Networking Marathon Oct 4, 2013 Search registrants See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator users -- in Colombia -- registered for the event (36) |
 Checked in | Anna Matynian  Translations that read like originals Colombia Native in Russian  Freelancer | Baltic University of Foreign Languages , Baltic University of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication, GD-Baltic University of Foreign Languages and International Cooperation, 12 years of experience |
|  | Freddy Castañeda  Faithful Translation Colombia Native in Spanish (Variants: Latin American, US, Colombian)  Freelancer | Bio: High talented and qualified freelance translator with marked experience in the translation of a wide variety of documents, issues and materials from English into Spanish and vice versa, following established rules pertaining to factors such as word meanings, sentence st...ructure, grammar, punctuation and mechanics. Years of experience: 6More Less Message: Let us take the most and give the most! |
|  | Dario Moya  Accurate and high quality translations Colombia Native in Spanish  Freelancer | Cours de Civilisation Française de la Sorbonne, OTHER-Framingham State College, ATA, 20 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Claudia Botero  CTP Colombia Native in Spanish (Variants: Colombian, Latin American)  Freelancer | Bio: I am Biologist but I have been translating as a freelancer for 23 years now. I translate from English to Spanish and my native language is Spanish. Message: Hello every one have a nice day and learn a lot. |
|  Checked in | William Diaz  Experience and reliability Colombia Native in English (Variants: British, US)  , Spanish (Variants: Latin American, Colombian)  Freelancer | Bio: Official Translator (Spa-Eng) since 1995. Message: Hi, everyone. |
|  Checked in | Mauro Cabrera  English, French to Spanish Translator Colombia Native in Spanish  Freelancer | 40 years of experience |
|  Checked in | YOLANDA PATRICIA GOMEZ  Curious Translator and Expert Physician Colombia Native in Spanish (Variant: Colombian) Freelancer | Universidad del Rosario - Especialización en Traducción, GD-Universidad del Rosario |
|  Checked in | Luis Fernando Moreno  41 years experience Colombia Native in Spanish (Variants: Colombian, Latin American)  Freelancer | Bio: Translating since 1976 and loving it more each day! Message: I hope to see you there. |
|  Checked in | | 20 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Rosario Saenz  Colombia Native in English (Variant: US)  , Spanish (Variant: Colombian)  Freelancer | Ispeak, Centro Colombo Americano, 14 years of experience |
|  | Monique Sarah  Electronic & Telecom Engineer Colombia Native in Spanish (Variants: Latin American, Colombian) Freelancer | Alliance francaise en Colombie, GD-Engineer, 22 years of experience |
| |  | aorjuela (X)  Expert translation into Colombian LA Spa Colombia Native in Spanish  , English  Freelancer | 10 years of experience |
|  | Sergio Cortes  Merging the human factor and technology Colombia Native in Spanish (Variant: Colombian)  Freelancer | Bio: English - Spanish translator, 3-year experience in translation, knowledgeable in a wide variety of contexts and different kinds of texts. I am acquainted with CAT tools (Across and MemoQ) and I am also skilled in PDF conversion to word. |
|  | Carlos Sanmiguel  Accuracy, quality and speed Colombia Native in Spanish  Freelancer and outsourcer | Bio: Professional in Finance and International Relation, with post graduate studies in Negotiation, Conciliation and Arbitration. Devoted to my own translation company and to work as freelancers 7 years ago, and more of 15 years of experience in translation. I like reading, ...painting and sharing with my daughter. I'm highly professional and somehow obsessed with perfection and timely delivery of my work.More Less Message: Hello. I'm always happy to get in touch with new colleagues and agencies from around the world. Whenever you visit my country, you have a place to stay and a friend to help you in anything you need. |
| |  | | BA-Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, 28 years of experience |
|  | Lucia Guarin  Translator and business developer Colombia Native in Spanish (Variant: Latin American)  Freelancer | GD-Pontificia Universidad Javeriana , 16 years of experience |
| |  | Nicolás Flórez  Details are the core of everything Colombia Native in Spanish  Freelancer | Bio: Colombian translator, looking to settle a career in the translation field. Specializing in English-to-Spanish translations. Message: Greetings. |
|  | Carlos Moreno  Careful and fast - Software Engineer Colombia Native in Spanish Freelancer | 44 years of experience |
|  | PhillipDSX  Colombia Native in English  , Spanish  Freelancer | BA-Universidad EAN, 16 years of experience |
|  | MANDRACHEN  Endless dreams... Native in Spanish  Freelancer | 17 years of experience |
|  | Juan Gaviria  Specialized in environment and HR Colombia Native in Spanish  Freelancer | Universidad de Antioquia - Colombia, BA-B.A., Fre>Eng>Spa translator -Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia, 16 years of experience |
|  | | Bio: Ph.D. (c) in Translation and Interpretation Studies. Official Colombian translator since 1996. Background in Modern Languages, specialist in Translation, Master in Business Management and Master in Institutional Translation. Experienced business translator and researche...r. More Less Message: Let's celebrate our day by gathering together in this event. |
|  | sastokish  Colombia Native in Spanish (Variant: Colombian)  Freelancer | Asociación Colombiana de Traductores, Terminólogos e Intérpretes, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, OTHER-Traductor e Intérprete Oficial, 24 years of experience |
|  | Milena Alvarez  9-Year Experienced Legal Translator Colombia Native in Spanish (Variants: Latin American, Venezuelan)  Freelancer | Bio: I was born in Caracas, Venezuela, and I've lived there all my life. After graduating from highschool, I studied Modern Languages at Universidad Metropolitana and graduated with a minor in translation. During this time, I also performed as an actress in the Theater from the university, worked inside the university in the Institutional Promotion and Strategic Development Office (ODEPI because of its name in Spanish), supporting Mrs. Cecilia Vicentini in her work as Director of this office. Some time after graduation, I started working in Laboratorios Elmor, S.A. as a Bilingual Administrative Assistant, where I currently have a full time job and work as the Corporate Imgage Coordinator. In this posotion, I'm in charge of the standardization of the corporate imagen of the company in the packaging material of the products and the rest of the company. This is possible working as a team together with my coworkers in other areas in Venezuela as well as the other subsidiaries of the corporation and third parties (providers) from countries such as the Netherlands, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Israel, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Colombia, Panama, among others. Currently I'm also working as a freelancer translation of general texts and studying legal translation in CENDECO, UNIMET.More Less Message: Hello, everyone! I'm looking forward for hearing from you and your experiences in this workfield, which is kind of new for me, and I'm excited to get to know it. |
|  | | 37 years of experience |
|  | MARK7  Colombia Native in Spanish  Freelancer | OTHER-British Council, 22 years of experience |
|  | Daniel Sanchez  Accurate, affordable, reliable. Colombia Native in English  , Spanish  Freelancer | Bio: EN <> ES Medical and Scientific Translator. |
|  | | Bio: A Teacher by profession, a musician of occasion and a music lover for vocation. Researcher passionate about translation, ICT in education, e-learning and TEFL. Message: Hello everyone! I hope to share with you during the events. |
|  | | Bio: BA in Philology and languages, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Freelance interpreter and translator (medical and technology). Message: Hello dear colleagues ! |
|  | | University of Antioquia, BA-University of Antioquia, 16 years of experience |
|  | | BA-Universidad de Antioquia, 16 years of experience |
| |  | Ricky1280  Colombia Native in Spanish  Freelancer | 14 years of experience |
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