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[View Powwow Report] powwow: networking, sharing info

March 23, 2008, 12:00 am
Australiaon skypeIn personPortuguese
Sunday, 23 March, 2008 at 7 pm Brisbane, Australia time which is GMT +10

Could I please ask you to find me on skype 15 m or so before we start so that I can add you. MY NEW SKYPE ID IS

The idea is to exchange info, network, make friends, meet again and enjoy our 'professional' friendship.

Look forward to meeting you all,

Event Organizers:

Sergei Leshchinsky

Martin Bruckmann

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (33) / Confirmed: 12 / Tentative: 9
Name NoteWill Attend
Ilana Cowan  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  
Sergei Leshchinsky  \"Organizer\" I'd like to join in...   m
Martin Bruckmann  \"Organizer\" It would be fun to attend to my first Powwow in virtual presence... :-) But... an ancient tradition says we are not supposed to say a word before getting in touch with the "Osterwasser", which has to be before dawn... Anyone after GMT - 2 ?  y
Vanda Nissen   Yes, yes, yes. I will do my best. Thank you for the first two ones!  
Melissa Stanfield   I will do my best too - don't want to miss another!  
Michael Lai   Where are all the male translators?  m
XFGHI (X)   ...  y
Nicole Y. Adams, M.A.   This sounds interesting, am planning to relocate to Oz by 2009 so I'll try to pop in :)  m
Marina Kosenkova   Sounds interesting. I've just started using skype, so i'd love to join  m
XSleepingCrow (X)   Antoine Centino  
Chris Weimar (M.A.)   ...  n
XCalliope Sofianopoulos (X)   Great Idea :-)  
Trinh Do   I would be interested.  y
Xia29   Would love to - from New Zealand  m
XAnna CHEN   Hi found proz by random google search.Looks good here!!  m
XMonica_mdq (X)   I am looking forward to this second powwow  y
XOana Luca   Oana Luca  
Kaiya J. Diannen   ...  
Gina Ferlisi   seems a nice idea  m
Rita Bilancio   ...  
Vitaliy Dzivoronyuk   I would like to join this Powwow too.  y
Aida Reyes   Hi I'd like to join too!!  y
Alanna Wilson-Duff   I would really love to join but will be at a French Film Festival screening at 6:30. How late do you expect to be online?  m
Anne Diamantidis   I didn't realize that at the time I would be at the Easter family lunch, so I won't make it... I wish you loads of fun and looking forward to the next Skype powwow! :-)  n
Atena Hensch   ...  y
Slavica Kosca   Excellent idea.  
Dany0079   may i asist? i am graduating this year in translation  y
Xhanaj1   try my best  m
mariajorge   I am interested  y
XSilvinaZ (X)   Hello to All! I shall be delighted to join in!  y
Angeliki Papadopoulou   I would love to join you!  y
belindaccg  \"Reporter\" i would like to join this Powwow  
Andrew Anisimov  \"Photographer\" ...  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: on skype - Australia
Vanda Nissen
Vanda Nissen  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:33
English to Russian
+ ...
the 23d is Ok Feb 27, 2008

The 23d works for me as well.

Angeliki Papadopoulou
Angeliki Papadopoulou  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:33
English to Greek
+ ...
It was great to "meet you" all May 10, 2008

It was fun participating from so far away. It makes you think - the world is not so big, after all! Thanks Ilana! See you at the next one!


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