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September 22, 2016, 12:00 pm
United StatesLos AngelesIn personEnglish

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (11) / Confirmed: 3 / Tentative: 3
Name NoteWill Attend
Stephen Rifkind  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
Angelina Galanska  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" [email protected]  m
Tzviya Levin Rifkind   ...  y
Thomas Walker   Would love to go, but I live in Phoenix & just can't make it to LA at that time.  n
Gloria Aristizábal   ...  
Xfarid habibzada (X)   Farid Habibzada  
Elena Jones   ...  m
lysander canlas   ...  y
Sylvie Pelissier   Next time hopefully  n
FrancesGiannoni  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Francesca Giannoni  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Los Angeles - United States
Stephen Rifkind
Stephen Rifkind  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:53
Member (2004)
French to English
+ ...
Details Jun 27, 2016

The powwow will be at the Marriot Courtyard Hotel in Woodland Hills (corner of Ventura and Sepulveda, near 405 and 101). My wife and I hold one every year during my family visit to LA. We look forward to meeting and comparing notes and wisdom.

Stephen Franke
Stephen Franke
United States
Local time: 20:53
English to Arabic
+ ...
Pow-wow in LA Area - what date, please? Jun 27, 2016

Greetings... shalom...

Thank you for your post about that planned annual pow-wow in the Los Angeles area.

Kindly clarify what is the proposed date for that interesting event?

Yours will likely be the first such gathering of professional translators and interpreters located in southern California since the now-defunct volunteer-run SCATIA association unraveled and disbanded a few years back.

Thanks in advance for your attention and advisement on the dat
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Greetings... shalom...

Thank you for your post about that planned annual pow-wow in the Los Angeles area.

Kindly clarify what is the proposed date for that interesting event?

Yours will likely be the first such gathering of professional translators and interpreters located in southern California since the now-defunct volunteer-run SCATIA association unraveled and disbanded a few years back.

Thanks in advance for your attention and advisement on the date of that pow-wow. Today is Monday, June 27, 2016.


Stephen H. Franke
San Pedro (Los Angeles Waterfront Area)

Stephen Rifkind
Stephen Rifkind  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:53
Member (2004)
French to English
+ ...
Apologies for late response Jul 14, 2016

Dear fellow Stephen (with a ph also)

First of all, my apologies for the late reply. We were on vacation in Ireland and ignoring non-essential life.

In response to your queries, the date is September 22 at the Crown Courtyard Hotel in Woodland Hills. Actually there is our 3rd powwow in LA as I visit my parents there once a year. My wife and I have had the pleasure of meeting many interesting and even inspiring fellow translators. I look forward to meeting you and any oth
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Dear fellow Stephen (with a ph also)

First of all, my apologies for the late reply. We were on vacation in Ireland and ignoring non-essential life.

In response to your queries, the date is September 22 at the Crown Courtyard Hotel in Woodland Hills. Actually there is our 3rd powwow in LA as I visit my parents there once a year. My wife and I have had the pleasure of meeting many interesting and even inspiring fellow translators. I look forward to meeting you and any others.

lysander canlas
lysander canlas  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 23:53
English to Tagalog
+ ...
what's it all about, ... Aug 18, 2016

it's nice of you to host a powwow. what time-period; what may we bring; and, what should we be prepared to do, e.g., pool-side? west l.a. is a challenge for those who have to go through l.a. traffic -- like myself, specially i-405 and ca-101 during rush hours -- which is becoming almost the whole day for those routes. so, i suggest a lunch meeting.

thank you.

Stephen Rifkind
Stephen Rifkind  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:53
Member (2004)
French to English
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Once again I didn't see the comment. Oops Sep 4, 2016

Having lived in LA many moons ago, I agree that traffic is an issue. On the other hand, lunch meetings involve time during the day, when many people work. Is 7:30 better than 7:00 in terms of traffic patterns? Please let us know.

lysander canlas
lysander canlas  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 23:53
English to Tagalog
+ ...
providing details for l.a. powwow Sep 15, 2016

your "details" are confusing because they've been provided in incomplete bits and pieces.

first, google maps shows that the courtyard marriott in sherman oaks is @ 15433 Ventura Blvd, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403, corner of ventura blvd AND orion ave, NOT as you mentioned "corner of sepulveda blvd" -- it's just WEST of i-405. there's large strip mall just EAST of i-405, on the corner of sepulveda blvd. it seems like the only pedetrian path from that strip mall's parking to the hotel is vi
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your "details" are confusing because they've been provided in incomplete bits and pieces.

first, google maps shows that the courtyard marriott in sherman oaks is @ 15433 Ventura Blvd, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403, corner of ventura blvd AND orion ave, NOT as you mentioned "corner of sepulveda blvd" -- it's just WEST of i-405. there's large strip mall just EAST of i-405, on the corner of sepulveda blvd. it seems like the only pedetrian path from that strip mall's parking to the hotel is via the sidewalk on the northside of ventura blvd, which goes across the exit / entry ramp to i-405. i assume that that's a busy ramp.

HOWEVER, there is another smaller strip mall one block WEST of courtyard, on the corner of ventura & firmament, from where one doesn't have to go across an highway ramp!

why can't we park at the hotel? inadequate parking or expensive?

second, from long beach, to get there at 7:30pm, i have to leave at 5:30. those coming from farther have to leave a bit earlier. those periods are the height of the commute traffic tie-ups. 8pm would probably be better, even though we might end-up staying later. folks will, most likely, go home at a time most convenient for them to still be good for the next work-day, fri.

third, what are we suppose to bring and be ready for what activities? if this will be just a cocktail hour gathering, then we'll know that we have to provide for our own dinner. which particular room / restaurant / bar in the hotel are you going to use?

after you provide complete details in one posting, then i think you can realistic poll who's coming, might come & won't come.

Stephen Rifkind
Stephen Rifkind  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:53
Member (2004)
French to English
+ ...
Clarifiations Sep 15, 2016

Dear Lysander,

Thank you for your queries.

I apologize for any lack of clarity. Jet lag fogs the mind.

In response, indeed the hotel is located on Ventura two blocks west of Sepulveda. The address is 15433 Ventura Blvd. The parking on Orion is free while the hotel parking is plentiful but not cheap. The hotel offers meals, deserts and drinks. Choose what you like. The meeting will be at the lounge at the entrance to the hotel. In terms of agenda, chit chat, in
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Dear Lysander,

Thank you for your queries.

I apologize for any lack of clarity. Jet lag fogs the mind.

In response, indeed the hotel is located on Ventura two blocks west of Sepulveda. The address is 15433 Ventura Blvd. The parking on Orion is free while the hotel parking is plentiful but not cheap. The hotel offers meals, deserts and drinks. Choose what you like. The meeting will be at the lounge at the entrance to the hotel. In terms of agenda, chit chat, introductions and maybe a short "lecture" discussion. My experience with translator meetings is that a formal agenda is not generally required. We have enough to say as it is. As for the hour, I understand the traffic issue. Arrive when you can. I think 8:00 will be too late. We'll be down at 7:00 but understand that people may arrive later.

I hope that clears up all issues.

FrancesGiannoni  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:53
English to Italian
+ ...
The-Los-Angeles-Translators-and-Interpreters-Group is open to new members Sep 16, 2016

Hello to all members who will be attending this PowHow.
My name is Frances I am an Italian < > English translator. About 2 years ago, I have created a meetup group called " Los Angeles Translator and Interpreters meetup group", we meet once or twice a month in coffee shops or private home, we organize workshops, social networking events and sometimes potlucks.
If you are interested to become members of this group, please check it
... See more
Hello to all members who will be attending this PowHow.
My name is Frances I am an Italian < > English translator. About 2 years ago, I have created a meetup group called " Los Angeles Translator and Interpreters meetup group", we meet once or twice a month in coffee shops or private home, we organize workshops, social networking events and sometimes potlucks.
If you are interested to become members of this group, please check it up on this link and sign in.


FrancesGiannoni  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:53
English to Italian
+ ...
Pow-wow in LA Area - what date, please? Sep 16, 2016

Hello, actually there is this other group that I have created 2 years ago and includes more than 100 translators in LA county

Hello to all members who will be attending this PowHow. My name is Frances I am an Italian < > English translator. About 2 years ago, I have created a meetup group called " Los Angeles Translator and Interpreters meetup group", we meet once or twice a month in coffee shops or private home, we organize workshops, social networking events and sometimes potl
... See more
Hello, actually there is this other group that I have created 2 years ago and includes more than 100 translators in LA county

Hello to all members who will be attending this PowHow. My name is Frances I am an Italian < > English translator. About 2 years ago, I have created a meetup group called " Los Angeles Translator and Interpreters meetup group", we meet once or twice a month in coffee shops or private home, we organize workshops, social networking events and sometimes potlucks.
If you are interested to be members of this group, please check it up on this link and sign in.

Please visit the webpage and sign-up if you want to be a member


Frances Giannoni


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