Glossary entry

Swedish term or phrase:

den under delen

English translation:

den undre delen - the lower/bottom part of

Added to glossary by Eva-Marie Adams
Aug 29, 2006 20:32
18 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Swedish term

den under delen

Swedish to English Tech/Engineering Mechanics / Mech Engineering Particle separators
Den mesta påkända delen av de svetsar som fäster in de tre olika grupperna av blad som finns i partikelavskiljaren är den under delen av bladen i den grupp av blad som sitter närmast ultoppet i rotationshämmaren.

Is this a typo?

"The most sensitive part of the welds, that connect the three different blade groups in the particle separator, is the part of the weld below the part of the group of blades that are closest to the outlet for the rotation inhibitor."


Lars Jelking Aug 30, 2006:
I agree with Mårten. And your own interpretation seems OK. May change 'connect' to 'join' and 'rotation' to 'vortex'.
Mårten Sandberg Aug 29, 2006:
It is not a typo I am afraid - it is any reader's nightmare. Not to mention the translator's...

Proposed translations

1 hr

den undre delen - the lower/bottom part of

I would think it is a typo and that is should be den undre delen- meaning the lower part or bottom part. It is so much easier when you have the drawings that come with. :)

my attempt would be something like this (and I agree that it is a nightmare)

The most strained/stressed part of the welds that are attached in the three different groups of blades located in the particle separator, is the lower/bottom part of the blades, out of the group of blades that are located closest to the outlet of the rotation inhibitor.

Peer comment(s):

agree Alfa Trans (X)
12 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Tack Mårten!"
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