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Search results: (66 matches)
Trados support Sharing TM in real time among many different translators Hi, everyone. I work for a small translation
agency and one of our clients sent us a very large
project with a WC of 100k+ words. We normally
work with Memoq but this client wanted us to
Paulette Romero Oct 24, 2018
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing TRANSCRIPTION Per audio minute Transcriptions are normally charged per audio
minute. So for example if you received a file
that is 12 minutes and 17 seconds long you would
charge an even 13 minutes (always round up
Paulette Romero Nov 21, 2017
Software applications Looking for free invoicing software Wave Accounting It's totally free and you can issue invoices from
right within the system in any currency. You can
track expenses, issue estimates, run accounting
reports, add as many clients or services
Paulette Romero Jul 29, 2017
Software applications BaccS - Windows-based management and invoicing software for translators AVG Have you sent your certificate information to AVG
yet? Because just a few minutes ago I tried
opening the program and out of nowhere AVG
suddenly popped up saying something like: oh this<
Paulette Romero May 10, 2017
Software applications BaccS - Windows-based management and invoicing software for translators Downloaded! Hi, Eugene. I downloaded the software a couple of
days ago, but haven't had much time to play with
it. So far it does seem that this is the solution
I've been looking for. Is there a
Paulette Romero May 9, 2017
Spanish Problemas con PayPal ACTTI [quote]Natalia Tarquino wrote: Hola, Muchas
gracias por tu info. La verdad veo que tener una
cuenta en EEUU arreglaría fácilmente este
problema, pero aún no he visto la forma de pod
Paulette Romero May 9, 2017
Spanish Problemas con PayPal Paypal sucks but... [quote]Natalia Tarquino wrote: Hola
Paulette, Gracias por tu mensaje. Tienes toda
la razón, es imposible tener una cuenta de PayPal
en Colombia. ¿Cómo haces normalmente cuando t
Paulette Romero May 6, 2017
Spanish Problemas con PayPal Recomiendo Payoneer Mi tía tiene una tarjeta Payoneer que solicitó
cuando arrendó su apartamento en Airbnb y
Payoneer le mandó la tarjeta de débito a su casa
en Barranquilla. Eso hace como un año, enton
Paulette Romero May 3, 2017
Getting established Should I join an online translation platform? That's basically poverty... [quote]Mario Chavez wrote: [quote]The Misha
wrote: [quote]Mario Chavez wrote: And
$30,000/year is hardly a poverty-line income I
live in America and I know those numbers. We
Paulette Romero May 1, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: How optimistic are you about your translation business in 2017? (please share!) Pretty optimistic I started the year working in-house and then went
out on my own in April. It took a couple of months
to get some clients but I ended December with a
bang. It was my highest grossing month.
Paulette Romero Feb 1, 2017
MemoQ support I cannot export a tag heavy translation back to word - need help exporting file to word Genius!! [quote]Mikhail Popov wrote: Sometimes
CodeZapper doesn't help. Then you can save DOC as
DOCX or DOCX as DOC. It helps from time to
time. If we are talking about MS Word document,
Paulette Romero Dec 14, 2016
Internet for translators Do you use Skype? Yes, everyday I have an agency client that contacts their
translators via Skype messaging. So basically when
there's a project they think would be good for me
they message me on Skype and ask if I'm ava
Paulette Romero Dec 7, 2016
Translation Theory and Practice This has doubled my work performance! Have you tried dictation? DNS 13 I recently installed DNS 13 and have been using it
for a few days. At first I tried using my Sony
earbuds that I use to listen to music with
thinking it should work because it comes with
Paulette Romero Nov 27, 2016
Translation Theory and Practice This has doubled my work performance! Have you tried dictation? Of course they exist [quote]Tom in London wrote: [quote]Jessica
Noyes wrote: Probably thirty years ago, one of
the first working translators I ever met told me
that he dictated his translations using a
Paulette Romero Nov 27, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you work mostly with a PC or a laptop? Yes [quote]Anh Hiep wrote: Do you guys think that
working with both a small laptop screen and
another bigger external monitor set up as extended
one would be a good idea? Has anyone ever tr
Paulette Romero Nov 27, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you work mostly with a PC or a laptop? Lenovo laptop plus a 19in monitor I use a Lenovo G50 laptop and a 19in monitor
alongside it. I used to use a desktop but I feel
a laptop is the better option for when I travel
and the extra monitor is indispensable. Righ
Paulette Romero Nov 27, 2016
Money matters Paypal: Convert EUR to USD? Currency account in EUR It seems to me the consensus is to keep a currency
account in EUR so that's what I did. I'm guessing
the long run I will probably lose less money this
way by way of currency conversion and
Paulette Romero Nov 25, 2016
Money matters Paypal: Convert EUR to USD? I have an American paypal account in USD and I
have a client from Spain that pays me in EUR.
Normally when they pay me I just convert the
amount into USD, but I have a feeling that I am
Paulette Romero Nov 25, 2016
Money matters Is Paypal changing currency on incoming payments? Same problem! I just had this issue too. A company in Spain
always pays me in Euros and then I convert it to
USD. They paid me and it arrived in USD so I wrote
them a message saying that at the exchange
Paulette Romero Nov 25, 2016
Money matters Is it normal to wait 60 days for payment to be processed? 60 days... Right now I have two clients whose invoice terms
are 45 days from the date of the invoice. One
client is a London-based client I do transcription
work for and they send me a PO for every j
Paulette Romero Nov 21, 2016
Machine Translation (MT) Anyone here using the beta premium Google Translate API? Premium edition Looks like the pricing point for the Premium
Edition is different than the standard API and is
only on a case by case basis. So basically you
have to apply for it.
Paulette Romero Nov 21, 2016
Software applications What's your favorite non-CAT software? Abbyy! [quote]Jo Macdonald wrote: Great for converting
PDFs into Word and well worth the
price. Thunderbird is great for mail, keeping
track of jobs and the calendar, free too.
Paulette Romero Nov 13, 2016
Getting established How many clients do you work for? Clients per month... In response to the OP's question, here are my
numbers. I should note that I was working as an
in-house translator until March of this year so I
guess the first three months would be zero s
Paulette Romero Nov 2, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: What do you do against cold hands while typing or doing mouse work? It doesn't get cold here. I live in Medellin, Colombia and it doesn't get
cold here so I don't have to worry about this.
Although when I lived in NYC this was a problem in
the winter though so I would stick my hand
Paulette Romero Oct 31, 2016
Software applications Do you use pirated software? Moderately successful? [quote]Mirko Mainardi wrote: [quote]Riccardo
Schiaffino wrote: I’d like to add that I find
it amazing that professional translators would
think that a USD 700 license (equivalent t
Paulette Romero Oct 24, 2016
Getting established Interested in becoming a translator and do not know how to get started. Fill out your profile! First, if you want to be successful on proz you
really need to fill out your profile as completely
as possible. Agencies look at this. You don't
NEED a degree, but having one is almost
Paulette Romero Oct 21, 2016
Spanish Tarifas de subtitulado (inglés>español, español>español) Depende de tu experencia. Solo tengo unos 4 meses subtitulando con una
empresa española y la verdad es que la tarifa es
baja pero como no tenía nada de formación en
subtitulación decidí empezar con esta empres
Paulette Romero Oct 21, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: According to you, the main characteristic of your native language is... Pronunciation [quote]neilmac wrote: The stress-timed nature
of English, of which many native speakers remain
blissfully unaware, can make it very difficult for
speakers of syllable-timed or tonal lan
Paulette Romero Oct 11, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Is your eating pattern ever affected when you are working on a big and stressful project? Sometimes... If I have a tight deadline and yes I sometimes
have to push lunch back. I've ended up eating
lunch at 3 or 4 because I had to submit a project
before the deadline.
Paulette Romero Sep 9, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: For those who work in-house, what do you like the most about it? Only worked in-house for 4 months But the best thing about working in-house was the
steady biweekly salary. I guess it was a relief
knowing there was money coming in but now I make
more as a freelancer than working in-hous
Paulette Romero Sep 8, 2016
Translation in Canada Questions for translators in Toronto - more specifically Spanish translators. ATA Just remember that the ATA is PRIVATE organization
where you pay dues in order to be a member. In in
the USA there is no government body that oversees
translators like in other countries.
Paulette Romero Sep 7, 2016
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España Como lograr que te pague una agencia de traduccion morosa en España? BlueBoard Dales una calificación de 1 an el
Paulette Romero Sep 7, 2016
Money matters When non-payment is justified? Edits? I agree with the above poster. What is considered
a mistake? Also, did you give the translator a
chance to go back and edit the mistakes before
telling him that you simply were not goin
Paulette Romero Sep 7, 2016
Business issues Business cards for translators Forget Vistaprint... Use Zazzle... they have MUCH nicer designs and are
of better quality in my opinion.
Paulette Romero Sep 3, 2016
Subtitling [Subtitling Rates] per minute rates Newbie... I'm a newbie to subtitling, I've only been doing
it for about 3 months now and the agency that I
started working with in Spain pays low: €2.40
per video minute (no sincro/time cueing) BU
Paulette Romero Sep 3, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you translate on Friday nights? If I have to... Tonight I probably won't be doing any work
although a transcription job did come in but it's
not due until 9am London time on Monday. Either
way I will begin working on it tomorrow and han
Paulette Romero Sep 2, 2016
MemoQ support Time tracking in MemoQ? An agency wants me to edit a 5000 word document
but their client wants to pay by time spent on the
project instead of paying per word. Can anyone
tell me if memoq offers a time trackin
Paulette Romero Aug 19, 2016
Translation Project / Vendor Management Outsourcer requiring pricy IRS certificate, as condition of cooperation. Agree with Katalin The form you need to submit is the W-9, Request
for Taxpayer Identification Number and
9.pdf A W-2 is what your employer gives. A W-9<
Paulette Romero Aug 19, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you stop being a freelancer if you were offered a permanent in-house position? I'm not sure I picked I'm not sure but I'm certainly leaning
towards No. I only ever worked as an in-house
translator for 4 months after which I got fired
because I went to the Ministry of Labor in my<
Paulette Romero Aug 19, 2016
Money matters Rates for transcription Per audio minute Transcription is usually charged per audio minute.
My LOWEST transcription rate is $1.50 USD per
audio minute. Just to clarify this is simply to
Paulette Romero Aug 19, 2016
Subtitling How to bill? How to come up with the total $ Per video minute I work with an agency in Spain and I get paid per
video minute. It doesn't matter if you only really
subtitle 50 minutes of a 60 minute video. If the
whole video is 60 minutes long then th
Paulette Romero Aug 19, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: What contingency plan do you have if your internet connection fails? Speak of the devil... Funny, or not so funny, enough this problem arose
the day after this poll was posted. I also
subtitle movies/TV shows. It was morning time and
I had just downloaded two videos to subti
Paulette Romero Aug 16, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: How many hours on average do you usually work per day? Agreed! [quote]Teresa Borges wrote: I have been working
full-time for over 40 years and what I can say is
that work runs in cycles, some days I have no work
at all and then in others I work 10/
Paulette Romero Aug 12, 2016
Being independent American invoicing in Spain EIN [quote]kcaiazza wrote: Steven, I live in NY
and I was thinking about opening a sole
proprietorship, but it doesn't seem necessary
based on what you are saying and what other
Paulette Romero Jul 8, 2016
Translation in the UK Experience with virtual offices PO Box? [quote]Rebecca Hendry wrote: [quote]Paulette
Romero wrote: Why not simply continue using
your pre-printed letterhead until you exhaust your
supply and then order a new one. It's jus
Paulette Romero Jul 8, 2016
Translation in the UK Experience with virtual offices Why not... Why not simply continue using your pre-printed
letterhead until you exhaust your supply and then
order a new one. It's just an address. I used to
work in a law firm and we constantly had
Paulette Romero Jul 8, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you start your day by organizing your daily translation work through a translation platform? Not really... I don't get enough consistent work to be able to
do that every morning. I get work a few times a
week but to keep track of what I'm working and
upcoming due dates I go to Asana and enter
Paulette Romero Jun 12, 2016
Professional development Advanced Spanish Courses in South America for Aspiring Translator Colombia... I live in Medellin, Colombia so I'm going to
suggest two universities here. I would suggest
EAFIT or Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana - UPB.
They both have Spanish language courses alth
Paulette Romero Jun 8, 2016
CAT Tools Technical Help Fluency Now vs SDL Trados: which wins? Starting with Fluency... I haven't been translating that long, only a few
years, mostly assisting my father with
translations he received since he isn't a
native-English speaker. I've been getting my own
Paulette Romero May 16, 2016
Powwows Powwow: Bogota - Colombia Can't attend... It's great to see a powwow in Colombia,
unfortunately I live in Medellin and not Bogota.
It would be great to see a powwow in Medellin in
the future though. Is there a way to receive an
Paulette Romero May 15, 2016

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