7,925 registrants

ProZ.com Networking Marathon

Oct 4, 2013

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ProZ.com users -- in Morocco -- registered for the event (15)
Checked in
Mustapha ACHIK Contact directly
Professional, Reliable and Transparent
Native in Arabic (Variant: Moroccan) Native in Arabic, Spanish Native in Spanish
Bio: Translator & interpreter
It's been 6 years since I started working as a freelance translator.
Message: I hope that this event will be an opportunity to get acquainted with new translators and interpreter throughout the world.
Checked in
Marwane Jaabari Contact directly
Accurate Engineering & Legal Translation
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic, French Native in French
Freelancer and outsourcer
INSEA, ATA, 13 years of experience
Checked in
jamila morchid Contact directly
Professional and precise
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic, Italian Native in Italian
BA-Chouaib doukkali university Marocco, 21 years of experience
Checked in
M. El Kadimi Contact directly
Accurate, professional translations
Native in Arabic (Variants: Moroccan, Standard-Arabian (MSA)) Native in Arabic, French (Variants: Moroccan, Standard-France) Native in French
BA-Ecole Normale Supérieure, 18 years of experience
Checked in
Faiçal Marzouq Contact directly
Trilingual, quick and efficient
Native in Arabic 
Arab Professional Translators Society (Arab Translators Network), MA-Université SMBA. Fez, Morocco. 2009. , ATN / APTS, 18 years of experience
Faiza Outalha Contact directly
Use the right language with Pearl
Native in Arabic (Variants: Libyan, Moroccan, Tunisian) Native in Arabic, French (Variants: Standard-France, Canadian, Swiss, African) Native in French
Freelancer and outsourcer
BA-Moulay Ismail, ATN / APTS, IAPTI, 20 years of experience
Youssef Tlemçani Contact directly
Trilingual, Quick & Efficient
Native in Arabic (Variants: UAE, Palestinian, Syrian, Libyan, Iraqi, Tunisian, Jordanian, Saudi , Moroccan, Kuwaiti, Standard-Arabian (MSA), Algerian, Yemeni, Sudanese, Lebanese, Egyptian) , French (Variants: African, Standard-France, Canadian, Swiss, Belgian, Moroccan) Native in French
Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, MA-King Fahd School of translation, 12 years of experience
Nada Abdelmoutaleb (X) Contact directly
Native in Arabic (Variants: Standard-Arabian (MSA), Moroccan) Native in Arabic, French (Variants: Swiss, Standard-France) Native in French
Karim Oualladi Contact directly
Localization & Technical Translation
Native in French Native in French, Arabic Native in Arabic
LASH, PHD-Ecole Mohammadia d'Ing�nieurs
Transervices Contact directly
French SEO and PPC Translation
Native in French (Variant: Standard-France) Native in French
BA-Pharmacy university Degree, 10 years of experience
-Mohamed Contact directly
Native in Arabic (Variants: Moroccan, Standard-Arabian (MSA)) Native in Arabic, French (Variant: Standard-France) Native in French
MA-Ecole Suprieure Roi Fahd de Traduction de Tanger, 14 years of experience
moradertibi Contact directly
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic
MA-Ecole Roi Fahd de traduction , 14 years of experience
ALMERCANA Contact directly
Communicate with the world
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic, English Native in English
Ministry of Justice in Morocco, Arab Professional Translators Society (Arab Translators Network), BA-High School of Translation, ATN / APTS, WATA, 11 years of experience
ayouri (X) Contact directly
Native in English Native in English, Finnish Native in Finnish