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BaccS - Windows-based management and invoicing software for translators
Thread poster: Eugene Kuchynski
Anas hussain
Anas hussain  Identity Verified
Sri Lanka
Local time: 23:28
English to Tamil
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Invoice Template Mar 11, 2017

Dear Eugene Kuchynski

Today I have downloaded and tested. Actually, this is what I have been looking for. Great work!.

I am working for various agencies all over the world. Most of the companies are expecting us to submit invoices on their own template. Is it possible to import their template to this system, so that I can keep all invoices on one platform and tracking them easily. If this option is available definitely I will consider to purchase this app.

... See more
Dear Eugene Kuchynski

Today I have downloaded and tested. Actually, this is what I have been looking for. Great work!.

I am working for various agencies all over the world. Most of the companies are expecting us to submit invoices on their own template. Is it possible to import their template to this system, so that I can keep all invoices on one platform and tracking them easily. If this option is available definitely I will consider to purchase this app.

[Edited at 2017-03-11 14:26 GMT]

[Edited at 2017-03-11 14:27 GMT]

Eugene Kuchynski
Eugene Kuchynski
Local time: 20:58
English to Russian
Possible! Mar 12, 2017

Anas Hussain wrote:

Dear Eugene Kuchynski

Today I have downloaded and tested. Actually, this is what I have been looking for. Great work!.

I am working for various agencies all over the world. Most of the companies are expecting us to submit invoices on their own template. Is it possible to import their template to this system, so that I can keep all invoices on one platform and tracking them easily. If this option is available definitely I will consider to purchase this app.

[Edited at 2017-03-11 14:26 GMT]

[Edited at 2017-03-11 14:27 GMT]

Hello, Anas,

Thank you for the question and sorry for a small delay with the answer - weekend time, plus somehow I didn't get notification about new post here.

Sure, having different templates for different customers is possible. Before printing, you have drop-down list, where you can select which template to use to generate invoice form. I also want to make it possible to select default printing template in customer settings, but still didn't implement it (even if this option was added to the to-do list a long time ago), because try to avoid adding additional complexity.

Template designer is one of most difficult parts of the program (thanks to its highest flexibility), but I always assist in template creation. Can help you to create 1-2 templates. After that you will see how it works and will be able to easily create them by yourself.

Thank you for the interest! Hope my answer was helpful )

Krys Williams
Krys Williams  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 18:58
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Polish to English
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Eugene is a total star! Mar 15, 2017

I started experimenting with BaccS, because I found the previous software I was using so clunky that I never managed to use it properly and have for the past ten years permanently been many months (sometimes more than a year) behind with my invoicing as a result.

Eugene has been fabulous over these last days. He has responded to my numerous dumb questions really rapidly and with enormous patience, and has tweaked my poor attempts at producing an invoice template , so that now I hav
... See more
I started experimenting with BaccS, because I found the previous software I was using so clunky that I never managed to use it properly and have for the past ten years permanently been many months (sometimes more than a year) behind with my invoicing as a result.

Eugene has been fabulous over these last days. He has responded to my numerous dumb questions really rapidly and with enormous patience, and has tweaked my poor attempts at producing an invoice template , so that now I have one that will satisfy all the numerous demands of various clients.

Once I started understanding what to do, the program itself is much faster to use than my previous one. I also feel far more in control than previously in terms of defining where and how things are stored on the hard disk.

Having now paid the crazily low licence fee, I consider that I have already got way more than my money's worth in terms of the technical support I've received.

I plucked up courage to try this software after reading other people, who were praising the amazing responsiveness of the developer, and wish to add my praises too.

Eugene Kuchynski
Eugene Kuchynski
Local time: 20:58
English to Russian
Thank you, Krys Mar 23, 2017

Krys Williams wrote:

Eugene has been fabulous over these last days. He has responded to my numerous dumb questions really rapidly and with enormous patience, and has tweaked my poor attempts at producing an invoice template , so that now I have one that will satisfy all the numerous demands of various clients.

Dear Krys, do not underestimate your efforts All the questions were asked only because of lack of necessary information in the manual. Thank you for such a kind message, I was really happy to help you!

As always, I have some news about software progress. And, as always, describing it shortly.

1. Finished Spanish localization. Now the software is fully translate into Spanish. Thanks to Gonzalo and Maira!!!

2. New Dashboard widget showing the next job and invoice numbers:

3. New Excel importing mechanism. Now, when you try to import something from Excel, this file will be opened right in the program, where you can check it for errors and make final edits. Later the same Excel-style table will be used to export data, to enable data exchange between different copies.

4. The most important new feature. MemoQ integration. If you have created a project in memoQ, you can click a button, select it (application automatically finds memoQ projects database), and get a new job pre-filled with all necessary data (deadline, customer, work field, project, language, words, prices, etc.). In ideal case it won't be even needed to make a single correction. Just click Save and you have accounted a new job. If I will be lucky enough, later will add a function to import editing time values, so it will be possible to analyze productivity! Detailed description is here

5. All-new online help: available here

Thank you for the support! Each day to-do list grows, instead of shrinking, and there are very interesting, unexpected plans for future updates. While the software remains pretty simple, we add more and more functions. That's great.

Eugene Kuchynski
Eugene Kuchynski
Local time: 20:58
English to Russian
Nice news Apr 10, 2017

Firstly, let me comment a post from a nearby thread:

Nicolas Bianchi wrote:

I also had contacts with Eugene from BaccS, and he was quick to respond and to help.

The function I’m missing is the ability to count words in the projects in order to do the invoices...
I would have to use anycount and BaccS...
Our my version of TO3000 with a dummy project...

Wanted to see if TO3000 3D would be an improvement, but the download link is still broken.

[Edited at 2017-04-08 09:31 GMT]

Dear Nicolas,
Well, thanks for good words. I even never thought about implementing such functionality, because of CAT tools, which give much more precise results than with any straightforward calculation. It is easy to add this function (simple office formats are easy to process, while images will require more efforts), but I'm not sure if it needed to someone. I already know about 1 person who need it, and will ask another users. If someone reads it and interested in this function, please post here.
And about updates. Can't live without them. During last weeks added a lot of stuff there!

1. Most important - full invoice forms localization. Now invoices can be easily localized, including data contained in the database (for example, 'words' unit or 'translation' work type). The same applies to Quote and Purchase order printing forms. Plus, now it is possible to select default invoice templates for customers. When Print button is clicked, depending on settings, you get different printing forms (Russian in the example, and templates for different languages can be absolutely different):

2. Edit time. Now the program can estimate the needed to complete the job, on the base of previous performance. This value is used to calculate average speed per hour. Also can be used to build charts or analytical tables.

3. Some new features in the Job list. New columns: edit time, average speed, assigned quantity and amount (to external translators), margin, list of assigned translators. Plus, when data is grouped. group headers contain a lot of summaries:

4. For new users - first launch assistant. One window displayed when the application is run for the first time, containing a list of initial steps - how to setup and what to fill before starting to add documents. All links are clickable to open corresponding windows:

To refresh, direct demo download link:
Download demo (70 Mb)

[Редактировалось 2017-04-10 13:02 GMT]

Kieran Scarffe (X)
Kieran Scarffe (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 18:58
German to English
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Does what it says on the tin Apr 19, 2017

This software is the bee's knees. Enter your customer details, set your base currency, create your own lists of options in drop-down menus as you go along (e.g. for language direction, units, rates, currency, work type, work field, etc.,) enter a job that you have received, select which invoice design you prefer (no.3 includes your logo, which you will have added at the outset) - and off you go. The online helpfiles are excellent, and Eugene answers all queries very promptly and helpfully, whene... See more
This software is the bee's knees. Enter your customer details, set your base currency, create your own lists of options in drop-down menus as you go along (e.g. for language direction, units, rates, currency, work type, work field, etc.,) enter a job that you have received, select which invoice design you prefer (no.3 includes your logo, which you will have added at the outset) - and off you go. The online helpfiles are excellent, and Eugene answers all queries very promptly and helpfully, whenever the need arises.

The program clearly displays the current status of each job (which you can instantly update) and alerts you to which jobs are ready to be invoiced. You then push a button to create the invoice. Alternatively, you can create batches of invoices.

This is just an outline. The functionality is, frankly, mind-boggling - and it all works. The website:

has the full low-down.

(Note: as the software has not been officially certified, your anti-virus software may complain when you open it, so you will need to specifically tell your A-V program to allow it to run.)

Eugene Kuchynski
Eugene Kuchynski
Local time: 20:58
English to Russian
Thanks, news Apr 24, 2017

K Scarffe wrote:

This software is the bee's knees. Enter your customer details, set your base currency, create your own lists of options in drop-down menus as you go along (e.g. for language direction, units, rates, currency, work type, work field, etc.,) enter a job that you have received, select which invoice design you prefer (no.3 includes your logo, which you will have added at the outset) - and off you go. The online helpfiles are excellent, and Eugene answers all queries very promptly and helpfully, whenever the need arises.

(Note: as the software has not been officially certified, your anti-virus software may complain when you open it, so you will need to specifically tell your A-V program to allow it to run.)

Thank you, Kieran! Indeed, there is still a problem with SmartScreen and Antiviruses. I've sent a number of request to antivirus vendors, and they added BaccS to their white lists. I've also added info about viruses and corresponding proofs on the website and online help. SmartScreen will become more 'smart' with time and won't show warnings, if there will be more installations. To further improve the whole process, BaccS now has new nice installation (and still remains portable):

Plus, we've talked about difficulties with updates, which are downloaded as archive files and installed manually. Now this problem is gone! After latest update, all future updates will be installed automatically. No matter which version is installed on your machine - new updater will download what is needed to get latest version.

As for another news, there are 2 most interesting additions since my last message here.

1. Batch invoicing. Allows to generate invoices per all uninvoiced jobs. If customers has different settings (invoice template, invoice language, payment method, default payment term), than these settings are applied to an invoice during generation. In addition to generated invoice in the program, you can now get the whole batch in PDF. So, if all settings are correct, there will be no need to open generate invoices. Must say that after implementing it I found similar function in to3000. Well, I didn't copy it, and in addition we can generate PDF files. Actually, with one click it is possible to get all invoices ready to be sent, which will be a nice feature for those who works with many customers. A small presentation:

2. Another nice thing is that now it is possible to customize job and invoice editing forms. Move fields, reorder them, hide what is not needed. Looks nice and allows to save some space on the screen. Here is a small animation:

That's all for now. Thanks to Proz forums - even if this thread seems to be silent and 'advertisement-like', it helped to meet a lot of people who supports, share ideas and drive this program to more and more solid state. Really enjoy this process.

Local time: 19:58
Polish to English
+ ...
Rate the software May 8, 2017

Hello everyone!
I think Eugene has done excellent work and is showing great commitment by developing the programme. If you liked BaccS, here you can leave your review BaccS

Paulette Romero
Paulette Romero  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:58
English to Spanish
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Downloaded! May 9, 2017

Hi, Eugene. I downloaded the software a couple of days ago, but haven't had much time to play with it. So far it does seem that this is the solution I've been looking for.

Is there a way to import client information from say an Excel CSV file or something? Instead of having to enter every client one by one. Right now I use Wave Accounting and it would be great if I could import my client data and invoice data from there into BaacS.

That's my only question for now. Th
... See more
Hi, Eugene. I downloaded the software a couple of days ago, but haven't had much time to play with it. So far it does seem that this is the solution I've been looking for.

Is there a way to import client information from say an Excel CSV file or something? Instead of having to enter every client one by one. Right now I use Wave Accounting and it would be great if I could import my client data and invoice data from there into BaacS.

That's my only question for now. Thanks a lot!

[Edited at 2017-05-09 14:21 GMT]

Eugene Kuchynski
Eugene Kuchynski
Local time: 20:58
English to Russian
Answers and thanks May 9, 2017

marcinkucharski wrote:

Hello everyone!
I think Eugene has done excellent work and is showing great commitment by developing the programme. If you liked BaccS, here you can leave your review BaccS

Thanks, Marcin! You always support me, and now found time to share few word in public. Thank you!

Paulette Romero wrote:

Hi, Eugene. I downloaded the software a couple of days ago, but haven't had much time to play with it. So far it does seem that this is the solution I've been looking for.

Is there a way to import client information from say an Excel CSV file or something? Instead of having to enter every client one by one.

That's my only question for now. Thanks a lot!

Hello, Paulette,
Very nice to hear about your interest. Of course, the program can do that. For these purposes, there is built-in Excel-like editor and a number of templates to import data from Excel. Please read this article:
In short, go to tools, select Import data from Excel, in the opened tab select Customer, fill-in data or load another Excel file with compatible format, click Check and then Import. Of course, if something will go wrong, please let me know

Paulette Romero
Paulette Romero  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:58
English to Spanish
+ ...
AVG May 10, 2017

Have you sent your certificate information to AVG yet? Because just a few minutes ago I tried opening the program and out of nowhere AVG suddenly popped up saying something like: oh this file might have some malware. We'll scan it for you. Found nothing. You're good.

Eugene Kuchynski
Eugene Kuchynski
Local time: 20:58
English to Russian
Difficult question May 10, 2017

Paulette Romero wrote:

Have you sent your certificate information to AVG yet? Because just a few minutes ago I tried opening the program and out of nowhere AVG suddenly popped up saying something like: oh this file might have some malware. We'll scan it for you. Found nothing. You're good.

Well, difficult question for me. I've sent it few times to Symantec, and they whitelisted the program in their databases. Other antiviruses can't find anything, which is confirmed by this report (regularly updated):
I've submitted documents to get digital certificate, so with the next update the program will be signed with this personal certificate and (hopefully) become more trusted for Windows SmartScreen and all antivirus software. I know this problem may 'put off' a lot of people.

Also, as writing a post anyway, very short list of recent changes:
1. New updater - program now updates in a fully automatic mode
2. Credit notes (with printed forms)
3. New default invoice template (4 different built-in forms now)

4. Possibility to add invoice due dates to the built-in calendar or Google Calendar (thanks to someone)
5. New 'Recent actions' widget on the dashboard - shows colorized list of recently added/changed entities (jobs, projects, customers, etc.). Double click allows to open corresponding entry:

Next plans: expand cool 'memoQ integration' feature to Trados, to be able to account jobs in 1 click. Analysis reports import is implemented a long time ago, but this will be deeper integration.

Eugene Kuchynski
Eugene Kuchynski
Local time: 20:58
English to Russian
Certified, plus Trados integration May 17, 2017


Finally would like to inform that BaccS is now digitally signed. New certificate means that now it will be much more trusted by Windows SmartScreen and antivirus software.

Another interesting news: we can now import data not only from memoQ, but from Trados Studio (full integration) and Deja Vu X3 (only analysis reports). Full integration means you can view Studio projects right from BaccS and directly import data (as average words or
... See more

Finally would like to inform that BaccS is now digitally signed. New certificate means that now it will be much more trusted by Windows SmartScreen and antivirus software.

Another interesting news: we can now import data not only from memoQ, but from Trados Studio (full integration) and Deja Vu X3 (only analysis reports). Full integration means you can view Studio projects right from BaccS and directly import data (as average words or full fuzzy breakdown). All these things are done via single data import window, where you select what to import: memoQ, Trados or Deja Vu data. It looks like this feature is exclusive to BaccS. Based on the first feedback, it works pretty well.

Briefly, other news:
- Fuzzy type sets - allow to have different fuzzy type sets with different fuzzy weights. Example: repetitions for one client is 30%, for other - 10%. If base word price is 0.08, than for the first client it will be recalculated to 0.024. while for other - to 0.008. This (along with CAT tools integration) allows to quickly estimate job amount and prepare quotes in few clicks.
- Fully new updater. Users experienced problems with previous updater. New one leaves all the problems in the past. Updating is now quick and easy.
- Integrated BaccS localization tool - for those who wants to help with program localization (for example, recently added Italian language is almost not started).

Thanks to those who helped with latest updates!

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 18:58
Member (2009)
Dutch to English
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Thanks for all the hard work Eugene! May 17, 2017

Eugene Kuchynski wrote:


Finally would like to inform that BaccS is now digitally signed. New certificate means that now it will be much more trusted by Windows SmartScreen and antivirus software.

Another interesting news: we can now import data not only from memoQ, but from Trados Studio (full integration) and Deja Vu X3 (only analysis reports). Full integration means you can view Studio projects right from BaccS and directly import data (as average words or full fuzzy breakdown). All these things are done via single data import window, where you select what to import: memoQ, Trados or Deja Vu data. It looks like this feature is exclusive to BaccS. Based on the first feedback, it works pretty well.

Briefly, other news:
- Fuzzy type sets - allow to have different fuzzy type sets with different fuzzy weights. Example: repetitions for one client is 30%, for other - 10%. If base word price is 0.08, than for the first client it will be recalculated to 0.024. while for other - to 0.008. This (along with CAT tools integration) allows to quickly estimate job amount and prepare quotes in few clicks.
- Fully new updater. Users experienced problems with previous updater. New one leaves all the problems in the past. Updating is now quick and easy.
- Integrated BaccS localization tool - for those who wants to help with program localization (for example, recently added Italian language is almost not started).

Thanks to those who helped with latest updates!

I am currently playing around with the new "Fuzzy type sets" feature, which is very useful.

It is also super cool that I can import Déjà Vu X3 analyses!


Local time: 02:58
Member (2013)
English to Japanese
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default Language direction, currency and default service for Job dropdown May 25, 2017

Hello again Eugene,

Firstly many thanks for your developments, it worked very well. And it is fantastic to find Trados count can be imported now.

Is it possible to apply default language direction, rate, service and default currency by client?
because I always do the same service and use same currency, same rate by client.

I appreciate it if you could automatically fill them by client or when you only have one option, (I have to set dropdown each
... See more
Hello again Eugene,

Firstly many thanks for your developments, it worked very well. And it is fantastic to find Trados count can be imported now.

Is it possible to apply default language direction, rate, service and default currency by client?
because I always do the same service and use same currency, same rate by client.

I appreciate it if you could automatically fill them by client or when you only have one option, (I have to set dropdown each time even if they are the same and there is only one language direction option)

Thank you,


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