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Source text - Croatian Prije početka imunizacije potrebno je uzeti detaljnu anamnezu. Između primjene dvaju živih virusnih cjepiva, ukoliko nisu primijenjena istovremeno, mora proći najmanje mjesec dana.
Testiranje tuberkulinom (Mantouxov test) treba izvesti prije ili dva mjeseca nakon cijepljenja MRP cjepivom, jer komponenta cjepiva protiv morbila može izazvati prolaznu inhibiciju stanične imunosti.
Djecu koja imaju u anamnezi imunu trombocitopeničnu prupuru može se cijepiti nakon procjene trenutnog stanja hematoloških parametara. Veći broj radova ne nalazi povećani rizik u cijepljenju djece koja su imala trombocitopenijsku purpuru -bilo nevezanu za prethodno cijepljenje protiv MRP, bilo za slučajeve u kojima se ona može okarakterizirati kao nuzpojava prve doze. Kod djece s imunom trombocitopeničnom purpurom treba 6 tjedana nakon prve doze MRP cjepiva uvrditi serološki status prije primjene druge doze cjepiva. Ukoliko se pokaže da dijete nije potpuno imunizirano protiv morbila, parotitisa i rubele, preporučuje se primijeniti drugu dozu MRP cjepiva.
Translation - English Before immunization, a detailed medical history must be taken. Two live virus vaccines, if they are not administered simultaneously, should be administered at least a month apart.
Tuberculin testing (Mantoux test) should be performed a month or two after vaccination with MMR vaccine, because the vaccine component against measles can cause transitory inhibition of cell immunity.
Children with thrombocytopenic purpura in their medical history can be vaccinated after assessment of the current status of hematological parameters. Many studies have not found increased risk of vaccination in children with thrombocytopenic purpura that was either unassociated with previous MMR vaccination or in cases where it could be described as a side effect of the first dose. In children with immune thrombocytopenic purpura, serologic status should be determined 6 weeks after the first dose before the administration of the second dose. If the child is found not to be completely immunized against measles, mums, and rubella, administration of the second dose of MMR vaccine is recommended.
English to Croatian: Sample_medical (laboratory)
Source text - English Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the etiologic agent of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
(AIDS). HIV infection can be transmitted by sexual contact, exposure to infected blood or blood products,
or by an infected mother to the fetus. Within three to six weeks of exposure to HIV, infected individuals
generally develop a brief, acute syndrome characterized by flu-like symptoms and associated with
high levels of viremia in the peripheral blood. In most infected individuals this is followed by an HIVspecific
immune response and a decline of plasma viremia, usually within four to six weeks of the onset
of symptoms. After seroconversion, infected individuals typically enter a clinically stable, asymptomatic
phase that can last for years. The asymptomatic period is characterized by persistent, low level
plasma viremia and a gradual depletion of CD4+ T lymphocytes, leading to severe immunodeficiency,
multiple opportunistic infections, malignancies and death. Although virus levels in the peripheral blood
are relatively low during the asymptomatic phase of the infection, virus replication and clearance appear
to be dynamic processes in which high rates of virus production and infection of CD4+ cells are balanced
by equally high rates of virus clearance, death of infected cells and replenishment of CD4+ cells, resulting
in relatively stable levels of both plasma viremia and CD4+ cells.
Translation - Croatian Virus humane imunodeficijencije (HIV) uzročnik je sindroma stečene imunodeficijencije (AIDS). HIV se može prenijeti spolnim odnosom, inficiranom krvlju ili inficiranim krvnim proizvodima, te s inficirane majke na plod. U roku od 3-6 tjedana nakon kontakta s virusom humane imunodeficijencije, inficirane osobe općenito razviju kratki akutni sindrom karakteriziran simptomima sličnima gripi, koji je povezan s visokom razinom viremije u perifernoj krvi. Nakon toga u većine inficiranih osoba nastupa specifični imunološki odgovor na HIV i pad viremije u plazmi, obično u roku od 4-6 tjedana nakon početka simptoma. Nakon serokonverzije inficirane osobe tipično ulaze u klinički stabilnu, asimptomatsku fazu koja može trajati godinama.Asimptomatski period karakteriziran je trajno niskom razinom viremije u plazmi i postupnom deplecijom CD4+ T limfocita, što dovodi do teške imunodeficijencije i razvoja višestrukih oportunističkih infekcija i malignih bolesti te smrti. Iako su razine virusa u perifernoj krvi tijekom asimptomatske faze infekcije relativno niske, čini se da su umnažanje i klirens virusa dinamički procesi kojima se visoke stope proizvodnje virusa i infekcija CD4+ stanica održavaju u ravnoteži s jednako visokim stopama klirensa virusa, smrti inficiranih stanica i proizvodnje novih CD4+ stanica. Posljedica toga su relativno stabilne razine i viremije u plazmi i CD4+ stanica.
Years of experience: 30. Registered at Nov 2006. Became a member: Feb 2008.
I'm a translator and author's editor, specialized in manuscript editing and translation in medical and pharmaceutical fields, especially regulatory documents (SPCs, PILs) and clinical trials (protocols, informed consents).
Keywords: medicine, pharmaceutical, editing, manuscripts, research articles, proofreading, medical translator