Colleague Elsa Favette passed away Thread poster: Francesca Pezzoli
Dear all,
I have just received the sad news that our young and skilled colleague Elsa Favette, EN>FR translator, suddenly passed away on April 6th.
May she rest in peace and may God comfort her family, boyfriend and friends. | | |
My condolences | May 11, 2010 |
My sincere condolences to all who loved her and had her as a friend. May she rest in peace! | | |
Magda P. Italy Local time: 15:48 Italian to Greek + ...
condolences to family and friends | | |
Thierry Renon France Local time: 15:48 Member (2005) English to French + ... Sincères condoléances | May 11, 2010 |
Très ému aujourd'hui d'apprendre cette triste nouvelle : Elsa était une traductrice très douée et elle manquera à ses collègues virtuels qui ont travaillé avec elle sur de nombreux jeux vidéo.
Mes condoléances à sa famille et à ses amis.
Thierry | |
Sincères condoléances | May 11, 2010 |
La nouvelle de son décès m'a provoqué un véritable choc. Nous avons travaillé ensemble il y a 3-4 ans. Je regrette sa disparition et j'aimerais transmettre mes sincères condoléances à sa famille et à ses proches.
Elle sera regrettée.
[Edited at 2010-05-11 14:55 GMT] | | |
Vincenzo Di Maso Portugal Local time: 14:48 Member (2009) English to Italian + ... Rest in peace | May 11, 2010 |
Rest in peace, Elsa.
I didn't know you, but this news is shocking.
My sincere condolences to her family, her boyfriend, her friends and her close colleagues.
May she rest in peace.
Vincenzo | | |
If someone wishes to contact her family, I have their permission to share their address, please send me a PM.
They say they'd be glad to talk to anyone who knew her. | | |
Paul Dixon Brazil Local time: 11:48 Portuguese to English + ... In memoriam
Dear All,
I have just seen the sad news about Elsa's passing. I never had the opportunity to meet her personally, but would like to send my condolences from Brazil to her family and friends at this difficult time. May she rest in peace!
PAUL | |
Aufrichtiges Beileid | May 11, 2010 |
Ich schliesse mich meinen Kollegen an und übermittle der Familie, den Kollegen und Freunden mein aufrichtiges Beileid. | | |
imatahan Brazil Local time: 11:48 English to Portuguese + ...
To her family and friends.
May her soul rest in a marvelous place.
Isabel | | |
Sincere condolences | May 11, 2010 |
So sorry to hear the sad news, Francesca. Please extend my condolences to her family and friends. May she rest in peace.
Elisa | | |
Sincères condoléances | May 11, 2010 |
Notre métier à tous est d'écrire, mais j'avoue avoir du mal à trouver les mots.
Elsa et moi avions travaillé ensemble très fréquemment et discutions souvent par e-mail.
Sa disparition laisse un grand vide dans notre petite équipe de traducteurs.
Elle nous manquera à tous. | |
Terrible news | May 11, 2010 |
My condolences too, to her family and friends, and everyone who knew her.
May you rest in peace, Elsa. | | |
Elsa's mom would like to thank you all for your show of support.
Thanks again | | |
Our condolences | Oct 1, 2010 |
I've just happened upon this thread while trying to find out about Elsa, as we had not been in communication with her for quite a while. We at Web-Translations are all very sad to hear about her passing, after having worked with her for about four years. We have missed her and will continue to miss her. She was a joy to work with. | | |