Translation glossary: geographical terms

Showing entries 351-400 of 1,020
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English to Romanian
ethnic groupgrup etnic 
English to Romanian
euphotic zone ( a group of people with their own distinctive culture and customs, living within a larger, different society and subject to the laws of that larger society)zonă eufotică 
English to Romanian
eustasy ( a worldwide change of sea level that may be the result of, firstly, climatic change causing either the growth or melting of ice sheets or, secondaly, a change in the shape of ocean basins)eustazie 
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English to Romanian
everglade ( marshy ground with tall, coarse grass and occasional trees)mlaştină 
English to Romanian
English to Romanian
extrusive rocks ( a general term to encompass rocks of volcanic origin that are discharged onto the Earth’s surface)roci extruzive 
English to Romanian
English to Romanian
eyot see aitinsulă (într-un râu) 
English to Romanian
factors of productionfactori de producţie 
English to Romanian
fallow ( a term to describe agricultural ground that is left without a crop for a season to enable it to regain some of ots fertility)teren necultivat, pârloagă 
English to Romanian
false color ( a term used in remote sensing when using infrared photography)culoare falsă 
English to Romanian
false origin ( a point from which a grid is imposed on a map, chosen to prevent negative coordinates from appearing)origine falsă 
English to Romanian
fan ( an area of detrital sediment occuring in a submarine environment at the base of cliffs or mountains)proces de sedimetare submarin 
English to Romanian
fast ice ( a large area of sea ice joined to ice on the land)gheaţă 
English to Romanian
fathogram ( a chart of the sea floor obtained by taking echo soundings)fatogramă 
English to Romanian
fathom ( a measurement of sea depth, 1 fathom= 6 feet , 1,829 metres)stânjen (unitate de măsură pt a măsura adâncimea măruu 1 st=1,829m) 
English to Romanian
fault see folds and faultsprocese de încreţire 
English to Romanian
favela (a South American term for a shanty town outside a city)suburbie 
English to Romanian
English to Romanian
fell (an open mountainside of moors and rough grazing e.g. Lake District)deal într-o regiune mlăştinoasă 
English to Romanian
fen ( a waterlogged area where the water is not acid, as in a peat bog)mlaştină 
English to Romanian
feohn ( a general term for a warm, drywind in the lee of a mountain range)feohn 
English to Romanian
fiard see fjardfjard sau fiard 
English to Romanian
field of viewunghi prin care un instrument poate vedea radiaţiile electromagnetice 
English to Romanian
English to Romanian
finer-grained material, mainly clay)bolovani din lut 
English to Romanian
fiord see fjordfiord 
English to Romanian
firn (a compacted snow that forms an intermediate between snow and glacial ice and has survive the melting of a summer)firn 
English to Romanian
firth (a Scottish terms for a narrow arm of sea, most usually to describe an estuary)estuar 
English to Romanian
English to Romanian
fjard or fiard ( a sea inlet between low bank occurring on a drowned coastline)fjard ou fiard 
English to Romanian
fjord or fiord ( a long, deep narrow inlet of the sea into a glaciated valley bounded by high, steep, rocky mountains)fiord 
English to Romanian
flood plaincâmpie de inundaţie 
English to Romanian
flood tideval de inundaţie 
English to Romanian
Florida currentcurentul Floridei 
English to Romanian
English to Romanian
focusepicentrul unui cutremur 
English to Romanian
English to Romanian
folds and faults (geological features developed through tectonic activity)procese de încreţire 
English to Romanian
ford (a point where a river or stream is shallow enough to be crossed without a bridge by people, animals or vehicles)vad (un loc unde un râu sau un current este destul de superficial pt a putea fi traversat fără să existe pod de către oameni, animale, vehicule) 
English to Romanian
fore-dune (on a beach, the dune or line of dunes nearest the sea)dunele care sunt cele mai apropiate de plajă 
English to Romanian
foredeep see deepadânc 
English to Romanian
foreland (promotory)promotoriu 
English to Romanian
foreshockînainte de şoc 
English to Romanian
foreshoreplajă, parte de coastă care rămâne uscată în timpul refluxului 
English to Romanian
form-linelinie punctată de formă 
English to Romanian
fossil fuelscombustibili fosili 
English to Romanian
free marketpiaţă liberă 
English to Romanian
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