Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Aug 29, 2006 16:20
18 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Swedish term
Swedish to English
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Particle separators
Till vänster ses en fjärdedel av partikelavskiljarens utloppsdel och till höger motsvarande del av mantelns inloppsdel från finita¬elementmodellen om 360º.
Is this a particle separator's casing? jacket?
Is this a particle separator's casing? jacket?
Proposed translations
3 +2 | jacket | Mårten Sandberg |
4 | mantle | asptech |
Proposed translations
13 mins
Jacket sounds good and is translated with mantel/mantling in a lot of other cases (e.g. about gun bullets).
Casing has a lot of equivalents in Swedish but mantel would not be among the most frequent translations IMHO.
As opposed to casing, mantel is not so frequently used.
Casing has a lot of equivalents in Swedish but mantel would not be among the most frequent translations IMHO.
As opposed to casing, mantel is not so frequently used.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Tusen tack"
59 mins
why complicate it?
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