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Poll: How optimistic are you about your translation business in 2017? (please share!)
Thread poster: Staff
Jonathan Spector
Jonathan Spector  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:42
Hebrew to English
Good Start Feb 1, 2017

I translate from Hebrew to English, mainly legal documents. November 16 was a month of full employment, followed by a quiet December after the first week. January was filled with smaller jobs and new clients. I am optimistic about the rest of the year. At the same time, two of my colleagues report hard times for them.

C Warlow (X)
C Warlow (X)
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:42
French to English
+ ...
Not optimistic Feb 1, 2017

I appear to be a rare pessimist on this thread, so apologies if I bring anyone super-optimistic down (to earth). I haven't been able to increase my rates for the last ten years: maybe they were high to start with (£0.075/source word) but inflation keeps on going and my assumptions were that my income would at least keep pace with that. Secondly, translation software is , in my view, driving down my income - fewer words in general to translate plus "post-editing" jobs that pay badly but require ... See more
I appear to be a rare pessimist on this thread, so apologies if I bring anyone super-optimistic down (to earth). I haven't been able to increase my rates for the last ten years: maybe they were high to start with (£0.075/source word) but inflation keeps on going and my assumptions were that my income would at least keep pace with that. Secondly, translation software is , in my view, driving down my income - fewer words in general to translate plus "post-editing" jobs that pay badly but require lots of time. I'm aware that I'm being undercut by other translators based elsewhere who charge much lower rates - but may not offer the same quality. I'm afraid that the translation profession is in a "race to the bottom" where we all lose income while having to work harder than before. Brexit introduces another layer of uncertainty.Collapse

Clay Suddath
Clay Suddath  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:42
French to English
+ ...
Wildly, thoroughly, incorrigibly OpTiMiStIc ! Feb 1, 2017

Business just keeps getting better in terms of volume, quality and conditions. Political and technological transformations have rocked the world order creating huge opportunities. Naturally, there are fields that one should best exit, while focusing on greener pastures.

Struggling translators may find very interesting opportunities involving the following themes:

° Biotechnology
° Patents
° Rail transport
° ISO Standards
° Developments
... See more
Business just keeps getting better in terms of volume, quality and conditions. Political and technological transformations have rocked the world order creating huge opportunities. Naturally, there are fields that one should best exit, while focusing on greener pastures.

Struggling translators may find very interesting opportunities involving the following themes:

° Biotechnology
° Patents
° Rail transport
° ISO Standards
° Developments of all kinds along the Silk Road (Shanghai to Moscow), one of the greatest engineering projects of all times
° Fuel cells
° Smart networks, internet of things

While the current state of US diplomacy does not appear promising for international trade in certain respects, business is booming in LA with Europe and Asia.

Africa, meanwhile, is showing phenomenal growth.

So don't be discouraged, folks. Business is there, it's just not your grandfather's translation agency.


antoinette chappell
antoinette chappell
United Kingdom
Local time: 18:42
French to English
+ ...
Cautiously optimistic Feb 1, 2017

Although my business has grown steadily over the past 10 years and 2016 was my best year yet I have reservations about the impact of Brexit in 2017 and my ability to continue to trade simply with the majority of my clients in the EU. I also fear the impact Trump's protectionist policies will have on globalisation as a whole, without which there would be no need for our services...I am braced for impact!

Wiktoria Blakicka
Wiktoria Blakicka
Local time: 19:42
Russian to Polish
So so Feb 1, 2017

I think it will be better

Paulette Romero
Paulette Romero  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:42
English to Spanish
+ ...
Pretty optimistic Feb 1, 2017

I started the year working in-house and then went out on my own in April. It took a couple of months to get some clients but I ended December with a bang. It was my highest grossing month. Then I took a 2 week trip to Peru and Bolivia. January was a little slow but I was also away for two weeks out of the month. I'm hoping things will pick up in February and stay that way the rest of the year.

Alvaro Aliaga
Alvaro Aliaga  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:42
English to Spanish
+ ...
I lost my optimism a couple of years ago Feb 2, 2017

The second half of 2015 signaled what would eventually become a trend: A sharp decrease of incoming projects. In fact, 2016 was so slow that I no longer consider this my main source of income at all. Working as a freelancer for over a decade has taught me not to rely on potential new projects because, well, you do not pay bills with "potential money". To make matters worse, 2015 brought to my attention the rise of new agencies that thrive on recruiting translators who charge the cheapest rates p... See more
The second half of 2015 signaled what would eventually become a trend: A sharp decrease of incoming projects. In fact, 2016 was so slow that I no longer consider this my main source of income at all. Working as a freelancer for over a decade has taught me not to rely on potential new projects because, well, you do not pay bills with "potential money". To make matters worse, 2015 brought to my attention the rise of new agencies that thrive on recruiting translators who charge the cheapest rates possible. I bet you know who they are and where they based... These agencies have contacted me a few times already and asked me to compromise in the name of long-term collaborations. Ha ha ha, sure! 'Cause, you know, I love the idea of working the same number of hours to the same high-standards only to make just 25% of my regular rates! Given the way things are going globally, I don't think things will change for the better although this is one of those times I would love to be proven wrong.Collapse

Local time: 12:42
Member (2009)
English to Spanish
+ ...
Optimistic Feb 2, 2017

Better be, instead of pessimistic, avoiding being naive I strongly think that business should and must be better in 2017..Best Regards to you all

M. Irshad (Master of Science)
M. Irshad (Master of Science)
Local time: 19:42
Member (2016)
English to Urdu
+ ...
Quasi Feb 2, 2017

Well it was my good decision to invest with Proz and my year start with a huge project but i still looking for to add another language pair and perhaps to do some courses.

Nelly Alejandra Alister
Nelly Alejandra Alister  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:42
Member (2010)
Spanish to English
+ ...
Very optimistic! Feb 2, 2017

For this year one of my goals is to get more clients and make my web page.

Rodolfo Alva (X)
Rodolfo Alva (X)
Local time: 13:42
English to Spanish
+ ...
Busy teaching Feb 2, 2017

I've been so busy teaching English I don't know if translating only a few documents lately is really a bad thing. I'm not sure if hoping for something will help me in the translation business (or anything else) but I think having a positive perspective about the future is the initial state or condition of a successful life, so I have to be optimistic about my translation business this year.

Gabriella Vento
Gabriella Vento  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 10:42
Member (2015)
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Very Feb 2, 2017

My business - other, than a few slower weeks - has been continuously growing in the past year, due to the increasing number of highly demanding, legal-technical HU-EN projects. (They are my favorite:-). The rates are also better now, than before, in some cases close to the ceiling of "industrial average" posted. is a great part of my success, both in marketing my service, and managing the payments through the invoicing system.

Gilber Tokarski
Gilber Tokarski
Local time: 14:42
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Promising Feb 3, 2017

I have joined ProZ this year, so I hope to increase my work and make my dream come true: to become a full-time translator and also maintain some of my English/Portuguese classes. Let's see!

Mohd Elfateh Shareef
Mohd Elfateh Shareef  Identity Verified
United Arab Emirates
Local time: 19:42
English to Arabic
+ ...
seen illuded Feb 3, 2017 Staff wrote:

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "How optimistic are you about your translation business in 2017? (please share!)".

View the poll results »

started promoting myself online only since November 2016 but till now not received a single job - but still optimistic to improve my business through2017

Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 14:42
Presenting yourself to potential clients with the content in your profile/website/whathaveyou Feb 3, 2017

Hi aaafateh,

aaafateh wrote:

started promoting myself online only since November 2016 but till now not received a single job - but still optimistic to improve my business through 2017

Getting started can be difficult. At a glance, your profile needs work! At the moment it doesn't really say anything about who you are or what you have to offer as a professional, so it is that much more likely clients are going to pass you by. There are free webinars that are designed to help you better understand how client contact can be made using, and how to improve your profile and your online presence in general. I'd recommend you sign up for the next one, if you can make it: . In the meantime, this video will give you an idea of how your profile affects the connections you make through (and pretty much anywhere else):

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Poll: How optimistic are you about your translation business in 2017? (please share!)

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