Member since Jan '09

Working languages:
English to Italian
Arabic to Italian
Portuguese to Italian
Italian to English
Spanish to Italian

Vincenzo Di Maso
Legal and Medical specialist, MA

Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal
Local time: 18:17 WET (GMT+0)

Native in: Italian Native in Italian
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Jan 14 (posted via  Just delivered a translation of a statement of claims from Arabic into Italian ...more, + 5 other entries »
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"Your true value is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment"
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified member
This person previously served as a moderator.
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. View now.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Training, MT post-editing, File Preparation
Specializes in:
Medical: PharmaceuticalsMedical: Instruments
Medical: Health CareEngineering: Industrial
Engineering (general)Patents
Law (general)Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
Medical (general)Law: Contract(s)

Volunteer / Pro-bono work Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations

English to Italian - Rates: 0.07 - 0.10 EUR per word / 25 - 35 EUR per hour
Arabic to Italian - Rates: 0.13 - 0.18 EUR per word
Portuguese to Italian - Rates: 0.07 - 0.10 EUR per word / 30 - 40 EUR per hour
Italian to English - Rates: 0.07 - 0.10 EUR per word
Spanish to Italian - Rates: 0.08 - 0.11 EUR per word / 30 - 40 EUR per hour

KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 1860, Questions answered: 1408, Questions asked: 440
Project History 0 projects entered
Blue Board entries made by this user  81 entries

Payment methods accepted Wire transfer, PayPal, Skrill, Check
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 4
Glossaries General glossary
Translation education Master's degree - Università \"L\'Orientale\"
Experience Years of experience: 21. Registered at Oct 2004. Became a member: Jan 2009. Certified PRO certificate(s)
Credentials English to Italian (University graduation at "Università l'Orientale")
Arabic to Italian (Court of Napoli)
Arabic to Italian (Chamber of Commerce of Napoli)
Arabic to Italian (Arab Professional Translators Society (Arab Translators Network))
Memberships ATN / APTS
TeamsItalia translations
Software Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Alchemy Publisher, ChatGPT, DeepL, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, ABBYY, XBench, Plunet BusinessManager, Powerpoint, Protemos, Smartcat, Trados Studio, Wordbee, XTM, XTRF Translation Management System

CV/Resume English (PDF)
Events and training
Professional practices Vincenzo Di Maso endorses's Professional Guidelines.



Certified member on ATN-APTS

If you require a qualified professional with a superb knowledge of translations in specific fields .... look no further

Guaranteed turnover over 3500 words per day

Ask for a free quote stating job volume and desired turnaround

When you work with Vincenzo Di Maso, you collaborate directly with a specialist, not a generalist translator claiming expertise in every language and subject. This approach lowers your costs and minimizes misunderstandings by eliminating intermediaries. Italian is my native language, and I have specialized expertise in Arabic, English, and Portuguese translations, honed through professional qualifications and residence in Portugal. Frequent trips to Italy keep me up-to-date with evolving Italian terminology. For Quality Assurance and Terminology Management, I rely on XBench to ensure precision and consistency.
Trados user

I will provide you with Italian translations tailored specifically for you and your needs! Translations you can rely on and be satisfied with. I never improvise or accept projects beyond my qualifications and skills. For your added assurance, I am a certified member. I am also ATN-APTS certified.


I hold an MA in Translation and Interpreting from "L'Orientale" University in Naples and prioritize ongoing education, with post-graduate certifications in pharmaceutical, legal, and patent translation.

ITALIAN-ENGLISH (with the support of my proofreader)


Please note that the fields of expertise below are not comprehensive and are shown for illustrative purposes.
I have been providing translations to regular clients from all over the world including but not limited to UK, Italy, Japan, Canada, USA, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Liechtenstein, France, Russia, Sweden, South Africa, USA, Austria, Norway and Netherlands

LEGAL Clear and precise language in legal documents is essential. A poorly translated text can cost lawyers more than money, especially with complex documents like patents, where even minor errors can lead to millions in losses. Whether you require translations for civil litigation, commercial property, or patents, Vincenzo Di Maso offers expert legal translation, backed by extensive experience in your field. He specializes in a wide range of legal documents, including accident claims, contracts, intellectual property, trademarks, wills, and more. With him, you can trust your documents are in capable hands.

MEDICINE AND PHARMACEUTICAL In healthcare, pharmaceuticals, life sciences, and related industries, precision is paramount—errors can have life-threatening consequences. Clear, accurate instructions and materials are essential for effective communication. With Vincenzo Di Maso as your translator, you gain a professional deeply versed in the nuances of the healthcare sector. He ensures your content—whether technical documents, research, public information, or marketing materials—is translated with expertise and clarity.

Expertise includes:

  • Life Sciences: Conference materials, clinical trial documentation, biomedical research, and international publications.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Turnkey plant services, equipment manuals, analytical instruments, and lab reagent documentation.
  • Medical: Autopsy reports, patient records, public health resources, and medical equipment guides.
  • Marketing: Websites, brochures, flyers, and business packs tailored to the healthcare field.

TECHNICAL Using incorrect terminology in maintenance or operating manuals can pose serious risks to end users. Precise translations ensure instructions are clear, enhance user safety, and support your product's success. Technical terminology is often complex, but with Translation Memory (TM) tools and terminology databases, I deliver consistent, high-quality translations tailored to your industry. I specialize in technical documents across fields such as automotive engineering, diesel engines, steam and gas turbines, telecommunications, printing machinery, logistics and transport, electronics, integrated circuits, and medical equipment.

ranslating patents requires specialized technical and legal knowledge, as even a small mistake can cost millions and undermine years of research. It’s crucial to hire expert translators familiar with your field and patent terminology. With our service, you'll work with a translator who is highly skilled in both the technical details and legal language of your patent. For a free, no-obligation quote, click here to see how we can help.

Filing a patent to protect new intellectual property is an exciting yet complex process. Not only do you need legal experts, but also precise technical descriptions of your creation. We can help translate your patent into the correct legal format for international submissions. Trust an expert translator to safeguard your intellectual property rights.

I offer patent translation for biomedical, pharmaceutical, mechanical patents, global patent applications, patent monitoring, and more.


Phone number: (+351) 932576882
[email protected] and [email protected] 

إيـطالــي أتقن اللغة العربـيــة, ودرسـها في أكبر جامعات البلاد العربية في مصر,اليمن والكويت, وحصل علي أعلي الشهادات المـعـتمدة يفخر بأن يقدم لكم خدمات ترجمة في كافة المجالات ولجميع المستندات (تجارية – قانونية – علمية – طبية – أدبية.... الخ) وذلك من اللغة الـعربية إلي اللغة الإيطالية أو اللـغة الإنجـليزية وبالعكس
إن عشقى للغة العربية لغة القرآن الذي نزل علي الرسول الكريم محمد, ويتحدث بها أكثر من ثلثمائة مليون شخص هو عشق بلا حدود, جعلني أتخصص في علوم هذه اللغة وقواعدها النحوية, كما أن لغاتي الأصلية الإيـطــاليـــة والإنـجلـيزية تجعل ترجماتي متـقـنة للغايـة. ســـنـوات من الخــبرة الدولــية في هذا المجال تضمن لكم مستوي راقي، وجودة عالية، وثقة فيما يترجم، ومواعيد مؤكدة لتسليم الأعمال
أرحب بالتعاون مع الأفراد والشركات في كل البلاد العربية من المحيط إلي الخليج وكافة الأشقاء العرب المقـيـيمين في كافة أنحاء المـعـمـورة.
فينشينزو ديماسو – مترجم معتمد من بروز.كوم

الاسم الأول: فينشينزو
اسم العائلة: ديماسـو
إيطالي مقيم في لشبونة (البرتغال)
مترجم تحريري وفوري معتمَد

إن لغتي الأم هي الإيطالية ولديَّ خبرات متخصصة ومتميزة في اللغتين العربية والإنجليزية. وبما أنني مقيم في البرتغال، يمكنني تحدث اللغة البرتغالية بطلاقة. بالإضافة إلى اللغات المذكورة أعلاه، يمكنني أيضًا الترجمة من اللغة الأسبانية والفرنسية.
أستطيع أن أقدم لكم ترجمة إيطالية موائمة تماما لكم, ترجمات يكون بمقدوركم أن تعتمدوا عليها, وستحوز علي رضائكم, وأريد أن أنوه بأنني عضو معتمد بموقع الترجمة و عندي الشهادة في الموقع

الأسس والمبادئ الأخلاقية التي أنتهجها في أدائي لإعمال الترجمة:
بإمكان كل عملائي الحصول علي معلومات عني, وبالتالي يكون لي نفس الحق, ,أنا ألتزم تماماً بأدائي للعمل الموكل لي حتي أنال رضا عملائي.
أنا متخصص في الترجمة إلي لغتي الأم "الإيطالية" كما إني أترجم أيضاَ للإنجليزية.
ألتزم تماماً بمواعيد تسليمي للأعمال ولا أتعدي ذلك إلا في حالات الظروف القاهرة. وبنفس هذا المنطق فإن أدائكم لإتعابي يجب أن يتم في نفس المواعيد المحددة, إن الثقة المتبادلة هي أساس ومفتاح النجاح في علاقات العمل.
للترجمات المستعجلة أتعاب إضافية, فإذا طلب العميل ترجمة في وقت عاجل, فعليه أن يقوم بدفع تكاليف إضافية.
في حالة رؤيتي صعوبة في ترجمة موضوع ما, فسوف أنبئكم بذلك علي الفور, وقد أشير عليم بمترجم آخر له مقدرة علي هذا الموضوع وسوف تكونون علي إتصال مباشر به, علي أنى لن أتحمل أي مسئولية عن ترجمته.

يرجي الإتصال بي علي العنوان التالي:

[email protected]
ڤـيتـشـيـنزو دي مــاســو
مـترجـم عـربي إيـطالي إنجـليزي

WARNING: Scammers are impersonating me by using my CV. Please verify that messages sent in my name are genuine by emailing me through the contact link on my profile (envelope icon above). Thank you!

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Total pts earned: 1873
PRO-level pts: 1860

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English to Italian844
Italian to English732
Portuguese to Italian124
Arabic to English88
Arabic to Italian48
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Law (general)331
Law: Contract(s)230
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Construction / Civil Engineering84
Business/Commerce (general)83
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Keywords: traduzione, translation, arabic, arabo, inglese, english, law, economics, contratti, traduttore arabo. See more.traduzione, translation, arabic, arabo, inglese, english, law, economics, contratti, traduttore arabo, professionalità, reliability, esperienza, experience, portuguese, localization, legal, contracts, contratti, testi legali, Search and Seizure Warrant, Court Summons, legale, professionalità, italiano, italian, affidabilità, business, testi tecnici, traduttore arabo-italiano Napoli, portoghese, SCADA specifications, user's manuals, manuali d'uso, esperto testi legali, spagnolo, francese, settore, sector, campo, field, università, lingua, system, report, urbanistica, mattone, opera, fabric, frequency, progettazione, libro, traduçoes, tenders, company, empresa, technical texts, عربي, مترجم, ترجمة, عقد, appello, sentenza, traduttore arabo-italiano, proz certified, certificato, traduttore giurato, patenti, driving licences, napoli, lisboa, arabe, ترجمة قانونية, freelance translator, ترجمة عربية معتمدة, ترجمة من العربية الى الانكليزية, ترجمة في مصر, ترجمة في السعودية, Servizi di traduzione Arabo, interprete arabo, Tradução portugues-italiano, Traduçao arabe-portugues, traducteur italien, localization, equity incentive plans, automotive, Equipment for Waste Disposal, balance sheets, traducciones jur¡dicas, legal translations, Italian-English, visto passaporti, safety manuals, manuali sicurezza, Power of Attorney, informed consent, air conditioning, studi islamici, packaging, imballaggio, mobile computers, apparecchiature elettromedicali, scanners, mobile phones, data sheets, visti Libia, certificados casamento, certificati matrimonio, traduttore visti Libia, traduttore visti, Commercial Distribution Contracts, Recruitment Agreements, Memorandum of Association, Legal disclaimers, Patent and trademark filings, Litigation, Arbitration, Court summons, Supply Contracts, Confidentiality agreements, Exequaturs, Power of attorneys, Joint venture agreements, Birth and marriage certificates, Toxycology, Intensive care equipment, Informed consent, Patient Information Sheets, Laboratory Devices, Allergens, Orthopaedics, Pharmaceutics, Genetics, Electrodiagnosis, Bio-medical manuals, Clinical study reports, Medical charts and reports, Staplers, End-Staplers, Medical equipment instruction manuals, Hospital discharge documents, Diagnostic equipment, Electrosurgical units, Rehabilitation equipment, Surgical tools and instruments, Medical articles, First aid procedures, Anti-viral drugs, Chemicals, Chemotherapy drugs, Neurosurgical equipment, Infusion pumps, Peristaltic pumps, Betting and gaming, Online poker games, مـترجـم عـربي إيـطالي, ATN-APTS certified, arabista, orientalismo, medical equipment translations, biological translations, traduttore legale, traduttore giuridico, legal translator, traduzione informatica, traduzioni informatiche, traduzione hardware, traduzioni hardware, traduzione software, traduzioni software, clinical trials, pharmaceuticals, patents, revisione articoli, revisione scientifica, revisione testi medici, medical publications, medical records, medical research, medical sheets, medical statistics, medical study, medical survey, medical text, medical translations, medical translator, medicine translations, traduttore medico, traduttore medico-scientifico, traduttore scientifico, traduzione, traduzione articoli, traduzione articolo, traduzione articoli medici, traduzione articoli odontoiatrici, traduzione medica, traduzioni, traduzioni generali, traduzioni mediche, traduzioni medicina, informatique, site, internet, web, Brazil, Brasil, investments, added value, traduzioni brevetti, patents, tradutor italiano, MTPE, machine translation, traduzione auomatica, revisione traduzione automatica, machine translation post-editing, post-editor, Italian MTPE, Legal MTPE, traduttore portoghese-italiano, traduttore arabo-italiano, traduttore spagnolo-italiano, tradutor portugues-italiano, tradutor italiano, Italian translator. See less.

Profile last updated
Feb 26