Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

supers as cued by narration

German translation:

Übertitel(ung) wie vom Sprecher vorgegeben / Titel im Sprechtempo des Erzählers eingeblendet

Added to glossary by Steffen Walter
Jun 22, 2010 17:02
14 yrs ago
English term

supers as cued by narration

English to German Art/Literary Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Super, supers

kann sich um Schlüsselwörter handeln...(?)
Change log

Jun 23, 2010 04:29: Klaus Urban changed "Term asked" from "SUPERS AS CUED BY NARRATION:" to "supers as cued by narration"

Jul 3, 2010 10:39: Steffen Walter changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/708304">Anna Fangrath (X)'s</a> old entry - "supers as cued by narration"" to ""Übertitel(ung) wie vom Sprecher vorgegeben:""


Polangmar Nov 19, 2010:
These extras, known as supernumeraries ("supers") play many roles such as servants, soldiers or party guests and help to fill out crowd scenes.
Supernumeraries, also known as supers, volunteer their time and act as extras (in costume with full make-up) on the stage in non-speaking...

Proposed translations

28 mins
English term (edited): supers as cued by narration:

Übertitel(ung) wie vom Sprecher vorgegeben:

Bei den "supers" scheint es sich um eine Kurzform von "supertitles" bzw. "supertitling" zu handeln. Mehr Kontext wäre allerdings hilfreich - um welche Art Veranstaltung/Aufführung geht es denn?

Siehe u. a.
Peer comment(s):

agree Simone Linke : Ja, selbst ohne Kontext scheint es ganz klar um Titeleinblendungen zu gehen, die im Sprechtempo des Erzählers eingeblendet werden sollen.
11 mins
Ja, genau.
agree Melanie Meyer : So habe ich das auch verstanden.
1 hr
agree Irene Schlotter, Dipl.-Übers. : Ich stimme Simone zu.
1 hr
agree Ingeborg Gowans (X) : absolutely
1 hr
agree Thayenga : So ist es. :)
14 hrs
agree Rolf Keiser
15 hrs
agree kriddl
18 hrs
disagree Polangmar : These are sounds of limited duration that are cued by or that cue voices and other .... Audio supernumeraries, extras; the persons who make crowd noises
149 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.

Reference comments

149 days

super = supernumerary actor

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