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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Tranlators' Initiative 2005

September 17, 2005, 12:00 am
IndiaNew DelhiIn personEnglish
Dear Friends

Kindly note the following;

For the proposed INDIAN TRANSLATORS MEET 2005 ( SEPT. 17, 2005)

1. Mr. R. Viswanathan, Joint Secretary (LAC), Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India has agreed to be our Chief Guest

2. Microsoft India has agreed to be the Principal Sponsor and they shall be presenting a Demo on Microsoft Office 2003 - Version that supports Indian Languages (20 Minutes)

And the Venue is.......
Residency Resorts, US1
Premises, Rao Tula Marg, Opposite Subroto Park, New Delhi –
110010. India

Thanks n Regards
Maswood Zafar
Event Organizer:

Niraja Nanjundan (X)

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (102) / Confirmed: 51 / Tentative: 9
Name NoteWill Attend
XSoftlingua (X)  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" .....  y
XNiraja Nanjundan (X)  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" I am interested in attending  y
Xmaszafar (X)   Definitely attending  y
Yesilyurt   I would like to attend to this Powwow  
XDIVLEEN BHATIA (X)   Very much interested in meeting all the other members  n
lovelysingh  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" \"Host\" I am interested to attend the event  y
Lu Yi   I will attend if I am still in India at that time. The organizer is a fun guy to meet and I am sure you will enjoy sharing insights about translation business with him  y
XGita Madhu (X)   It's going to be a great platform! Wish I could be there. Best Wishes.  n
seri21c   Have a great time though I can't partake.  
ms. jagruti trivedi   i m not sure about my participation. but i wish you all the best.  m
Xtatanya tanya  \"Photographer\" \"Host\" I would be interested in attending this most awaited event here.  y
Moorthy   T. Ramamoorthy  y
bishan sharma   looking forward to seeing the charm of difference  y
Rajan Chopra   It is exciting to learn that yet another powwow is being organized in Delhi which I think will certainly help linguists to exchange the ideas and explore the possibilities of collaboration in future. I wish the event every success.  
PRAKASH SHARMA   I tried my best, but couldn't arrange time. But wish all of you very best! Please make this event alive by discussing various matters about agencies and translators. And Please post the snaps and views discussed in this event surely!  
Shri Krishna Sharma   ...  y
Naveen Dhiman  \"Host\" I'll attend this meeting.  y
Sanjay Ray   I want to attend.  y
Manohar Roshan  \"Reporter\" I am looking forward for the most interesting event to attend. Wish you all the best for its success.  y
The Vision Translations   will attend  y
Narasimhan Raghavan   Will like to attend. Keep me posted.  
S.Paramesh Kumar  \"Host\" Wishing the Team & The Meet ALL SUCCESS!!  n
Xrarora06 (X)   would like to attend!  
RAHUL BAHL   I will attend the event  y
Anuja Trehan   I am interested to participate but really don't know if I can make it as I am outside Delhi  m
Deependra Pandey   I Will attend this Event.  y
Anil Bansal   I shall try my best to attend. Kudoz to Powwowians.  y
Dr. Salil Gupta, Ph.D.   I'd love to attend and look forward to meeting interesting people  y
Sharada M K   Hi.. Maswood, I would definitely be interested in coming.  y
akjha   Atit Kumar Jha  y
Vitthal Zalki   I am interested in attending, pls. let me know the about the details of venue and other matters.  m
Rajinder Arora   Forum - an opportunity to meet persons of similar interests.  y
Translation Valley   hi i will definitely be making to it.  y
D.R.Ravikkumar   I am very much interested to attend.  y
arnav   I am looking forward to atttend the event this year too. I hope this year we move forward to form an association to safeguard our interests and to give an organisational structure to Translation Industry in the country.  y
Xarvind_ram (X)   Not sure if i would be able to attend  m
Shailendra   I will certainly be there.  y
Xpavanks (X)  \"Host\"  I am very much interested to attend.  y
Raghunathan Rajagopalan   yes - i would love to come over and interact with fellow translators and exchange views  y
C.M. Rawal   Yes, I would attend.  y
nkaur   It is not possible for me to attend, as my schedule is very tight  n
Ravishankar Govindraj  \"Reporter\" Sorry, there will be a next time  n
Anmol  \"Reporter\" I've made my travel arrangements!  y
kundan kumar   I will attend.  y
Xa asdf (X)   ...  
XDr. Debjani Banerjee (X)  \"Host\" A Common Platform for All  y
Hannah Sanders   I think it is going to be a great experience!  y
truptee   I wish the POWWOW all the very best. But would not be able to attend.  n
amrita raghunandan   wish i could have been there this year too. all the best !  n
Xgermanarul   M.Arulsamy, <[email protected]>,Tirupur,Tamilnadu. I am quite interested in the programme. Please let me know further details. Thanking you, ARUL  m
Ritu Bhanot  \"Photographer\" Interested and would love to participate.  y
Mrunmayee Pitkar   Definitely interested in partcipating. Keep me posted on the when and where.  
Anuj Goswami   Let us make this event a great success. Hope we all are going to contribute at our best.  y
mustaqeem ansari  \"Reporter\" I am very intersting meet you  
Xkalpen shukla (X)   Hello, All the BEST !! I am tied up else where.... Kalpen from TransProz  n
neha shah   maybe  
sowmya   yes I am intersted  y
Arun Singh   Sorry! I am not attending.  
nlingua   Sorry, not in town today  n
Vrishali   Better luck next time...but wish u all gala of a time...all the very best.njoy.  
hira   Yes, I shall attend the pow wow.  
Vimal Panchal   Okay, I'm attending the meet. Looking forward to see you all on 17th there.  y
Jaya Bhat   hey, masood, it is great to know that 2nd powwow is happening delhi. that too young people like u showing interest. i will b there.  
Bhaskara Rao S   Very much interestd to meet our birds of same feathre and so much wish to know more about powwow. Any how, feel it's my previlage to attend something rare meet like this.  y
Vineeta Chitale   vinitac/ Would have loved to attend, but will be abroad those days!  
India Sublime  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" \"Host\" Hi, I would like to attend the Powwow India.  
kk singh   I shall attend if nothing unusual happens.  y
XBrandis (X)  \"Photographer\" I am extremely sorry, but due to overload of work I will not be able to make it. Thank you all and have a good time. Brandis  n
Xgupta (X)   I will attend this event.  y
Kulwant-Zubaidah Madan   It would be great if we can attend. Look forward to the meeting.  m
Xmvibhor   mvibhor: I am very much interested to attend this event. This will be my first time to attend such a event where I can meet all the intellectuals/linguists. Is there any fees for attending this meet.?  
Vikram Malhotra  \"Reporter\" \"Host\" Hi Maswood...I'd love to attend this event please send me some more details  y
Raintree  \"Reporter\" We would love to attend. Could you send us some more details please.  m
keshab   As usual to me, I was late to know about this great event.and at the same time I feel sorry for not to be present at such an event as I shall out of the station on those date. I wish wholeheartedly its success.  n
Ravi Kumar  \"Reporter\" I am convenor of the meet. For more details you may please send mails.  y
lokesh.goel   Hi Ravi (Moglingua) - Pls tell me how to register for this meeting .. my Id id [email protected]  y
KK   i shall attend as my daughter Anjali Sengar will not be able to do so.  y
Vrinda Sarkar   Can't attend due to personal and professional responsibilities  n
XSALIM SALIM   I am interested to attend the event  y
Indrani Pushilal   Indrani Pushilal  y
sandhya   Great to hear of another translators meet! Will definitely attend.  y
ishi   I think it would be a great experience.  y
Seema Ugrankar   Wish you all a Great Success !!!  
Muthuswamy Natarajan   Dr.M.Natarajan:I am interested in the meet.What sort of help the organisors can give for travellors from Far off places.  
XDej   i would like to attend the meet  
Venugopal S   I am interested but less chance to attend the meeting  m
Nagasamy   I wish to attend  y
Devang Bhakta   Would like to come,but late to know  n
Xkapardi (X)   Wish to meet other scholarly collegues. But staying away from the venue makes it difficult for me to attend such nice event! I wish the event would be a grand success!!  n
XAmbedkar  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" I dont want to miss this oppertunity, but it is too short to book my tickrt from Hyderabad to Delhi. Any how I will try my luck to get accomodation in A.P. Express applying for emergencey quota. Hope I can get it...(?)  y
anuchop   it is raining, do not think wll b able to make it. It is very far from Old Delhi.  
Pawan Jain   I will come in powwow, pls. send further detail or pass, if any.  
Xmanav  \"Reporter\" Count me in.....  y
isabellen   Priya Pall - will be returning to Delhi that day, will really try to make it.  m
Kalyani Menon   Here's wishing the meet all success! Will however not be able to attend.  n
Satyam Varma   Best wishes for a very successful and fruitful event. I will not be able to attend despite my eagerness. Sending my contribution.  
wordfan  \"Reporter\" hi, i am outside anybody interested to hold meet in mumbai? i am interested.thnks & wish u best..  
anoushka7  \"Reporter\" \"Host\" will definately attend  y
Tejinder Soodan   I wish the POWWOW every success.  n
MaheshP   Wish You all the best ! Currently I am out of India, next time will try to attend.  
XJaspreet ahuja   ...  

Postings about this event

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Powwow: New Delhi - India
Cabinet Huertos
Cabinet Huertos
Local time: 13:01
to maswood Mar 19, 2005

The organizer is a friendly guy who usually helps in case of problems. Thank you Maswood. I hope we'll always keep in touch

Softlingua (X)
Softlingua (X)
Local time: 17:31
Norwegian to English
+ ...
To Patricia Mar 19, 2005

Thanks Patri, hope you will be here in India to join us...

Shri Krishna Sharma
Shri Krishna Sharma  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:31
English to Hindi
+ ...
POWWOW at Delhi Jun 5, 2005

I am outside Delhi and will try to be there if I can make it possible.

Deependra Pandey
Deependra Pandey  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:31
Member (2005)
English to Hindi
+ ...
To Mr. Maswood Jul 5, 2005

Dear Maswood, would like to handle few activities there. Pls assign, as I am not able to edit responsibility (Ikon) part.

Deependra Pandey
Deependra Pandey  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:31
Member (2005)
English to Hindi
+ ...
To Mr. Maswood Jul 5, 2005

Dear Maswood, would like to handle few activities there. Pls assign, as I am not able to edit responsibility (Ikon) part: Rgds, Deependra

Ravishankar Govindraj
Ravishankar Govindraj
Local time: 17:31
English to Gujarati
+ ...
Brihaspati Jul 17, 2005

I like to attend

Anuj Goswami
Anuj Goswami  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:31
Bengali to Hindi
+ ...
Venue for Tranlators' Initiative 2005 Jul 25, 2005

Dear Membbers,

As per the discussion in last Sturday's pre-meet two Venues were checked out today and after a concern of few active members it is decided that the Residency resort where the last year's meet held is a better option for this year also.
Plz post your veiws on this issue ASAP, so that booking can be done at the earliest.


Translators' Initiative Team

Local time: 17:31
Venue Aug 7, 2005


Can you specify the exact name of the venue so that visitors from outside Delhi can make their hotel arrangements?


Anil Gidwani, Anmol Translation Services

Brandis (X)
Brandis (X)
Local time: 13:01
English to German
+ ...
Venue details please Aug 8, 2005

Venue details, hotel etc., whereabouts so that I, if necessary can undergo suitable arrangements. Brandis

Deependra Pandey
Deependra Pandey  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:31
Member (2005)
English to Hindi
+ ...
Venue Details for TRANSLATORS MEET 2005 Aug 8, 2005

Dear Brandis

Thanks for your interest and for your note. Here are the details for your pursual.

Residency Resorts
US1 Premises
Rao Tula Marg
Opposite Subroto Park
New Delhi–110010, INDIA

For more, you may get in touch as per below:

Ravi Kumar
K-5/B, Lower Ground Floor,
Kalkaji, New Delhi –110019
Tel: 0091-11-26291676
... See more
Dear Brandis

Thanks for your interest and for your note. Here are the details for your pursual.

Residency Resorts
US1 Premises
Rao Tula Marg
Opposite Subroto Park
New Delhi–110010, INDIA

For more, you may get in touch as per below:

Ravi Kumar
K-5/B, Lower Ground Floor,
Kalkaji, New Delhi –110019
Tel: 0091-11-26291676
E-mail:[email protected]

Best Regards
Deependra Pandey
Cell: +91 9811 638883

  What are these?

kk singh
kk singh
Local time: 17:31
English to Hindi
+ ...
tenure of translators meet Aug 19, 2005

Mr Ravi kumar; would u pl let me know the exact date and duration of meet in Delhi.


Softlingua (X)
Softlingua (X)
Local time: 17:31
Norwegian to English
+ ...
Information regd. MEET Aug 20, 2005

For any details regd. Translators' Meet, please send a request mail to [email protected]

Rajinder Arora
Rajinder Arora  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:31
French to English
+ ...
'May Be' Aug 21, 2005

All those members who have shown their option as 'May Be' are requested to please confirm their participation ASAP and forward their details to the organizers to facilitate making necessary arrangements. Thanks.
Rajinder Arora

kk singh
kk singh
Local time: 17:31
English to Hindi
+ ...
Translators meet Aug 22, 2005

I shall attend the meet in place of my daughter Anjali Sengar.

KK Singh

Ravi Kumar
Ravi Kumar  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:31
Member (2005)
Hindi to English
+ ...
Duration Aug 25, 2005

Hi all Indian Translators Meert shall be for a day on 17th Sept. 2005. ( 0900 Hrs-1800 Hrs)

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