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How many clients do you work for?
Thread poster: Juliano Martins
John Fossey
John Fossey  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:59
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Working for ... Oct 27, 2016

Yasutomo Kanazawa wrote:

Why do people say "work for" an agency? Shouldn't they be saying "work with" or "collaborate with"

Work for sounds like you're an employee of that company, and I'm pretty sure you 're not a full time employee, but a freelancer.
My stance is that you and the clients are on the same ball field. Why make distintictions as if the client is superior than you?

I don't see the problem. A company, say a building contractor, can work for another company, such as the building owner. It doesn't mean they are owned by the second company nor does it mean one is superior to another.

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:59
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Agreed! Oct 27, 2016

Yasutomo Kanazawa wrote:
Why do people say "work for" an agency? Shouldn't they be saying "work with" or "collaborate with"?

I had never thought about it, but indeed you are right. Language matters -- we should know quite well -- and this simple change could make a difference in the long run. So, thank you! I will try to get used to it as soon as possible (I am old and it could take a while) and will recommend my colleagues here to do the same.

Juliano Martins
Juliano Martins  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:59
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work for Oct 27, 2016

"work for" can mean "collaborate with". Many companies call their employees "collaborators" too. So it's all the same for me. Anyway, I meant I was a freelancer, not a full time employee.

Thank you everyone for all the comments and insights. Much appreciated!

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:59
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I *work for* agencies, because Oct 27, 2016

Tomás Cano Binder, CT wrote:
Yasutomo Kanazawa wrote:
Why do people say "work for" an agency? Shouldn't they be saying "work with" or "collaborate with"?

I had never thought about it, but indeed you are right.

No, if I do a job because someone asked me to do it and they pay me for it, then I "work for" them. I would only use "work with" or "collaborate with" if there is cooperation instead of a commission.

Paulette Romero
Paulette Romero  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:59
English to Spanish
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Clients per month... Nov 2, 2016

In response to the OP's question, here are my numbers. I should note that I was working as an in-house translator until March of this year so I guess the first three months would be zero since my employer doesn't count as a client, right? For next year I'm hoping to be averaging about 10 different clients per month.

Year 2016:
Jan: 0 (in-house)
Feb: 0 (in-house)
Mar: 0 (in-house)
April: 0 (trying to get back into freelancing after working in-house)
... See more
In response to the OP's question, here are my numbers. I should note that I was working as an in-house translator until March of this year so I guess the first three months would be zero since my employer doesn't count as a client, right? For next year I'm hoping to be averaging about 10 different clients per month.

Year 2016:
Jan: 0 (in-house)
Feb: 0 (in-house)
Mar: 0 (in-house)
April: 0 (trying to get back into freelancing after working in-house)
May: 3
June: 4
July: 4
Aug: 3
Sept: 5
Oct: 5 (or 6 if you count the one private client whose CV I translated)

[Edited at 2016-11-02 20:43 GMT]

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