Translation glossary: geographical terms

Showing entries 251-300 of 1,020
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English to Romanian
English to Romanian
creep (the slow gravitational movement of soil, scree or glacial ice down a slope)scurgere lentă 
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English to Romanian
crevice (1) narrow crack in rocks (2) a mineral- bearing vein of rockcrăpătură 
English to Romanian
cruciform villagesat format la intersecţia a două 
English to Romanian
crude oil see petroleumpetrol 
English to Romanian
crust of the Earthscoarţa Pământului 
English to Romanian
English to Romanian
cumulonimbus (large, bulging clouds that reach great geights, with the upper reaches forming anvil shapes or plumes)cumulonimbus 
English to Romanian
cumulonimbus clouds)rafală 
English to Romanian
cumulus (well-defined cloud in the form of separate masses comprising bulges and towers with a darker, often flat, base)cumulus 
English to Romanian
English to Romanian
cwm the Welsh term for cirquerâpă, prăpastie 
English to Romanian
English to Romanian
English to Romanian
cyclothem (a type of cyclical sedimentation that is created by relatively rapidly changing conditions of deposition)tip de sedimentare ciclic 
English to Romanian
cymatogeny (warping of the Earth’s crust on a massive scale, resulting in domes and basins)cymatogeny 
English to Romanian
dalevale, vâlcea 
English to Romanian
Dalmatian-type coasttip de coastă Dalmaţiană 
English to Romanian
dambo (a shallow depression at the head of a drainage system but one that has no identificable drainage streams)depresiune superficială 
English to Romanian
datum level or datum line (the zero level or line from which all land altitudes and water depths are calculated)nivel zero 
English to Romanian
dead cavespeşteri moarte 
English to Romanian
dead cliffsstânci moarte 
English to Romanian
debris (material such as scree, gravel, sand or clay, formed by the breaking up of rocks, that has been moved by ice or water from its original site to another location)moloz 
English to Romanian
declination see magnetic declinationdeclinaţie vezi declinaţie magnetică 
English to Romanian
declining regionregiune aflată în declin economic 
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English to Romanian
defiledefileu, trecătoare 
English to Romanian
deflation hollowdepresiune de deflaţie 
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English to Romanian
English to Romanian
English to Romanian
English to Romanian
depression left when the roof of a cave has collapsed(1) şanţ adânc 
English to Romanian
depression occuring in a permafrost area)depresiune din zonele 
English to Romanian
English to Romanian
desert pavement (a wide area of wind-polished, rounded stones in a desert)sol arid 
English to Romanian
desiccation (a progressive increase in aridity of an area)deshidratare 
English to Romanian
detrital mineralmineral detritic 
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English to Romanian
English to Romanian
dew pointpunct de rouă 
English to Romanian
dikedig, şanţ 
English to Romanian
dip (the angle of inclination of a panel, measured from the horizontal and perpendicular to the strike)înclinare, coborâre 
English to Romanian
discordant coast see Atlantic –Type Coastcoastă discordantă 
English to Romanian
discordant drainage see accordant drainagedrenaj discordant 
English to Romanian
discordant junction ( a junction where a tributary falls steeply just before it joins a river)joncţiune discordantă 
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English to Romanian
diurnal rangevariaţii de temperatură într-un intrval de 24 de h 
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