2010
Trados support TagEditor problem! Error while writing breaks Hi All, I am trying to save a translation done
in TagEditor (Trados Suite 2007). But, while I
can save the bilingual file, I get this error
message, when I try to save the target fi
Albana Dhimitri Feb 25, 2010
Albanian Mbi "agree", "disagree" me përgjigjet e kudoZ Të dashur kolegë! Do të doja të "ulemi të
bisedojmë" (n.q.s. ju ka shqetësuar sado pak
edhe ju ndonjëherë) mbi përgjegjësinë
profesionale por, edhe morale që (mendoj) duhet
Albana Dhimitri Jan 21, 2010
Business issues What project information worth storing and what software used Getting organized is, I believe, one of the the
main factors facilitating (or otherwise, impeding)
growing business. Once a translator gets a
job, s/he has to think of the kind of info
Albana Dhimitri Jan 5, 2010
Office applications How to count words in a scanned text Thank you for helping! Hi, Epaminondas, Valery and Derek. I really
appreciate it! Thank you for the advice. I will
study OCRs and their use and hope it helps.
Albana Dhimitri Dec 2, 2009
Office applications How to count words in a scanned text Adding to... Can scanned texts be opened (and translated) in
Trados (the 2007 version)?
Albana Dhimitri Dec 2, 2009
Office applications How to count words in a scanned text Hi everybody, I am negotiating translation of
several PDF files, so I have to count the number
of words, first. I can convert the PDF files
into .doc ones but, it won't be of any us
Albana Dhimitri Dec 2, 2009
KudoZ GBK answers "specialization" barrier Yesterday I was trying to post some answers to GBK
questions, when I just found out that I was not
entitled to do so due to my "lack" of
specialization in the respective fields. And,
Albana Dhimitri Oct 29, 2009
Trados support Font and size problem in TagEditor Solved out! Thanks Stanislav and Emma, I just saved the
part I have finished translating so far (as target
text) and Yes!, everything is just fine with the
style and size of the letters. As you poi
Albana Dhimitri Oct 18, 2009
Trados support Font and size problem in TagEditor Thanks Thanks a lot for your help. I will search for
it. Have a nice Sunday!
Albana Dhimitri Oct 18, 2009
Trados support Font and size problem in TagEditor Hi all, I am in the middle of a translation in
TagEditor. It' s a quite large project so, I have
already created a considerably helpful TM.
But, I am having a problem as, when the
Albana Dhimitri Oct 18, 2009
Business issues translation business management software suggestions Thank you for your replies! Hi Vladimir and Tobias! Thank you very much for
the suggestions. Happy translations! Albana
Albana Dhimitri May 28, 2009
Business issues translation business management software suggestions Hi everyone! I am in the middle of a research
on translation business management software and I
would very much appreciate first-hand opinions and
suggestions. I mean, is there one s
Albana Dhimitri May 26, 2009
Trados support Tag Editor not saving the target version Thanks, Adam! Thank you for taking the time to help with your
suggestion! Let me try it and see what
happens. Best wishes, Albana
Albana Dhimitri May 22, 2009
Trados support Tag Editor not saving the target version Hi all, I have finished the translation of a
.doc text in Tag Editor and saved the bilingual
file. But, when trying to save the target file, I
get a nonsense (non letters - just rows of
Albana Dhimitri May 22, 2009
Albanian Thënie nga njerëz të shquar Mark Twain "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't
mind, it doesn't matter".

[Edited at
2009-03-27 09:30 GMT]
Albana Dhimitri Mar 27, 2009
Lighter side of trans/interp Any interesting translator blogs? Great idea to share this information! And another one (in English)
Albana Dhimitri Mar 26, 2009 Translator Coop Announcing new financial reports in invoicing Thank you Jason, I already used the new invoice service and it
worked perfectly. It is really thoughtful of
you to provide us with all these new financial
report facilitating features as this really he
Albana Dhimitri Mar 24, 2009
Getting established Should I take a job from a Translation Agency that is not in the Blue Board? To accept or not to accept... The way I think I can help you the best is by
putting myself in your shoes. What would I do if I
were you? 1) I would give some thought to the
country this company is settled in. I am
Albana Dhimitri Dec 16, 2008
Greek Τα KudoZ έπαθαν αμνησία; Καλημέρα Δημήτρη! Εγώ δεν έχω κανένα πρόβλημα
στο να μπω σε σελίδες
περασμένων ημερών KudoZ -το
δοκίμασα μερικές
φορές. �
Albana Dhimitri Dec 3, 2008
Trados support How can Tageditor bilingual file (TTX) be converted in word doc? Hi Tomas! I really have to thank you for your precious help
as I was in the very unpleasant situation of
having to delay the project delivery due to not
being able to produce a .doc bilingual file.
Albana Dhimitri Nov 17, 2008
Trados support How can Tageditor bilingual file (TTX) be converted in word doc? Hello Tomas! Thanks a million for taking the time to describe
the procedure. I will try it and hope it
works. Gratefully, Albana
Albana Dhimitri Nov 14, 2008
Trados support How can Tageditor bilingual file (TTX) be converted in word doc? Yes, the source was a word .doc. I have never before used a translation memory to
translate in Word, though. How exactly is it
done (I mean the steps of translating a text in
Word using a translation memory)? Thank
Albana Dhimitri Nov 14, 2008
Trados support How can Tageditor bilingual file (TTX) be converted in word doc? Thank you! Thanks a lot, Benjamin, for your prompt post.
Yes, I, too, thought it is not possible to
have Trados bilingual file saved as .doc, , but I
need collegues' opinions, as well, so that I
Albana Dhimitri Nov 14, 2008
Trados support How can Tageditor bilingual file (TTX) be converted in word doc? Hello all, I have been asked to deliver an
UNCLEAN bilingual file (as part of a project). I
already delivered it in TTX format (translation
opened in tageditor) but, I was, then specif
Albana Dhimitri Nov 14, 2008
Translation Project / Vendor Management Signing a Service Level Agreement for Linguists/Service Providers Thanks a lot, Astrid. Astrid wrote: "Do not sign any parts that you
are not happy with. Discuss these with the
outsourcer, find out why they are included, and,
if necessary, agree to sign a version with them
Albana Dhimitri Nov 3, 2008
Translation Project / Vendor Management Signing a Service Level Agreement for Linguists/Service Providers Dear Maya, grateful to you for taking time to answer! I worry if there are any ways this signature ( on
agreement) or the agreement itself can be used
imroperly by the agency (which, as I already
mentioned, have had no previous contact with)
Albana Dhimitri Nov 3, 2008
Translation Project / Vendor Management Signing a Service Level Agreement for Linguists/Service Providers Hello all, I would greatly appreciate your
responses as it is urgent. I have been asked to
sign a *Service Level Agreement for Linguists and
other Service Providers* by an outsourcer
Albana Dhimitri Nov 3, 2008
Internet for translators Error 553 553 (message from Google) Hello all, I got an email with a job offer from
an outsourcer and I tried to reply to it, but a
mesage from Google came, saying that Google
tried to deliver your message, but it was
Albana Dhimitri Oct 29, 2008
Albanian Pastërtia e gjuhës shqipe - Mënjanimi i fjalëve të huaja të panevojshme Të tjera Sferë – rruzull ( rruzull
metalik), sferik –rruzullor ( toka
është rruzullore), urgjent – i ngutshëm
( problem i ngutshëm), adaptim –
Albana Dhimitri Oct 15, 2008
Albanian Pastërtia e gjuhës shqipe - Mënjanimi i fjalëve të huaja të panevojshme konsistent, konsistencë Diku hasa shprehjen 'përkthim konsistent' ose 'me
konsistencë'. Do të parashtroja 'përkthim i
qëndrueshëm' 'qëndrueshmëri në përkthim'
(kundrejt lëkundshmërisë pra, p�
Albana Dhimitri Sep 24, 2008
Albanian Microsoft Language Home Përsiatje mbi diskutimet Mendoj se pikërisht raste të tilla përkthimesh
të cilat janë bërë për llogari ndërmarrjesh
e organizmash të rëndësishëm (siç është
rasti në fjalë i Microsoft-it ) dhe log
Albana Dhimitri Sep 24, 2008
Albanian Rubrikë drejtshkrimore (Freskim njohurish i rregullave drejtshkrimore të gjuhës shqipe) Vazhdim drejtshkrimi ... Përemrat pronorë im, imi, yt, jote, ynë, jonë,
juaj shkruhen pa nyjë të përparme si kur
përdoren thjesht si përemra edhe kur
përcaktojnë një emër: Ky vend është juaji
Albana Dhimitri May 6, 2008
Albanian Rubrikë drejtshkrimore (Freskim njohurish i rregullave drejtshkrimore të gjuhës shqipe) Për drejtshkrimin ... Është i rregullt përdorimi i të dyja trajtave
dhe vendës-i(nj)/it(sh.). Shumësi i
emrit bujk duhet shkruar si më poshtë: bujq,
bujqve, bujq
Albana Dhimitri May 6, 2008
Greek PRO ή NON-PRO KudoZ συνέχεια Νομίζω πώς ο Δημήτρης έχει
δίκιο που αγγίζει - έστω κι
αν έχει ξανασυζητηθεί -
αυτό το θέμα. Κι εγώ είχα
Albana Dhimitri Apr 18, 2008
Albanian Marredheniet ndermjet gjuhes letrare shqipe dhe Dialektet Gege e Toske. Rreth shqipes Fabiana, Mire se hyre ne biseden tone.
Levizja e pakte (madje per shume shqiptare te
parademokracise e paqene) brenda vendit patjeter
ka ndikuar ne mosperhapjen e dialekteve si dhe
Albana Dhimitri Nov 26, 2007
Albanian Marredheniet ndermjet gjuhes letrare shqipe dhe Dialektet Gege e Toske. Marredheniet ............. vazhdim Ledja, lexova me shume kenaqesi mendimet e tua
sepse ndodh te perputhen me te miat ne shumicen e
tyre.Pikerisht ashtu mendoj edhe une; gjate
gjysmeshekullit te monizmit ka pasur nje menjan
Albana Dhimitri Nov 23, 2007
Albanian Marredheniet ndermjet gjuhes letrare shqipe dhe Dialektet Gege e Toske. Se pari ju uroj Miremengjes e Pune te mbare te
gjitheve. Pak kohe me pare hyra rastesisht ne
nje faqe Interneti te nje shkrimtari shkodran ku
kritikohej rrepte qendrimi i letrareve te
Albana Dhimitri Nov 16, 2007

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Trados Business Manager Lite
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