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Working languages:
English to French
Italian to French
Spanish to French

Karim Oualladi
Localization & Technical Translation

Local time: 03:58 +01 (GMT+1)

Native in: French Native in French, Arabic Native in Arabic
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No feedback collected
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a ProZ.com Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a ProZ.com Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at ProZ.com.
Services Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling, MT post-editing, Transcription, Training, Desktop publishing
Specializes in:
Business/Commerce (general)Construction / Civil Engineering
Engineering (general)Finance (general)
Law (general)Law: Contract(s)
Mechanics / Mech EngineeringTelecom(munications)
Automotive / Cars & TrucksInvestment / Securities

English to French - Standard rate: 0.05 EUR per word / 15 EUR per hour
Italian to French - Standard rate: 0.07 EUR per word / 25 EUR per hour
Spanish to French - Standard rate: 0.07 EUR per word / 30 EUR per hour
French to Arabic - Standard rate: 0.08 EUR per word / 25 EUR per hour
Arabic to French - Standard rate: 0.06 EUR per word / 20 EUR per hour

KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 538, Questions answered: 381, Questions asked: 16
Project History 3 projects entered

Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 1
Glossaries Army, Cooking, Documentation, Finance, General, Industry, Legal, Maritime, Medical, other
Translation education PhD - Ecole Mohammadia d'Ing�nieurs
Experience Years of experience: 6. Registered at ProZ.com: Feb 2004.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials English to French (LASH)
French to English (LASH)
Memberships N/A
Software AutoCAD, Dreamweaver, FrameMaker, Frontpage, Indesign, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Pagemaker, Adobe photoshop, AutoCad 2004, DreamWeaver, FrontPage, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project, Pagemaker, Powerpoint, QuarkXPress, SDLX, Trados Studio
Website http://www.freelang.com/dictionnaire/angtech_mar.html
* Localization

* Translation fields :

- IT /Telecom

- Finance

- Engineering: Civil engineering, hydraulics, Industry
Personal Online Dictionary @:

* Tools - DTP:

Adobe Photoshop CS2
Adobe PageMaker 7.0
Adobe FrameMaker 7.2
Adobe Illustrator CS2
Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0
Adobe Acrobat 7
QuarkXPress 5.1
Corel WordPerfect 8.
Macromedia Flash Pro 8
Macromedia Fireworks Mx 2004
Macromedia DreamWeaver 8
AutoCad R14

This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 575
PRO-level pts: 538

Top languages (PRO)
English to French518
French to English20
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 2 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Finance (general)109
Construction / Civil Engineering35
Engineering (general)34
Law (general)32
Mechanics / Mech Engineering24
Law: Contract(s)24
Automotive / Cars & Trucks24
Pts in 41 more flds >

See all points earned >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects3
With client feedback0
0 positive (0 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
English to French3
Specialty fields
Mining & Minerals / Gems1
Petroleum Eng/Sci1
Tourism & Travel1
Construction / Civil Engineering1
Energy / Power Generation1
Other fields
Keywords: Advertising and Public Relations Publicit� Literary translations Traductions litteraires medical med�cine legal juridique arts art literary litteraire web sites sites web journalism journalisme aerospace aerospatiale communication politics politique EU Europe Banque Mondiale World Bank Organization localization hotels food and menus tourisme bijoux jewelery design fashion/Haute Couture mode finance banking banque marketing press communiques pressehistory histoire Paris copywriting adaptation redaction children's-books art-literature artists photography cuisine vins interior design CV human ressources ressources humaines sciences sociales pays emergants Maroc Morocco French English Spanish Italian Arabic software localization multimedia marketing computer technology user manual press release annual report social sciences international trade environment Engineering hydraulics Industry cars agreements propectus rapports reports Finance hareholders' agrements, security assignment contracts Teamwork

Profile last updated
Apr 20, 2022

More translators and interpreters: English to French - Italian to French - Spanish to French   More language pairs