7,926 registrants

Recruitment day

Sep 26, 2012

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Results (7,927) (Members shown first)
Peter Hladky Contact directly
Technical translations
Native in Slovak Native in Slovak
General State Exam, Jednota tlmocnikov a prekladatelov (Sekcia sudnych tlmocnikov), OTHER-State Language School, JTP, JTP, 37 years of experience
J.E.Sunseri Contact directly
United States
Native in English (Variant: US) Native in English
Bio: Check out my Proz.com profile! Exquisite native English. Multiple advanced degrees. What more can I say?
Message: Greetings from beautiful Eugene, Oregon!
Tomas Mosler, DipTrans IoLET MCIL MITI Contact directly
Quality & reliability. Any time.
Czech Republic
Native in Czech Native in Czech
Institute of Translation and Interpreting, state language examination – CEFR B2 level, Chartered Institute of Linguists, ITI, CIOL, IAPTI, 19 years of experience
Kim Meyers Contact directly
Quality & On Time Localization
United States
Native in English (Variant: US) Native in English, Thai Native in Thai
Bio: Professional & Native English<>Thai Translator, with Expertise in I/T and Business (Profile & Feedback: www.proz.com/profile/1030502)
Maria Emanuela Congia Contact directly
30 years of passion for technology
Native in Italian Native in Italian
Freelancer and outsourcer
Bio: Freelance translator and liaison interpreter since 1994. Language combinations: English-French-German to Italian and vice-versa. Specialty domains: Engineering, Motor Sports, Advertising, Business. ProZ.com Time Exchange Team founder (http://www.proz.com/team/1333).
Message: Hi, nice to meet you!
Aleksandra Mišak Contact directly
MD, medical translations
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
University of Zagreb , Mediterranean Editors and Translators, Društvo znanstvenih i tehničkih prevoditelja, 30 years of experience
Sashenka Ljuben Contact directly
20 years of experience, prompt, accurate
North Macedonia
Native in Macedonian Native in Macedonian
Ministry of Justice, MA-University Ss. Cyril and Methodius Skopje, 28 years of experience
Greta Vera Contact directly
Affordable Prices-High Quality-On time
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
OTHER-Superior Court of Justice, 12 years of experience
Karel Tatransky Contact directly
Not your average translator.
Czech Republic
Native in Czech Native in Czech
Czech Union of Interpreters and Translators (JTP), ATA, DVÜD, 27 years of experience
Anna Klotz Contact directly
PhLic in Cell biology and journalist
Native in Swedish Native in Swedish
Bio: Studied biology up to PhD student level, focusing on the cytoskeleton and intracellular signalling.
A one-year course in journalism.
Translating professionally since 2006, mainly medicine (marketing research, clinical trials, regulatory documentation etc.), but also ...
Message: Looking forward to some new, fruitful collaborations!
Robert Piórkowski Contact directly
Words speak louder than actions?
Native in Polish (Variant: Standard-Poland) Native in Polish
Bio: My name is Robert Piórkowski and although I was born in Poland I have had the privilege to live and work both in the UK and the USA. Apart from typical school education I learned my English best from native speakers because as a young man I worked for non-profit organi...
Rhona Voegele Contact directly
Reliable native English speaker.
Native in English (Variants: UK, US, Australian, British) Native in English
Bio: I have been working freelance as a German-English translator a year, mostly in the field of marketing but also doing some lightly legal work. I was brought up in Australia by a German mother and attended all my schooling (including 5 years of university) in English. Now...
Helena Vansynghel Contact directly
A Passion for Translation FR/EN/SP>NL
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch, Flemish Native in Flemish
Belgian Courts, Hogeschool Gent, Departement Vertaalkunde, MA-Mercator/Hogeschool Gent, CBTI-BKVT, 15 years of experience
Gianluca Attoli Contact directly
Native in Italian (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in Italian
MA-Communications and Languages - University of Milan, 17 years of experience
Philippe Locquet Contact directly
Terminology, solutions and MT specialist
Native in French (Variant: Standard-France) Native in French
Freelancer and outsourcer
Reviewer for Translators Without Borders, 16 years of experience
Carolina Grupe Contact directly
AVT, Tourism, Education, Insurance
Native in Spanish (Variant: Latin American) Native in Spanish
Universidad Nacional de Cordoba Argentina, BA-UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE CORDOBA ( National University of Cordoba), CTP (Cordoba - Argentina), 16 years of experience
JJL Contact directly
Traduction technique
Native in French Native in French
Engineer, mechanical, 23 years of experience
Jānis Greivuls Contact directly
..sometimes words have two meanings..
Native in Latvian Native in Latvian, Russian Native in Russian
Message: 8 years in translation
Savina N Savova Contact directly
lawyer linguist
Native in Bulgarian Native in Bulgarian, English (Variants: US, UK) Native in English
University of Cambridge, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), OTHER-Cambridge University, 23 years of experience
Ikram Mahyuddin Contact directly
Your English-Indonesian Translator
Native in Indonesian Native in Indonesian
Proz.com, BA-University of Padjadjaran, Indonesia, HPI, 29 years of experience
Fabiana Papastefani-Pezzoni Contact directly
Your business in my language
Native in Albanian Native in Albanian, Italian Native in Italian
Freelancer and outsourcer
Bio: In the industry since 21 years, a linguist, translator & interpreter since 1991, and also teacher, lecturer, copywriter.
Simultaneous, consecutive, chuchotage, conference interpreter for many governments and international organizations.
Åsa Campbell Contact directly
Specialist in IT & Engineering
Native in Swedish Native in Swedish
Bio: See my Proz.com profile
Message: Hi, I'm new to this and am especially interested in the CAT Tools & Software day but also looking forward to e-meet you all!
keshab Contact directly
fast with accuracy
Native in Hindi Native in Hindi, Bengali Native in Bengali
Message: Hello, Good Day.
Laureana Pavon Contact directly
Degrees in Engineering + Translation
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish, English Native in English
Bio: EN-ES Technical Translator - Engineer specializing in Internet and IT related fields
Moritz Schneider Contact directly
Schneider Translation Services
Native in German Native in German
Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, MA-Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Fachbereich Translations-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft (FTSK), BDÜ, 15 years of experience
Undine Krauze Contact directly
Technical translator since 2004, Trados
Native in Latvian Native in Latvian
Freelancer and outsourcer
LTTA, MA-Ventspils University College, 28 years of experience
Ventseslava Uzunova Contact directly
22 years of translation experience
Native in Bulgarian Native in Bulgarian
MA-Veliko Tarnovo University, Bulgaria, 33 years of experience
Susanne Hornig Contact directly
IHK-Certified, +10 years experience
Native in German (Variants: Alsatian, Swiss, Swabian, Platt / Nieder (Low German), Austrian, Saxon (Upper), Germany, Bavarian) Native in German
Bio: Freelance translator for English-German and French-German texts with expertise in Science, Technology, Software, Legal and Marketing during the last ten years
Studies of Anglistics, Romanistics and Economy 1987-1990
satish krishna itikela Contact directly
25 Years in Telugu Translation
Native in Telugu Native in Telugu, Hindi Native in Hindi
Dakshina Bharath Hindi Prachar Sabha,Madras., MA-Osmania University, www.proz.com, www.translatorscafe.com, www.aquarius.net, www.translated.net, www.traduguide.com, 26 years of experience
Sandra Gianesini Contact directly
French mother tongue/20 years experience
Native in French (Variants: Standard-France, Swiss) Native in French, Italian (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in Italian
Bio: EN-FR / IT-FR translator

Fields: NGOs, UN, tourism, history and marketing
7 years experience in technical translation
Kornelija Antolin Contact directly
Passion and Attitude Make the Difference
Native in Slovenian Native in Slovenian
Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, GD-(equivalent to Bologna MA) from Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, Slovenia; 1 year Erasmus exhange - Karl Franzens Universität Graz, Austria , 16 years of experience
Ilja Friedmann Contact directly
Sapienti Sat
Native in Russian (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in Russian, Latvian Native in Latvian, German Native in German
Freelancer and outsourcer
32 years of experience
Gislene K Arantes Contact directly
Words Uniting Worlds.
Native in Portuguese (Variant: Brazilian) Native in Portuguese
Universidade Estácio de Sá, Daniel Brilhante de Brito, OTHER-Postgraduate Translation Studies by Universidade Estácio de Sá, ATA, 12 years of experience
Mark Bossanyi Contact directly
Language experience and innovation
Native in English Native in English
Bio: 18 years of professional experience translating from French and from Bulgarian into English
Marlis March-Catsellis Contact directly
Language built to perfection
United Kingdom
Native in German Native in German
OTHER-City University,diploma in translation, 31 years of experience
Duane Wright Contact directly
Dedicated team member
United States
Native in English Native in English
Bio: Freelance translator, French > English
Message: Hello fellow translators.
Virginie Proisy Contact directly
Accurate and reliable translation !
Native in French Native in French
Bio: I have studied foreign languages (English and German) in the Charles de Gaulle University Lille III where I got a master's degree.

I decided then to travel abroad and gathered vocational training in Germany where I stayed 8 years.
My major professional achievement w...
Tony Bennjamin Contact directly
Native in Indonesian (Variant: Standard-Indonesia) Native in Indonesian
OTHER-ITE, HPI, 18 years of experience
RuTranslation Contact directly
Russian Federation
Native in Russian (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in Russian
Freelancer and outsourcer
Bio: Lingistic education, in-house translator at a translation agency and at different companies, then freelancer and finally owner and CEO of a translation agency.
Message: Hi! :)
Stefanie Kuepper Contact directly
Former UK Solicitor & German law degree
United Kingdom
Native in English Native in English, German Native in German
Bio: Lawyer - Linguist, legally qualified in UK and Germany
Nelya Plakhota Contact directly
Professionalism, accuracy, reliability
Native in Ukrainian (Variant: Standard-Ukraine) Native in Ukrainian
Diploma with honours in Teaching ESL and Translati, OTHER-Zhytomyr State University, 27 years of experience
Irina Levchenko Contact directly
Eng-Heb-Rus-Ukr translator, 20 years
Native in Ukrainian Native in Ukrainian, Russian Native in Russian
Zhytomyr State University named after Iv. Franko, OTHER-Zhitomyr State University, 25 years of experience
Sofia Gutkin Contact directly
Medicine, life sciences, books & games
Native in English (Variants: British, Australian, New Zealand) Native in English, Russian (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in Russian
National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, OTHER-KU Leuven, NAATI, AUSIT, 13 years of experience
Joanna Scudamore-Trezek Contact directly
Good English, Clear English
Native in English Native in English
Freelancer and outsourcer
Chartered Institute of Linguists, GD-Institute of Linguists, CIOL, 27 years of experience
All-in Global Contact directly
Language solutions you can bet on.
Bio: Journalist by profession, now CEO/Chief Editor at All-In Translations.
Message: Contact us if you are interested in gaming translations (casino, poker, sports, etc.), either as a translator or a client.
Cécile Spinelle Contact directly
T/MT-PE - HR/Marketing/Technical
Native in French (Variant: Standard-France) Native in French
UBP Langues Etrangères Appliquées - Clermont II, Università per Stranieri di Siena, MA-Langues Etrangères Appliquées, SFT, 12 years of experience
Marcos Romano Contact directly
Experience and professional quality
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
Freelancer and outsourcer
Bayerisches Ministerium für Unterricht und Kultus, OTHER-Staatlich Geprüfter Übersetzer, Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Unterricht und Kultus, 46 years of experience
Pieter Beens Contact directly
Dedicated Dutch copywriter and linguist
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
Open University, BA-Open University, 16 years of experience
alice murray Contact directly
Traductrice interprète assermentée
Native in English Native in English, French Native in French
Bio: I am a native English/French bilingual and have therefore always translated and interpreted.

I am now working full time as a translator (both English/French and French/English).

I translate (both ways) technical, corporate and legal documents.

I am also part of...
Montse P. Contact directly
Translation and localization
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish, Catalan Native in Catalan
University of Barcelona, Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, Universidad Oberta de Catalunya, GD-UOC, L10N, Gestió de projectes, 17 years of experience