Translation glossary: geographical terms

Showing entries 1-50 of 1,020
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(2) clayey and silty deposits in Mexico and southwest USA(1).cărămizi din lut ars de 
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1000 parts of water)sălciu 
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ablation ( the removal of surface snow or ice by melting or evaporation)ablaţiune 
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ablation ( the removal of surface snow or ice by melting or evaporation)ablaţiune 
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above the Earth’s surface)strat Appleton 
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abrasion (effect of the wearing away of rock by fragments of other rock carried by moving ice, water or wind)abraziune 
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absolute humidityumiditate absolută 
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absolute humidityumiditate absolută 
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absolute temperaturetemperatură absolută 
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absolute temperaturetemperatură absolută 
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absolute zerozero absolut 
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accordant drainagedrenaj concordant 
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accordant drainage (a drainage pattern that is related to the structure of the underlying rocks)drenaj concordant 
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accordant junctionsjoncţiuni concordante 
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accordant junctions (the law of this states that tributaires join a stream or river at the same elevation as that of the larger watercourse)joncţiuni concordante 
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accretion (1.) the growth of land by the offshore deposition of a sediment. (2.) in meteorology, hailstones grow by accretion as more water freezes onto them(1) depunere aluvionară 
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accumulation zonezonă de acumulare 
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acid rainploaie acidă 
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acid soilsol acid 
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active glacierglaciar activ 
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adiabatic temperature change (a temperature change that involves no heat transfer but is due to a change in pressure)schimb de temperatură 
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adret (the sunny side of a hill or valley)parte însorită a unei văi 
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Africa)curentul Benguela 
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agglomerate (a rock of volcanic origin made up of fine fragments cemented toether in a fine matrix)conglomerate 
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aggradation (the building up of the surface of land by water- borne or wind-borne material)acumulare 
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agonic line (a line drawn on a map joining the north and south magnetic poles)linie agonică 
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ailt (a layer of very fine particles, coaser than clay but finer than sand)strat de particul foar fine 
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air frostaer ingheţat 
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air massmasă de aer 
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air streamcurent de aer 
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ait or eyot (a small island in a river)insuliţă (mică insulă pe un 
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alkaline soilsol alcalin 
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alp (a shoulder of land in mountainous terrain standing above a glaciated trough and stretching up to the summer snow line)alp 
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an abandoned meander)billadong (braţ de râu care formează o apă stătătoare) 
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anabatic windvânt anabatic 
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and 6000 metres high as in altocumulus, a tall cloud formation, or altostratus,a grey sheet of cloud)alto (termen refiritor la nori între 3000 şi 6000 m înălţime cum ar fi altocumulus) 
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and all farming plants are made jointly)kibbutz 
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and flow currents 2. the portion of a river current that moves more slowly, often on the inside of a bend 3. the hollow between coastal sand dunes1. mare stationara (intre flux si 
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