Freelance translators » German to Croatian » Bus/Financial » Medical: Dentistry » Page 1

Below is a list of German to Croatian freelance translators specializing in translations in the Bus/Financial: Medical: Dentistry field. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

12 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B
Native in Serbian Native in Serbian, Croatian Native in Croatian
technical translation, machinery manual, Croatian, French, German, English, Croatian translation, traduction croate, kroatisch Übersetzung, engineering, ...
sandra zovko
sandra zovko
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian, German Native in German
Croatian, Croatian Translations, English, German, agriculture, agreements, beauty products, business intelligence, contracts, ecology, ...
Natalija Marić
Natalija Marić
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian, German Native in German
German, Croatian, technology, IT, medical, legal, engineering, transcription, review, MTPE, ...
Izeta Schorr
Izeta Schorr
Native in Bosnian Native in Bosnian, Croatian Native in Croatian
Translation Schorr, Übersetzungen, Dolmetschen, Deutsch, Bosnisch, Kroatisch, Serbisch, Beeidigung, Ermächtigung, Gericht, ...
Ivana Kahle
Ivana Kahle
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian, German Native in German
prevoditelj, prijevodi, prevođenje, njemački, talijanski, hrvatski, tehnički prijevodi, ekonomija, turizam, arhitektura, ...
Tatjana Kovačec
Tatjana Kovačec
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
Übersetzer, Dolmetscher, translator; interpeter; prevoditelj; sudski tumač, njemački, francuski, hrvatski, deutsch, französisch, français, croate, ...
Native in Croatian (Variants: Bosnian, standard) Native in Croatian, Serbian (Variants: Montenegrin , Bosnia, serbian) Native in Serbian, Bosnian (Variant: Cyrillic) Native in Bosnian, German (Variants: Swiss, Austrian, Germany) Native in German, Montenegrin Native in Montenegrin
English, German, Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian, Montenegrin, sworn translator, translation, post-editing, editing, ...
Gordana Podvezanec
Gordana Podvezanec
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian, Slovenian Native in Slovenian
IT, Law, Business, Chemistry, General, Industry, Machines, Civil engineering, Building, Architecture, ...
Darko Pauković
Darko Pauković
Native in Croatian 
german, english, croatian, translation, localization, proofreading, übersetzung, prijevod, deutsch, kroatisch, ...
Native in English (Variant: US) Native in English, Slovenian Native in Slovenian
medicine, pharmaceuticals, biology, life sciences, medical reports, cardiology, radiology, immunology, dermatology, expert doctor review, ...
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish, French Native in French
iso 17100, iso 17100 certificate, iso 17100 certification, iso 17100 certified translation, iso 17100 certified translation company, iso 17100 certified translation services
Jelena Bogdanović (X)
Jelena Bogdanović (X)
Native in Croatian 
croatian, legal documents, website content, marketing documents, news article, technical and functional documents, equipment manuals, specifications, medical statements, proofreading, ...

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Translators, like interpreters, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. Translators work with written text, as opposed to spoken word.

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