Translation glossary: geographical terms

Showing entries 151-200 of 1,020
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buttress ( a rugged, rocky ridge or face that projects from the side of a mountain)contrafort 
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cairn (a Scottish Gaelic term for a pile of stones erected to mark a route, a boundary, or to serve as a memorial)pietre comemorative 
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caldera (a large depression at the centre of a volcano with a diameter many times that of the original vent)calderă 
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Caledonian orogenyorogeneză caledoniană 
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calf ( a piece of floating sea ice that has broken away from a larger piece of sea or from land ice)gheaţă plutitoare 
English to Romanian
California Currentcurentl Californiei 
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Campbell- Stokes recorder see sunshine recorderînregistrator Campbell- Stokes 
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Canarries CurrentCurentul Canarelor 
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Cancer, Tropic ofTropicul Racului 
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cap rock ( an impervious rock overlying a source rock containing hydrocarbons)rocă impermeabilă 
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Capricorn, Tropic ofTropicul Capricornului 
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carbon cycleciclul carbonului 
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cardinal pointspuncte cardinale 
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carse ( a Scottish term for the fertile, low- lying alluvial ground around the river estuaries of eastern Scotland)pământ fertil format prin depuneri aluvionare 
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catchment area (1) the region drained by a river and its tributaries (2) the area served by a city(1)o regiune drenată de un rîu şi de afluenţii săi 
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caused by collision with an extraterestrial body)accident 
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cay or keychei 
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Celsius scale or centigrade scalescara Celsius sau scara centigradelor 
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Centripetal drainage system ( a pattern of streams arranged radially and draining inwards towards a single river or lake)sistem de drenaj Centripetal 
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chalybeate (spring water containing a high concentration of dissolved compounds of iron)izvor de apă cu o mare concentraţie de fier 
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Chandler wobble ( the small wobble of the Earth on its axis during rotation)mişcarea Chandler 
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chapparral (a poor grassland with short, dense bushes occuring in California, New Mexico and parts of South America between latitudes 30 and 40)desiş (de tufişuri) 
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chasm see canyoncanion 
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chelation (a reaction between a metal ion and an organic molecule that produces a closed ring, thus tying up the unwanted metal ion)chelaţie 
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china claylut de China 
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chinook ( a warm, dry wind blowing down the eastern side of the Rock Mountains, usually between December and February)vânt cald şi uscat 
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cinder cone ( a cone surrounding a volcanic vent composed of small fragments of glassy, solidified lava)con volcanic 
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circuit of capitalcircuitul capitalului 
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circumferece of Earthcircumferinţa Pământului 
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cirquecăldare, circ glaciar 
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cirrocumulus (a type of high- level cloud formed in a stable air as sheets or layers with ripples and waves)cirrocumulus 
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cirrostratus ( a type of cloud composed of whitish or near- transparent veils with a smooth of fibrous form)cirrostratus 
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clear felling ( the cutting down of all trees on a site)despădurire completă 
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cloud see Annex 3nor 
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